Are there some of yalls that master at CEM or Bedrock animating mechanics? I have alot of questions to ask

StalkerNugget's AvatarStalkerNugget6/30/24 8:18 am history
2 emeralds 51
My knowledge of cem animating are from 2020-2021 and is severely outdated, and im too stupid to learn bedrock coding, so im listing some very important questions cuz im desperate:

- [​Java & Bedrock] How do i make a part of the entity model disappear when wearing chestplate armor?

- [​Bedrock] How do i change the player model without making it a skin pack and instead would be a resource pack?

- [​Bedrock] How do i make the entity change its animation when an another mob is riding on said entity?

- [​Java & Bedrock] How do i make an entity model animate a rotation its part for 1 second, and the pause for 2 seconds before making a 1 second animation, and so on?

- [​Java & Bedrock] How do i make a part of the of the entity model change its animation when holding an item?

- [​Java & Bedrock] how do i make 2 subtextures png files work on 70 texture variants, such as Subtexture A is on 30 mob variants, and Subtexture B is on 40 variants?

I tried to look for tutorials, the cem animation guide, the bedrock tutorials, and even scoured some assets from other resourcepacks, but it cant find anything that answers the questions

I also requested EMF mod to add another variable that could fix some of these, but it was few months ago and got ghosted

😭 😭 😭 😭
Posted by StalkerNugget's Avatar
Level 65 : High Grandmaster Dragon Crafter

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