(18+) Stardew Valley/Skyrim Inspired Roleplay Server [1.21] | Looking for: builders, decorators, and skin creators!

Bluntiful's AvatarBluntiful7/6/24 6:55 pm history
1 emeralds 72
I’ve been working on a roleplay server for a while now, taking my time building the map and I think it’s time to look for some help! The process is pretty relaxed as I’ve set no deadlines, but it’d be foolish of me to think I can get it all done by myself. I'm not the greatest builder, and I'm not looking for perfectionists, just some people who are interested in my project and want to help out! And before I continue, I’d like to make it clear that I’m creating a community for adults 18 years of age and older. Sorry, but no exceptions, as it’s just for the better. However, we are still a very strict SFW community.
So, let me tell you what I’m trying to create…

My goal is create a virtual but “real” world for people to roleplay in and have fun! I’ve taken inspirations from many games, two being Stardew Valley / Harvest Moon and games like Skyrim. I’ve created and joined many roleplaying communities on Minecraft in the past, but I’d like to find a balance between “serious roleplay” and fun “side content” that can keep players engaged when playing alone. These ideas range from quests that expand on the lore of the world and its inhabitants, minigames, and “adventures” like dungeons and maps to explore! However, for the most part, most of the roleplay and players will be condensed into one area: Orre Valley. It’s a bountiful land within the Kingdom of Craft, hosting a large city and a small town— Minebury, where our communal story begins. The idea of the server is to build both the town and characters as the world changes with them. Cliche, but Fable IS one of my favorite franchises after all… If you've played those games, you might have a better idea of what I'm going for. Most importantly, I'm hoping to create a friendly, welcoming and laidback community for like-minded adults.

W.I.P. Map of Orre Valley

What I'm in need of

o Builders and Decorators who can work with a blend of fantasy-medieval and early-modern vibes!
I've included some pictures below so you can see what I've built so far. I'm not the best, so I'm not expecting you to be- but it would be great if you had some experience building beforehand. I also need some help decorating houses, shops, and general areas of the map. If you have a good eye for design, I'd love to have you aboard! I'm even working with some plugins that add in custom models to make it easier, and more eye-catching!

o Skin Creators and /some/ "Testers"!
The map features A LOT of NPCs that I've created- each with their own families, backstories, /soon/ to be dialogue and quests! I am not good at making skins. At all. I'd love to learn one day, but all my attempts have failed... So, if you maybe even enjoy? making Minecraft skins, that'd really rock my world! I've got designs in mind for each NPC, most of them are grouped into families, but of course I'm all for some artistic freedom!

o Most importantly, people I can trust!
Please, let's not waste each other's time! I'm looking for mature and laidback people to work together on this project I'm excited to make true. I've had experience running Minecraft servers before, especially roleplay ones, but always appreciate a little help and would love to help out!

> > > Screenshots of what I've got so far! < < <

SO, if this all sounds interesting to you and you'd like to help me make this a reality... Send me a DM on Discord with what you want to help out with! I'd like to keep the team relatively small, but even if you can't help out like others... You can always hang in the Discord until the server gets released! Also please note that we ALL have lives- so never feel stressed that you must rush to do something with this project. I even like to take breaks with other games, so it's all good if you do the same, of course. <3

Discord: @ Bluntiful
Posted by Bluntiful's Avatar
Level 3 : Apprentice Farmer

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