Announcing Content Collaboration!share

Cyprezz's AvatarCyprezz2/16/22 12:26 pm history
53 emeralds 1.2k 19
2/19/2022 1:58 pm
Berezka's AvatarBerezka
Hello PMC!

Today, we're introducing the ability to collaborate on individual content publications! Content includes Maps, Skins, Texture Packs, Data Packs, Blogs, Servers, etc.

Similar to thread collaboration, you can invite members to help edit and update a submission. Collaboration is completely optional feature but it can be quite useful and fun for those that work well together. Team work!

This update is arriving with a change to how the Group content permission is handled. Now the group content permission means the member can publish to the group but only edit their own contributions NOT all group content. Group admin still maintains overall control over group content. Read more in this thread.

A few reasons you might invite content collaborators

  • Formally crediting, promoting & trusting others when they contributed to the content.
  • Make it easier to keep a complex or long term project or tutorial up to date.
  • Delegate tasks to divide and conquer based on talents. i.e. Maybe you wrote a short story that could use illustrations?
  • Allowing a trusted friend to review or proof read your work prior to publication.

Requirements & Limitations

  1. You must be level 5+ to invite collaborators but you can invite members of any level.
  2. Content must be DRAFTED or LIVE.
  3. You can invite up to 5 members to collaborate per submission.
  4. XP only goes to the original author of the content. Sorry, sharing XP would introduce ways of abusing the feature as well as technical complexities.

How do I invite members to collaborate on my content?

  1. Save at least a draft of your content.
  2. "Edit" and you'll see a new tab labeled "Collaboration".
  3. Invite up to 5 members.

Invited to be a collaborator?

If you're invited to be a collaborator on someone's content, you'll receive a notification. You can choose to accept or decline. If you decline, you can't be invited again. If you accept, you'll be listed as a collaborator of the content and gain access to making changes! You can leave the collaboration at anytime.

What can collaborators change?

Collaborators have permission to edit the title, categories, description, tags and media.
Collaborators don't have permission to manage collaborators, publish drafts or draft published content.

Check out system

If you're collaborating on content, you may eventually run into the check out system. This system helps prevent multiple collaborators from overwriting changes. The system itself does a good job of explaining and managing control. Ideally, you won't even know it's there.

Managing Collaborative Content

If you're collaborating on content, you'll find it separated on your content management page.

What do you think?

I thought my brain was going to explode managing this update and covering every use case in conjunction with groups. I'm sure there will be tweaks but the hardest part should be over. :D Hope the community has fun with the flexibility of working together.
Posted by Cyprezz's Avatar
Admin / Lead Developer
Level 71 : Legendary Cyborg Programmer

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02/19/2022 1:30 pm
Level 57 : Grandmaster Procrastinator Artist
-Valery's Avatar
Forum collaborations, Groups and now Content Collaborations
That's hella lot of work right here
02/19/2022 12:51 pm
Level 84 : Elite Jarl
Aspirin60's Avatar
That's great! I love the ''groups'' update!! We are a big patchwork family!

02/19/2022 12:38 pm
He/Him • Level 54 : Grandmaster Geek
Minibabu's Avatar
Really nice feature.
But Sir
When will you make it possible to ping (@) people on phone?
02/19/2022 12:33 pm
Level 38 : Artisan uwu
Parine's Avatar
** in a not negative way i just was always wanting this
02/19/2022 11:33 am
Level 76 : Legendary Sus
Nitgo's Avatar
I'm gonna collab with my alt account on everything from now on lol.
02/19/2022 11:35 am
Level 4 : Apprentice Miner
NitgoTest's Avatar
Yo, I feel loved 💞
02/19/2022 12:36 pm
He/Him • Level 54 : Grandmaster Geek
Minibabu's Avatar
02/16/2022 4:37 pm
Level 25 : Expert Miner
binjaigaming's Avatar
Another new feature? Great! Can't wait to use this feature.
02/16/2022 2:24 pm
Level 23 : Expert Explorer
ImQuiting404's Avatar
That's very great!
02/16/2022 2:21 pm
Any/All • Level 55 : Grandmaster uwu Kitten
Campestral's Avatar
This is huge! Thank you PMC team ♥️
YSG the Fox
02/16/2022 1:47 pm
Level 22 : Expert Network
YSG the Fox's Avatar
02/16/2022 12:56 pm
Level 49 : Master Architect
Berezka's Avatar
Great update! I dont know programming and I dont know how hard it is to implement the sharing of experience between collaborators, but in my opinion this is the most important part of this update. Maybe, later?
02/16/2022 1:11 pm
He/Him • Level 88 : Elite Scapegoat Programmer
Paril's Avatar
We've been going back and forth internally over the idea of XP sharing. So far, we've landed on *not* allowing this behavior because of various complexities involved in calculating this. That doesn't mean we won't change our mind, but, for now, I think it's more important to have users be able to show their group affiliations, and maybe their contributions to that group, at a glance so you can see how much they've contributed to a group's experience.

However, I understand the catch 22 here: if a new user joins a group and *only* contributes to the group, they'll be forever stuck at level 1. It's something we've been thinking about but haven't landed on a good solution for.
02/19/2022 1:58 pm
Level 49 : Master Architect
Berezka's Avatar
I have an idea - all XP for current group project going to one person, and this you can define in settings
02/16/2022 12:51 pm
He/Him • Level 68 : High Grandmaster Guard Bear
Silabear's Avatar
02/16/2022 12:45 pm
Level 25 : Expert Birb
Erynn's Avatar
Love the updates! Can't wait to do collabs with ease!
02/16/2022 12:41 pm
Level 53 : Grandmaster Nerd
Noobator's Avatar
On a roll with these recent updates, they're all much appreciated 🙏
02/16/2022 12:30 pm
Level 70 : Legendary Engineer
Bertiecrafter's Avatar
You've been busting out some really cool updates! Almost makes me think you've also been taken over by Microsoft >_>
02/16/2022 12:31 pm
He/Him • Level 88 : Elite Scapegoat Programmer
Paril's Avatar
I cannot confirm nor deny that Phil Spenser himself had everything (or nothing) to do with this update.
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