Frequently Asked Questions

PMC's AvatarPMC7/30/14 8:17 pm history
4 emeralds 60k
People make the same threads.
Here are some of your most frequently asked questions

First of all, check the faq, it has many answers to your questions.

My Submission/Post/Comment Won't Load
PlanetMineCraft has a lot of traffic. PMC has to devote a portion of itself to each skin, project, and forum post, which causes traffic that slows down the site. The more activity/traffic there is on the site, the less data PMC can devote to your post, which explains why your submission might always be "loading"

To fix this problem, wait a few mins and try again when the traffic cools down.

Inappropriate/Invasive Ad - Ad Reporting
If you find an ad that is either:

-Invasive (pop-outs)

Please report them to Paril: http://www.planetminecraft.com/account/pms/new/Paril/
Or to a Super Mod: http://www.planetminecraft.com/team/

How do I delete my Planet Minecraft account?
To delete your account and all associated data, please make a private ticket so your request can be assigned to our Admin.

Please note account deletion is permanent and irreversible. If you are seeking to delete an account to make another for reasons such as name changes or changing your associated email, lets us know and we can help!

How do I appeal a warning or a ban on my Planet Minecraft account?
Please make a private ticket and a different moderator than the one involved in your related account moderation will review and respond!

Any other mods are kindly welcomed to add to this thread.
Posted by PMC's Avatar
Level 100 : Transcendent Cake

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