LostCraft Reborn >> 1.18...allows back to 1.12 viaversion >>Factions Eco

djl0st12's Avatardjl0st122/18/22 7:59 pm
1 emeralds 39
Server Name: LostCraft Reborn
IP: play.lostcraftreborn.com
Server style: factions/eco/survival
Server discord: use /discord in game
Server rules: basically.. act like a human being and not an animal
plugins and features: factions, jobs, mcmmo, brewery (you can craft alcohol, wildernesstp, and a widescale investment in a set of plugins to ensure a consistently fair experience for everyone.

Server Website: Coming Soon

Brand new server. Come be the first to make your mark! We are aiming for an old school style more "vanilla" factions experience. Yes there are some amenities and quality of life additions. However, we have no crates, no donation ranks or kits.. just minecraft..just factions!
Posted by djl0st12's Avatar
Level 5 : Apprentice Miner

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