French Creators's Avatar
crafting baguette...
We have baguette, good wine and awesome creators!
  • About

    French Creators is meant to bring active french creators together.

    This group act as a beacon for french community, to share, enjoy and work together on projects. This group provides help to work, translate, share, recruit, or promote. Or simply have a talk!

    Most of our works are in english, and sometime in French!

    So, take a look at our works
  • FAQs

    How to join the group
    To join, you need to fill these conditions:
    • speak french (or very similar language)
    • be active on PMC
    • have reached level 30
    If you fill most of these conditions, feel free to send a message with your presentation and your work to an admin or a manager.
    How to write my application
    Nothing very specific or required. We just want to know who you are and what you do.
    You can also tell us about your latest big project!

    Write in English and French (a little of both please)

    Here's a list of ideas for you to pick from:
    • I am a student | worker | retired
    • I live in the area of ...
    • I have a pet that ...
    • My favorite food is ...
    • In Minecraft, I'm mainly involved in ...
    • I want to join you because ...
    And anything else you can think of!
  • Group Members

    FunkyToc's AvatarAwhikax's AvatarRignchen's AvatarSilvathor's AvatarStoupy51's AvatarEclairDeFeu360's AvatarGeoCobra's AvatarPiggyPig's AvatarVindi_'s Avatar
  • Wall Posts

  • Content Gallery

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  • Collections

    1 - 2 of 2

    1 - 2 of 2

  • RPG Datapacks

    Gorify [1.21]
    Combat Set : Shield Nerf [1.20] (WAITING 1.21 TO REBOOT)
    Travelers [1.21] Speed Paths
    RP Campfire [1.21]
    Ocean Breaths [1.21]
  • Cosmetics

    Gorify [1.21]
    Chairify [1.21]
    Sparkles [1.19]
Planet Minecraft


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