✭✦ Galaxy Version 2.0 ✦✭star

TheGalacticNetwork's AvatarTheGalacticNetwork9/25/22 5:43 am history
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9/27/2022 12:23 am
TheGalacticNetwork's AvatarTheGalacticNetwork

Click Here for our Website!
IP: Play.mcGalaxy.co

Today, we are proud to announce the official launch of our updated server!

We are an economy based semi-vanilla survival server with frequent updates! We aim to offer many exciting features which allow players to fully enjoy the Minecraft survival experience. By consistently doing our best to bring players a swift response from our staff team we provide our members with an open world to explore & build upon freely! We hope you’ll consider joining our community!!

A note for the current community
Since January 2018, we have been putting our effort towards creating the perfect survival experience.

Over the years, many things have changed - from our playerbase, to features, the website, server versions, events and much more.
It is for that reason we would like to take a moment to thank all the members who've stuck with us over the years. It's been a long road, however we are very proud to have you all in our community. In the past, Galaxy was a place of open communication, acceptance & happy times all thanks to you!

Together, we hope to build more great memories in our revamped server & community!

We are proud to provide a place where all types of players can relax, enjoy and have fun together.

Finally, Let's get into the details!

The classic survival experience is one of excitement, new discovery, creation and more. On our server, we do our best to not infringe on this experience while offering quality-of-life improvements, new features, an economy system, and more. Upon your first time joining our server, you'll notice you have been equipped with a starter kit containing various iron tools and armor, as well as some food! Use these materials to start your adventure.

To quickly jump into the action (bypass spawn) you may visit our scouting location at /warp wild!

All players have immediate access to -

/Menu ➤Access all our features in one place!
/Report ➤Instantly report bugs, glitches, or even other players directly to staff!
3 /Sethomes ➤Save locations to return to later via /home.
/Back (On Death) ➤Return to your last teleported location! Works after deaths!
/Tpa ➤Request to teleport to another player.
/Pv ➤Access a virtual player vault of storage.
/Dispose or /Trash ➤Open a trash GUI to dispose of troublesome clutter anytime!
/Recipe ➤Look up the crafting recipe of any item at a moments notice!
And so much more!! ➤Checkout more details on our knowledge base!

The Main Menu

This GUI menu acts as an easy-to-use hub for all features & information on our server. Here, you may view your profile, change personal options, claim your daily bonus, view stats, access server warps, view your LunarPass, access your unlocked cosmetics, and much more! We are constantly bringing new features which are added to the main menu as soon as they go live!

Quality of Life Perks

Vanilla-Generated Loot chests will refill randomly during a 6-12h period.
Each player can loot one chest only ONCE.

Coral blocks will never fade to be gray.

Fences & fence gates may now be protected by using one protection sign anywhere within the connected blocks.

Players can no longer trample crops or break turtle eggs.
Note: Mobs still can!

Players may define their own respawn location using respawn anchors.

Player's have notepads which will be kept for 2 months at a time.
Accessed with /note

Protected doors will automatically close themselves 10 seconds after use.

Players heal when they sleep in a bed.

The pinata no longer has particles, instead it's robe colors change in order to massively decrease client-side lag.

Players are now hidden on the web-map when underground in order to preserve mining locations.

Totems will work regardless of if they are held or not - If they are in your inventory at the time of death, they will be used.

Tab colors will update depending on your ranks colors.

Our server offers a rich & thriving economy system driven mostly by the players themselves! By giving all players the opportunity to sell basic goods to the Admin Shop, everyone begins with a stable source of income. Once established, players may open their own shops, sell goods virtually using our Auction House GUI, offer services, win events and much more!

Previously the value of our premium currency Stardust was around $2,000 in-game dollars.

This has since changed to $200, placing much more value into the in-game dollar.
All values across the server have been converted to match the new economy system from vendors to challenges alike.
We hope everyone enjoys the newly reformed Economy!

Currently - Season 1 - Planetary

The LunarPass introduces seasonal challenges with rewards for players to complete.

Many of these challenges can be completed passively during survival gameplay, however some require players to hunt them down!

Once completed, players earn stars which unlock seasonal rewards!
Each season lasts 2 months with the following season presenting brand new challenges and even more rewards!
Click here to learn more!

HomesIntuitive Commands
Server WarpsMany Easy To Use Custom Menus
Player WarpsLive Auction House (w/Discord Connection)
Player ShopsSpecial & Holiday Events
NPC ShopsCommunity Events (Free Fly Fridays, Galaxy Gamenight, etc.)
Admin ShopVoting Rewards
KitsServer to Discord Connected Chat Channels
TP RequestsEasy to use Report System
Custom Chat PrefixesNo Griefing!
And SoMuch More!

Checkout our official Knowledge Base for more detailed & up to date information!

Ambassador - Helper - Moderator - Moderator+ - Administrator

We currently offer many staff positions, however all staff members begin at the Ambassador rank.
Ambassadors act as Galaxy information hubs for the public. They often times have a full understanding of how our server & community operates.
From commands, to daily happenings, events, and even upcoming exclusive info, they are able to help members at a moments notice!

If you are interested in applying for our team, we highly suggest you experience our community as a member for at least 1 month.

Click here to apply on our website!

Blueseph Logo
Hello, My name is Blueseph!

Going to a printing company with my father as a child, I spent a large
amount of time discovering interesting ways to use software. My
interest has grown with age, as I now find myself not only designing
print work, but custom visuals, logos, animated shorts and much more.

Creating a community, for the community.
We love to hear from you guys! Let us know what you'd like to see! :D

Can't wait to see you all in our amazing community!

~Happy Crafting!

IP: Play.mcGalaxy.co
Website - https://www.mcGalaxy.co
Discord - discord.gg/P32AQ27
Posted by TheGalacticNetwork's Avatar
Level 25 : Expert Network

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09/26/2022 5:13 pm
This reply was removed by the poster or a moderator.
09/27/2022 12:21 am
Level 25 : Expert Network
TheGalacticNetwork's Avatar
This is an attempt to advertise on our server's listing.

Please disregard as this comment will be removed soon.

To join our actual community, head over to www.mcGalaxy.co or join us in-game with the IP: Play.mcGalaxy.co!
09/26/2022 5:49 am
Level 18 : Journeyman Miner
Mike3132's Avatar
My story is a bit different than most. Back in 2018 I was browsing around on PlanetMinecraft for servers to troll on and found a server called Beta.McGalaxy.co, As I was reading the forums post like you are now I could never have imagined where this simple minecraft server with 2 online players could take me. Upon joining I was greeted by someone who would later become one of my best friends Blueseph.

I started playing and talking to him about plugins and features (Having knowledge of this from other servers I had played on) and we ended up just talking in chat for about 4 hours. For the next few days I would log into galaxy and hang out with blue and play and just enjoy being on the server. I started asking him about staff applications and he would just tell me that they are coming soon.

EVERYTHING changed when I logged in one day and asked about staff applications and he said they was out, I stopped everything I was doing and filled on out, I was promoted to moderator and began helping blueseph with bugs and designs on the server. After about 2 weeks Blueseph made a discord server and so I joined up. I joined a voice chat with him and talked for a few hours and after that he promoted me to Admin.... Yea I'm that Mike the first Admin of Galaxy.

This was when all HECK broke loose, we exploded and started implementing features adding in new abilities for players including custom items, other staff ranks and more. This is also when we started getting new players and we began making the GalacticNetwork that you know and love today. Fast forward over the years and here we are, Galaxy is releasing Version 2.0.

To any of you out there who are looking for a new minecraft server and are tired of money hungry owners or owners who don';t care. I can put my hand on my heart and say that you won't be displeased with this server, I have seen Bluseph but his heart and tears into this server and he truly does care about his community. He is one of the best guys I have ever met and I am humbled to have his as my friend.

This is by far the best Minecraft server I have every played on and is still my favorite semi-vanilla server ever made.

09/27/2022 12:22 am
Level 25 : Expert Network
TheGalacticNetwork's Avatar
Thank you for the kind words, Mike! We are proud to have you in our community! We can't wait to create more amazing memories!
09/25/2022 5:59 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Jennaxolotl's Avatar
the galaxy server is a server that i cherish, i made a lot of friends and memories on the minecraft and discord server. even after playing for over a year i kept enjoying it, not a single server has brought me this much enjoyment, all the staff is amazing and very helpful. and the owner always listens to the community. the amount of work put into this server is astounding to say the least, all the plugins and server builds are amazing. version 2 beta is amazing so far and i can't wait for it to release to the public. so in short, galaxy is a great server that you can enjoy for years.
09/27/2022 12:23 am
Level 25 : Expert Network
TheGalacticNetwork's Avatar
You've been a wonderful community member to have around, Jenna! Thank you for this great comment! We can't wait to see what you build in the new GalaxyV2 server!
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