[hiring] Looking for someone experienced in blockbench

DeepenedMind's AvatarDeepenedMind1/28/24 5:46 pm
2 emeralds 122 1
2/13/2024 7:15 pm
Slyster's AvatarSlyster
Hello! I was hoping to commission someone experienced in blockbench to make models for minecraft. Nothing complex, pretty much in-line with normal minecraft, but with altered bits here and there. It'll be easier to explain in DMs.

I'm more than willing to pay for such services, just name the price and show me what you've made before.

I'm thinking of using it for a mod so keep that in mind, though it'll only be a private mod for me and my friends.

I'm very new to blockbench affairs, and planet minecraft posting in general, so if this is inappropriate let me know and i'll take this down :)
Posted by DeepenedMind's Avatar
Level 1 : New Miner

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02/13/2024 7:15 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Procrastinator
Slyster's Avatar
Uh, sure why not I'm bored rn lol.

If you want my resume, simply click on my profile, I got my awful work on full display to the masses. (I also don't know how to post my pictures in this comment)

I'm not really an expert-master-uber-galactic-modeler™ or anything, but if you still need help (2 weeks late I know lol) then uh, lemme know, I'll try my best.
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