Creative Social community project - We need your pledge!

Rolofolo's AvatarRolofolo2/14/14 2:09 am
1 emeralds 915 6
2/19/2014 5:06 am
Rolofolo's AvatarRolofolo
Hello fellow Planet Minecrafters,

Maybe some of you know me from the project list and popreel creative projects. Or through Angel Block Society formed from the foundations of PMC.
If not, please check my profile if you like to see a bit more about me and my work.

This topic is about a discussion, but also to encurrage your pledge to a new 'Creative Soacial Community'.
I started a crowdfunding page on Patreon (http://www.patreon.com/RoloFolo) this week to start this project.


So what is this about?
I'm a Minecraft Fan first class. Minecraft is a great inspiration design tool wich gives you alot of freedom in a super easy to use way.
I soly build creative and pleged myself to build only the most creative, inspirational an just awsome builds you can find troughout the internet.

To stay true to this plegde I'm starting this project.
Patreons and that means you! will give me the recources to not just keep building all that cool stuff, but become even better and reach more!
I have a coulpe of dreams to get realised and that will not be able without your help.


My dreams/goals for this community
To give you a concrete idea about this social community these are the basic goals to reach.

First stop! A server
Setup a profesional and reliable community server.
Server will host multiple Worldmaps that can be openly build upon. We will host themed maps, like Medieval, Fantasy, Steampunk, Modern, Asain and more sorts of styles.
We will also host special pledgers maps that can only be build upon by the people investing into this community. And who knows what we want more in time.
Server is free to access (guests), and we will find a way to get just the nice people instead of the griefers. One of my main points would be to get all pledging patreons the right tools to build and grow there skills. Like WorldEdit, a way to get your schematics etc etc. Will depend on the technical side of things because I understand not everything is possible. Just you know the goal.

This is the main goal; Come toghter, be social and learn of eachother and grow the Creative community skills a notch.
My personal goal would be to build openly for the whole community to see and use. So I want to give back my skills to the community. I want to teach others and want others to be teaching aswell.
Thinking of a system to encurrage people doing this. Like points/ranks and extra's when you do help out.

Some ideas of what we could attive with this community;
  • Better skills for all of us
  • Quality/Proffessional envoirment for Creative builders (also in tools etc)
  • Create open source builds for the public to use
  • Common social improvement (Make the community more friendly )


One more thing that is bugging me is the legal stuff behind you beeing creative on a server I will be hosting. I want that all pledgers stuff will not become mine in a legal way. I need to sort that out someway so your save at this server.

Second; Grow and become more awsome!
When we grow in size, we will invest all that into even more hardware, more tools for everybody that pledges and get ourselfs more know.

Third; Make more quality content
Instead of just watching people makeing cinametics to inspire or worship. Or just see live action gaming of others players we will create inspirational, but also learing content for the rest of the community to see.
I myself want to become this YouTuber and host funny stuff like build battles, but mostly tutorials for better the skills of the community. Offcourse I won't be alone on this and we all will profit trough oure social community.
Also YouTube is one form of channel to use, we can think up more then just that offcourse

Fourth; Academy/Events be the Elite!
We even grow further, at this time we're well known trought the entire community. We start a real academy. Not just to teach, I want to get a social part on this too.
So programms like BlockbyBlock or Minecraftedu should become aware of us. The goal would be to have a positive impact on the entire community. Atleast on the social and creative part.

My rewards for you
Offource all above sounds great, but sometimes still a bit vague. I understand that, but all needs to grow from a small awesomeness to epic proportions.


To start-off this community I feel like I have to start giving back rewards to the pledgers.
Here are some of the rewards I will give back to you in person. Probly more will be added on the way. Here is a collection of things, please read the Patreon page to see more information about these rewards.

  • When the server is up you get a special Patreon rank, Patreon worldmap and community vote! And If possible (technical) WorldEdit and other cool options!
  • Access to the patron-only stream on Patreon! I will make all of my announcements on a private envoirment for Patreons about what's going on with my work and progress of the project. You will have a vote in what's going on.
  • Will build a monthly special trough the thoughts of you Patreons! So you can tell me what to build in the next special!
  • I do build consults on your stuff. Also we Skype so we have direct contact about creative minecraft related subjects. You can even sponser someone else for this!
  • I will do a one-on-one Minecraft creative workshop with you for one evening per month on oure own personal secret worldmap! Contact me at rolofolo@gmail.com before selecting this.
  • I will do a one-on-one or group Minecraft creative workshop on multiple evenings per month on oure own secret map! Contact me at rolofolo@gmail.com before selecting this. So we can do a complete build toghter

So now what?
I truely believe this is a good form on setting up a social community. True getting people inspired, pledge to the community and giving something in retrun. I also truely believe we can grow in creative skill and as a social community.

If you get this, if you want to be part of this, and be one of the very first to join this cause. Please become a pledger on my Patreon page so we start this awsomeness ASAP!

To start the first goal please read the Patreon page.

Thanks for reading this. If you have any other comments on this story/idea please discusse. I want to learn of everybody there opinions.

Greetings, RoloFolo

Posted by Rolofolo's Avatar
Level 73 : Legendary Architect

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02/19/2014 5:06 am
Level 73 : Legendary Architect
Rolofolo's Avatar
Thanks guys! Really. Think this "FSA" project of ours will become a succes. To bad this forum is not really helping. Still I believe we should continue posting updates and hope some other are intrested in beeing part of this new creative social community.

Update 3!

New awesome pledgers
We got some new awesome pledger to this project! I know you love these 2 here on PMC

Further more we're very bizzy with setting up the testserver. We hope to get a alpha version for the end of this week. All pledgers will be able to test te server out.

Oure community name!!
Most important is that we choose oure name!
From now on we will be called Goof Troop MC.
We love the goofyness and just fun side of things. We think we will be pro on everything, but all should be about haveing fun and more fun.

So domain en website are registerd. And we're building that up aswell. Next update we will give more inside on the testserver and website.

02/18/2014 2:06 am
Level 5 : Apprentice Zombie
xDrift's Avatar
Awesome idea mate! Hopefully will all play out as good as it sounds in writing. I'll be with you till the end
02/17/2014 2:44 pm
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Enderdragon
Z3N0N's Avatar
Alright a small update from me

So when Rolo and I first met we were impressed by eachothers detailed builds. After a collab on a small japanese town we were certain; we make a good team. We managed to make almost every buildstyle our own and became good building buddy's. One day he said he got into commissions and i hopped on to help and collab with him on a few of them which was insanly fun to do. Last year we had our eyes set on to making our own creative server with another good friend of ours. I was sad to hear that those plans got canceled due to personal reason for rolo. Then a few months back he messaged me, saying he was getting back into Minecraft. I was glad to hear he didn't lose his building spirit and neither his skills . Now he gathered a bunch of friends to join him for a new minecraft community adventure with his Freaking Smexxy Awesome - FSA - idea of this community project. Not only I but hopefully you will get inspired by him as well. So me, rolo and all the other pledgers would greatly appreciate it, if we could get some more pledgers to help kickstart this FSA server. Thanks for reading guys, help this team to give back to the community and we'll all hopefully see you soon on the server

02/16/2014 2:21 pm
Level 40 : Master Unicorn
BillTheBuild3r's Avatar
Epic man!! I love this idea and think this server will be epic im so excited to see you involved patreon within this server and think it will start a new trend i cant wait to see this thing up and running and become a super epic server!
02/16/2014 2:26 am
Level 73 : Legendary Architect
Rolofolo's Avatar
Update 2!

Ok guys, goals are going great. We're almost on the second goal!

Hoped this forum post would been a bit more active, but hell let me show you some of the current pledgers. Maybe that will inspire you guys

Pledgers so far;

We also recieved a donation from Lentebriesje (PMC lvl 69). We will be exclusively using his worldmap "Magna Mundus - Large Fantasy World" for one of oure themed maps! Awesomeness right

Some screenshots of our work;

02/15/2014 12:48 am
Level 73 : Legendary Architect
Rolofolo's Avatar

We reached the first goal on Patreon!
We're started setting up a testserver so all stuff we want to work will be tested. This server will stay up after we reach the second goal and setup the production server and go public!

You can become a tester and have your vote on how we do things! Become a Patreon and pledge!

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