LOGIN troubles: anyone else seeing this? [Seeking work-around / kluge]accessible

ScotsMiser's AvatarScotsMiser4/12/24 1:29 am history
5/20/2024 12:32 pm
ScotsMiser's AvatarScotsMiser
Recently it has been taking many tries (sometimes spread over half an hour or more) and multiple clearing of history/cache to log-in.
(Failed to validate your humanity message.)

This is despite copy/pasting the email and password (assuring their correctness) [​The same issue occurs if the info is hand typed, so the copy paste is not at issue…]

Previously this only occurred on the first attempt (i.e. previously, it was necessary to fail one login attempt before the proper information would be accepted).

While there may be moves afoot to remedy this situation from the side of the site,

I would be MOST interested if anyone has found a reliable work-around in the meanwhile…

[​Staying permanently logged in and 'just keep trying' do not count as viable answers]
Posted by ScotsMiser's Avatar
Level 41 : Master Miner

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05/20/2024 12:32 pm
Level 41 : Master Miner
ScotsMiser's Avatar
Only took about 30 minutes to fight my way past the BROKEN LOGIN this time (as oppossed to 4 hours last time)

Still waiting on an actual fix
05/16/2024 10:05 pm
Level 41 : Master Miner
ScotsMiser's Avatar
This issue is back (with a vengeance — and not the fun Yippee ki yay CENSORED kind)…

FOUR hours of fighting the system just now.
The Last Kirbalorian
04/12/2024 9:29 pm
Level 43 : Master Skinner Waffle
The Last Kirbalorian's Avatar
Not sure if this would help but when it happens to me I usually move my mouse around randomly before pressing the login button, because that's one way it detects if you are human (Not 100% sure though) by seeing if your mouse moves perfectly straight. I doubt this was helpful but just wanted to see if this helps
04/13/2024 3:08 am
Level 41 : Master Miner
ScotsMiser's Avatar
Any port in a storm…

THX will see if that helps…
04/12/2024 1:13 pm
Level 39 : Artisan System Geek
SatoshiHikari's Avatar
for me it seems to always be chrome based browsers that do this to me while anything firefox based never has this problem
04/12/2024 9:17 pm
Level 41 : Master Miner
ScotsMiser's Avatar
Actually using Firefox (because of problems with Brave)
04/12/2024 1:06 pm
He/Him • Level 38 : Artisan Procrastinator Cookie
sniffercraft34's Avatar
Why don't you just save your passwords?
04/12/2024 9:21 pm
Level 41 : Master Miner
ScotsMiser's Avatar
Not clear what you mean, but I'm very disinclined to keep a record of account ifo anywhere on the net.

Copy/paste for me means typing and proofing the email and password in a word processing document, then using that as the source to avoid typos.
04/13/2024 4:47 am
He/Him • Level 38 : Artisan Procrastinator Cookie
sniffercraft34's Avatar
Maybe use a password manager?
04/14/2024 2:36 am
Level 41 : Master Miner
ScotsMiser's Avatar
Aside from the security risks, I doubt that would help as the issue is not with sending the email and password but with the site [​or the site's verification software] incorrectly refusing….

Given that it does work on occasion [​e.g. just now] the problem is clearly not with the password/email but the 'verification' software.

THX for the ideas in any case.
04/12/2024 12:07 pm
Level 20 : Expert Scribe
Escapazition's Avatar
This does happen to me sometimes. I think there’s a second site that checks to see if you “verified your humanity”.
I’ll log out and try different things.
04/12/2024 12:28 pm
Level 20 : Expert Scribe
Escapazition's Avatar
So when I tried it, I got the message the first time, but never again. No matter what I did, I couldn’t get the message again. So instead, I started looking into the “second site” I was talking about.

The software that checks your humanity is REcaptcha. What it does is watch what you do when you sign in and determines whether or not you are a bot. So it sounds like there’s something about your device that causes REcaptcha is mistake you for a bot. The best thing to do would be to switch browsers or devices to see if that helps.
04/12/2024 2:33 am
Level 5 : Apprentice Warrior
Pangin11's Avatar
lol never happened to me! I use edge
04/12/2024 1:35 am
Level 11 : Journeyman Miner
anonpmc4226404's Avatar
04/12/2024 1:52 am
Level 41 : Master Miner
ScotsMiser's Avatar
No google account: I object to their 'privacy' concept, but thanks for the recommendation.
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