Minecraft Data Packs / Other

Working Football In Minecraft

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    AspectOfTheMaps's Avatar AspectOfTheMaps
    Level 17 : Journeyman Miner
    Only works in updates with block display entities (1.20+)
    Summon A football and Kick it around!
    Place a Wall to represent a goal, and the ball will score when colliding with it.

    Any entity or player can kick it around! Even villagers can play with it.
    The ball goes in the direction you are facing.

    '/function football:give' to get a spawn egg for it.
    How to set a Respawn Point for the Ball whenever a goal is scored
    To set a spawn location for the ball, go into the datapack file.
    Go to Football > data > football > functions and open
    Enter a '#' at the start of line 19 and 20. Remove the '#' from line 26.
    Replace '[​COORDINATES HERE]' in line 26 with your chosen coordinates the ball to respawn at whenever a goal is scored.
    The ball will now go there whenever you score a goal with it. This is not recommended when using multiple balls.
    CompatibilityMinecraft 1.20

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