One down, several dozen left to go...

Jetra's AvatarJetra5/9/24 8:34 pm
3 emeralds 95
So, I've recently bought myself a Nintendo Gamecube for an early birthday present out of the blue and have begun to clear away the backlog that has piled up over the years. League of Legends and Minecraft have taken up a majority of my time when I was younger, family in the middle, and now in my 30s work is being my enemy. However, I still have a little bit of free time to spare when I'm not trying to do a million other things for everyone and myself.

I'm proud to say the first game to be cleared is The Sims which had given me trouble because the Needs systems were near-impossible to manage for my tiny brain. I did it in roughly a week of playing a few hours a day totalling probably 16 hours or so with one death (fire bad).

What's left? Quite a bit...

Legend of Zelda: Winid Waker
Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles
Metroid Prime

Just to name a few. And these are just the games for the Gamecube. I've taken stock of what I have left and it scares me. I don't have a backlog, it's a backnovel of games I started and never finished due to either lack of time or lack of skill.

In addition, I'm currently trying to 100% the first Animal Crossing. I've beaten it multiple times, just never got the museum done or the reward for having a perfect town. (Not spoiling in case someone maybe hasn't played it. Although, it's been almost 15 years, pretty sure spoiler warning is out the window after the first year)

My current target right now is Harvest Moon: Magical Melody since I was and continue to be a massive fan of the series having played A Wonderful Life, Another Wonderful Life, GBC, Stardew Valley, and Forager.

Woud like to get through Wind Waker, but I'm trying to clear my head of everything I know about the game to make it as near to a first time experience as possible.

So far, I'm having legitamite fun. More than I've had in quite some time.
Posted by Jetra's Avatar
Level 39 : Artisan Scribe

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