Minecraft Data Packs / Mob

Zombies Evolved

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Picarrow's Avatar Picarrow
Level 30 : Artisan Explorer
` Zombies Evolved `

== Description ==
Zombies Evolved is a data pack that seeks to provide players with a uniquely arduous challenge while also maintaining Minecraft's beloved feel and freedom. Each zombie variant added is intended to bring along new mechanics and a refreshing ambience of horror.

== Features ==
The data pack is a work in progress. But every release that finds its way here has been tested and is completely functional, just not feature-complete. As of the current version, there are three new zombie variants added to the game. Although you can read about them in the spoiler below, why not consider going in blind?

Zombie Variants
These zombie variants can be easily experimented with by using their dedicated spawn eggs. To obtain a spawn egg, type "/function zombies_evolved:_/give_<zombie variant>_egg". Of course, replace "<zombie_variant>" with the name of the zombie variant that you want to spawn.

- Jackies are characterized by carved pumpkins, impish chuckles, and a distinct whininess. Try not to let them touch you! With a tendency to pilfer the weapons and armor of nearby friends and foes, they can be a rather mischievous variant of zombie. Each new piece of equipment lights them up like a lantern. Despite their innate greediness, postmortem, they do well in returning what they steal. 3 out of 100 zombies spawn as a jacky.

Zombies Evolved Minecraft Data Pack
Every hit from a jacky removes an item from your inventory.

Shrieker/Shriekers - The terror of the caves, the embodiment of horror, the shrieker takes the warden anywhere you and your pickax go. Be careful about how you whack it, or you might be in for a lot more trouble than you started out with. 1 out of 50 underground zombies spawn as a shrieker.

Stalac/Stalacs - Named after what they emulate, stalacs, or stalactids, are opportunistic predators that lay strewn across the ceilings of dripstone caves. Be sure to get the drop on them, before they get the drop on you. Roughly 1 out of 5 zombies that spawn in dripstone caves spawn as a stalac. You can spawn a hanging stalac by right clicking the underside of most blocks with its spawn egg.

Specific elements of the data pack can be configured in the settings, accessible by the command "/function zombies_evolved:_/configure".

Like other zombie data packs, an apocalypse/event feature is planned to be implemented. It'll either be triggerable by the player or toggleable in the settings.
On the topic of planned features, try not to expect the data pack to be updated so frequently. It is of course a hobby project, and I work on it when I feel like it.

== Distribution/Modification/Media ==
If you're going to do anything with my data pack that is apart from simply playing with it, please give credit where credit is due. This includes distributing, modifying, recording footage of, or streaming my data pack. I've spent countless hours on it (including the upcoming features that aren't yet visible in the release version!). Please note the project is under the GNU General Public License v3.0.

== Credit ==
Thank You
Aeldrion for writing an excellent data pack namespace that provides essential probability functions.

Cloud_Wolf and nphhpn for their contributions to the entity hit matching namespace.

peA_sh0ter for coming up with the main premise of the stalac.

CompatibilityMinecraft 1.19

11 Update Logs

v0.3.5 : by Picarrow 11/29/2022 3:45:37 pmNov 29th, 2022

  • Improved compatibility with other data packs
  • Small optimization
Bug Fixes
  • Stalacs did not make a hurt sound when knocked off a ceiling

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11/17/2022 4:43 pm
Level 44 : Master Kitten
Akisephila's Avatar
can we get some screenshots please?
11/17/2022 6:56 pm
Level 30 : Artisan Explorer
Picarrow's Avatar
Sure! I'll try tomorrow. It's been on my to-do list, but I've been putting it off because I suck with photography/cinematography!
11/16/2022 6:47 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
User4312047G's Avatar
since you already got a zombie for most of the caves why not a lush zombie that looks like moss blocks but turns into a normal zombie when they attack you
11/16/2022 8:29 pm
Level 30 : Artisan Explorer
Picarrow's Avatar
if u mean a zombie that imitates blocks, an idea like that is already on the planned list, and it won't be restricted to the lush caves :-) the lush definitely does need a unique zombie
11/16/2022 5:48 am
Level 1 : New Miner
dirtyptaha's Avatar
how use "stealing" items for enderman ?sry
11/16/2022 8:48 am
Level 30 : Artisan Explorer
Picarrow's Avatar
Hi, thanks for commenting. This data pack only intends to modify zombies. And, in that case, only the jacky variant of zombie can pilfer/steal items.
11/16/2022 1:39 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
dirtyptaha's Avatar
is there a tutorial on adding such a function for any mobs? insane
11/16/2022 4:41 pm
Level 30 : Artisan Explorer
Picarrow's Avatar
No, unfortunately not. You're free to inspect the code inside of my data pack. If you do use any of it though, it's important to credit me. The parts that may be of interest to you is the data pack namespace entity_hit_matching and the function files in zombies_evolved:jacky/pilfer. Though, what I have written for this is pretty complex.

Learn more about how to use entity-hit-matching here: https://github.com/picarrow/entity-hit-matching

I wish you luck!
10/06/2022 1:34 pm
Level 11 : Journeyman Network
peA_sh0ter's Avatar
Are you taking ideas?
10/19/2022 9:16 pm
Level 30 : Artisan Explorer
Picarrow's Avatar
Yep, always. What do you have in mind? 🤔
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