Minecraft Data Packs / Mob

Village Guards

  • check_circle Functions
  • check_circle Loot Tables
  • check_circle Predicates
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SAMEER_99's Avatar SAMEER_99
Level 52 : Grandmaster Programmer


This datapack aims to add Village Guards in vanilla minecraft and it supports minecraft versions 1.16.2 to 1.20.4.

Village Guard Stats:

  1. HP ♥️: 20 (10 hearts)
  2. AP 🛡️: 6 (3 armors)
  3. Attack Damage ⚔️: 11 (5.5 hearts)
  4. Ranged Attack Damage 🏹: 8-10 (4-5 hearts)
  5. Floats in water hence does not drown 🏊
  6. Hate 😡: All zombie types, all illagers, and creepers
  7. Heals overtime ➕
  8. Spawns : When villagers create their own iron golem
  9. Spawn count : 6
  10. Weapons ⚔️:
    • Iron Sword(60% chance)
    • Iron Axe(20% chance)
    • Bow(20% chance)
  11. Loot Drop 💰: Current Weapon
  12. When on fire 🔥: Can put out fire faster.
  13. Maximum Amount 🔢: 10 per village by default

Types of Players according to Village Guard:

  1. Bad Players 😈: These type of players are the players who have provoked the Village Guards. Provoking Village Guards is done in following ways:-
    • Kill one of the protected entity.
    • Hit a protected entity 3 times.
  2. Normal Players 😀: This type is assigned to every player by default.
  3. Heroes of the Village 👮‍♂️: These are the players who have "Hero of the Village" effect.
  4. Protected Players 👨‍💼: Players, when they lose their "Hero of the Village" effect still remain protected by Guards and Golems.

Village Guard's Behaviour towards every type of player:

  1. Bad Players 😈: Guards and Golems attack them on sight and forgive after one of them successfully kill that bad player.
  2. Normal Players 😀: Neutral. Passive to the players until provoked.
  3. Heroes of the Village 👮‍♂️: These players count as protected entities. With this effect, you can do whatever you want to do with anybody, guards and golems won't fight back. Guards and Golems are always passive until you lose the "Hero of the Village" effect. After you lose the effect, you still remain a protected entity.
  4. Protected Players 👨‍💼: These players also count as protected entities. Guards and Golems are passive until a protected entity has been killed by this player.

How does protecting an entity works?

  1. If you are a Hero of the Village OR the Protected Player, you come under protected entities.
  2. Guards and Golems will not care about anybody you fight by yourself. They will stay neutral.
  3. Once a mob/player targets you or tries fighting back to you, they get angry on that mob/player and starts attacking them.

Extra Features:

  • You can give following items to Village Guard and each item has a function:
    1. Any Weapon which is better than the one it is holding.
    2. Shield 🛡️: Absorbs 70% of damage dealt to Guard from anything.
    3. Totem of Undying 🗿: Gives an extra life to Guard.
    4. Any Tipped Arrow (Bow Guard only) 🎯: Gives the Guard unlimited Tipped Arrow.
    5. Spectral Arrow (Bow Guard only)🎯: Gives the Guard unlimited Spectral Arrow.
    6. Iron Axe (Axe Guard only)🪓: Gives the Guard the Double Axe Power = DOUBLE DAMAGE.
  • Village Guard will not attack a Zombie Villager unless and until Zombie Villagers are 3 blocks closer to protected entity and is about to attack.

Admin Commands:

  • /function give:vg/spawn_egg/village_guardObtain Village Guard Spawn Egg
  • /function summon:vg/village_guardSummons Village Guard
  • /function toggles:village_guardsHere you can toggle datapack specific features if you want. They are:
    1. Maximum Village Guards : Set the maximum amount(limit) of Village Guards that are allowed to naturally spawn in a 256*256 blocks area. (Default = 10)
    2. Tutorial Messages : When Enabled, tutorial messages will appear.
    3. Speed : Controls the Speed of Village Guard.
  • Uninstall the datapack:/function uninstall:village_guards


  • Iron Golem is no longer lonely now.
  • Villages are more safe from illager raids and zombie hordes.
  • The effect Hero of the Village has REAL use now.


  • Its not easy to get your first iron ingots if you get those by killing the iron golem. You will be chased by a horde of village guards.

Known Bugs:

  • You cannot sleep in the Village because of Village Guard unfortunately being a skeleton.
    Fix:- You can build up 10 blocks and sleep peacefully. If you have a solution to this bug via datapack programs, please recommend me in comments section of my datapack page, I am always thankful to you.
  • Village Guard will convert into stray mob when it freezes inside the powder snow block.
    Fix:- It will now climb up automatically whenever it starts freezing.

My Socials:

  1. PlanetMinecraft Page
  2. Modrinth Page
  3. Discord Server
  4. Paypal Account


Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

Conditions that apply:
  1. You must give appropriate credit to the creator if you publicly showcase this work.
  2. You may not use this work for commercial/business purposes. (this does not include having the datapack installed in your server)
  3. You may modify this work, but may not distribute the modified work.


Open your .minecraft directory. Put the datapack into the saves/world_name/datapacks directory.
CreditSAMEER_99, MC_Silver
CompatibilityMinecraft 1.16
toMinecraft 1.21

43 Update Logs

Update #8.5.2 : by SAMEER_99 07/04/2024 12:31:15 pmJul 4th

- Fixed creeper death loot when killed with "Looting Enchantment". (How is that related to this datapack? Well, this datapack modifies creeper's original loot table such that it will only drop music discs when killed by an original skeleton and not a Village Guard.)
- Fixed: Village Guard offhand item disappearing immediately when picked up in older versions.

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01/19/2024 3:52 am
Level 1 : New Miner
User4980699G's Avatar
What luck this was updated just 22 hours ago!
01/19/2024 5:07 am
Level 52 : Grandmaster Programmer
SAMEER_99's Avatar
Yes, I am currently free from my works right now. So I search for every bug in my datapacks and fix them.
dancing reaper
01/18/2024 11:23 am
Level 36 : Artisan Soldier
dancing reaper's Avatar
Nice pack!
01/18/2024 9:30 pm
Level 52 : Grandmaster Programmer
SAMEER_99's Avatar
Thank you 🙏
12/25/2023 8:20 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Miner
Juleea's Avatar
thank you
12/26/2023 2:43 am
Level 52 : Grandmaster Programmer
SAMEER_99's Avatar
Be careful, the guards can attack back too.
12/15/2023 3:24 am
Level 1 : New Miner
oLightning's Avatar
what about the spawn eggs of them do they have spawn eggs? if not ig its a suggestion you can add em!
12/17/2023 2:34 pm
Level 52 : Grandmaster Programmer
SAMEER_99's Avatar
We do have spawn eggs for Village Guards. Don't worry.
11/08/2023 8:47 am
Level 6 : Apprentice Archer
TighexIV's Avatar
I would like it that u add (if possible) guard brutes that spawn if to many iron golems,villager or guards die (my Suggestion) make them imune too fire

Also this is one of my favorite datapacks
11/09/2023 10:55 am
Level 52 : Grandmaster Programmer
SAMEER_99's Avatar
your idea is amazing but the concept "Brutal Guard" already existed before and was removed because of the following reasons:

1. There were too many unneeded features in this datapack and Brutal Guard was one of them.

2. The player had to work really hard for getting a Brutal Guard and the downside was, it wouldn't follow you at all even when you worked so hard to get it.

3. The villages were too overpowered.

4. It was laggy.

I have planned to keep the datapack, same way as it is right now. The game is balanced enough.
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