Minecraft Data Packs / World Generation

William Wythers' Overhauled Overworld Legacy (for 1.17)

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WilliamWythers's Avatar WilliamWythers
Level 79 : Legendary Terraformer
Welcome to William Wythers' Overhauled Overworld!

In this pack I seek to re-create the vanilla biomes in a way that makes a more realistic and atmospheric world.

I recommend using large biomes for the best experience.

View the image gallery below to see the full range of biomes.

Caves & Cliffs by William Wythers
Open Oceans by William Wythers (removes rocky islands and sea stacks from the Ocean, Cold Ocean and Deep variants)
Phantasmal Forest by William Wythers
Primordial Shores by William Wythers
Lushnabler Extension by ItsStarcake (NOTE: this pack is an alternative experimental caves pack and is incompatible with Caves & Cliffs by William Wythers)

More Structures by William Wythers
Towns and Towers by Kubek
Dungeons Now Loading by Hex and Kubek
Bitpack by 16bitmap and Kubek
Dungeons and Strongholds by Enders Host, Robert0213 and Kubek
Overhauled Villages by ChoiceTheorem

(For the 1.16.5 version, click here.)

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If you like what you see, feel free to give a one-off PayPal donation or commission a custom biome through Ko-fi.com/williamwythers, or...

Incendium ~ Nether Expansion [Now 1.17 compatible!] Minecraft Data Pack

Badlands - a red desert with abundant tall cacti and grassy patches
Better Cacti resource pack enabled
William Wythers' Overhauled Overworld Legacy (for 1.17) Minecraft Data Pack
Without resource pack
William Wythers' Overhauled Overworld Legacy (for 1.17) Minecraft Data Pack

Eroded Badlands

Badlands Plateau

Modified Badlands Plateau

Wooded Badlands Plateau

Modified Wooded Badlands Plateau


Birch Forest - a mixture of birch trees and autumnal oaks

Birch Forest Hills

Tall Birch Forest

Tall Birch Hills

Dark Forest - a gloomy place of dark spider-infested oaks, dead trees, marshy regions, huge mushrooms of all shapes and sizes, and strange and deadly creatures

Dark Forest Hills - a more dead and autumnal version of the dark forest with many pumpkin patches

Desert and Desert Hills

Desert Lakes - a biome of lush oases spotting the desert

Flower Forest - a fairytale realm of pink blossom acacia trees, sparse bamboo, abundant flowers and bees and pastel sheep

Forest - denser with bigger trees, made up of fancy oaks and a few dark oaks

Wooded Hills

Jungle Edge

Jungle - lowland tropical rainforest with massive trees and a wide variety of foliage

Jungle Hills

Modified Jungle - imposing terrain of varying plateaus broken by deep ravines (inspired by Skull Island from 2005 King Kong)

Modified Jungle Edge

Bamboo Jungle - Indo-Chinese inspired jungle of red sandstone

Bamboo Jungle Hills - Indo-Chinese inspired jungle of red sandstone rising to the snow level, where cedars generate

Stone Shore


Wooded Mountains

Gravelly Mountains

Modified Gravelly Mountains

Mushroom Fields and Shore

Sunflower Plains - autumnal woods, sunflower plains, abundant pumpkin patches and harvested fields with hay block piles

Savanna - now has a variety of sub-biomes, with a mix of grass savanna and miombo woodlands, with scattered baobabs

Savanna Plateau - eroded dry landscapes jutting out of the surround savanna

Shattered Savanna - basalt outcrops emerging from a dry semi-desert with scattered bushes and baobabs, inhabited by "wart-hogs"

Shattered Savanna Plateau - active volcanic zone

Snowy Beach

Snowy Tundra

Snowy Mountains

Icy Spikes

Snowy Taiga - more realistic, snowy under the trees and on almost all the leaves

Snowy Taiga Hills

Snowy Taiga Mountains

Swamp - Marsh, Scrub Swamp and Swamp Forest sub-biomes

Swamp Hills - larger trees than the normal swamp, somewhat like a bayou


Taiga Hills

Taiga Mountains

Giant Tree Taiga - Redwoods

Giant Tree Taiga Hills - giant sequoia forest

Giant Spruce Taiga

Giant Spruce Taiga Hills

Warm Ocean - paradisaic tropical islands covered in with "cocoa-nut" trees, home to pigs, parrots and turtles and surrounded by coral reefs

Deep Lukewarm Ocean

Deep Ocean

Deep Cold Ocean

Frozen Ocean

Deep Frozen Ocean

This pack should work fine with other Nether and End worldgen datapacks. If any problems arise please let me know.
CompatibilityMinecraft 1.17

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09/16/2022 3:29 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Collective
Yasuo_'s Avatar
Does WWOO datapack mod Oh The Biomes You'll Go support? Thank you in advance for your reply
07/13/2022 9:51 am
Level 59 : Grandmaster Geek
MM-13's Avatar
Why isn't this standard Minecraft yet?!
07/12/2022 11:13 pm
Level 56 : Grandmaster Elf
_BOBE's Avatar
Planning for 1.19?
07/13/2022 12:32 am
Level 79 : Legendary Terraformer
WilliamWythers's Avatar
It’s already released
07/13/2022 1:14 am
Level 56 : Grandmaster Elf
_BOBE's Avatar
You may want to change the title of the post then
07/13/2022 2:20 pm
Level 79 : Legendary Terraformer
WilliamWythers's Avatar
The title is

William Wythers' Overhauled Overworld Legacy (for 1.17)

07/13/2022 6:38 pm
Level 56 : Grandmaster Elf
_BOBE's Avatar
Yes but if its available for 1.19 You should update it to say so
07/14/2022 12:58 am
Level 79 : Legendary Terraformer
WilliamWythers's Avatar
But this is the post for the 1.17 version. For 1.19 you need to visit the page for that pack. You can find it by going to my submissions page.
07/12/2022 10:51 am
Level 1 : New Miner
DJkell's Avatar
Está para 1.19??
07/12/2022 8:14 am
Level 24 : Expert Crafter
ResPack's Avatar
Planet Minecraft


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