Minecraft Data Packs / Game Mechanic

Travelers [1.21] Speed Paths

  • check_circle Functions
  • check_circle Predicates
  • 18,992 views, 17 today
  • 825 downloads, 2 today
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FunkyToc's Avatar FunkyToc
Level 75 : Legendary Creator

Travelers grants you (and your vehicle) move speed on dirt_path and polished blocks! It also automatically generates grass paths where you and your friends walk the most.


  • Grant some speed on dirt_path and polished blocks (default +30%).
  • Hide polished_blocks underground (at player y-2) and getthe speed effect as well.
  • Use vehicles on path to get the speed as well.
  • Auto path generation on grass_block (after 5 steps on the block). (should be disabled on large server)
  • Auto path renew : go back to grass if players no longer use this path.
  • Auto path overload : if too many players, path may turn into dirt (after 25 steps on the block).

You might be interested in Chairify datapack to add some RP with your friends !

Options (Patreon feature)

To adjust options to your needs, use:
/function fktvl:options/get
Patreon Supporters
1.21 (2024-07-01) : 아아앨, Screaming Man, ZMH, Darklad32, CYKLOPPS, Aidan McCreary, Azerxim, Setsu-P, Gaming Grotto, Kobe Prokopetz
1.20.5+ (2024-05-30) : Angelo Russo, 아아앨, EXcore, Screaming Man, ZMH, Darklad32, CYKLOPPS, Memick Kung, Aidan McCreary, Setsu-P
1.20.4 (2023-12-26) : Angelo Russo, 깔수, Screaming Man, ZMH, Darklad32, CYKLOPPS, God Emperor Leto II Atriedes
1.20 (2023-06-17) : Delivator, Jonathan Fanelli, Angelo Russo, Phantom-Glitch-Wolf, John Stampe, Screaming Man, Dorian Dejean, ooF, ZMH, Yokie, Deadlot3, Darklad32
1.19 Update (2022-06-21) : -
HiddenPath Update (2022-02-03) : -
Vehicle Update (2021-12-12) : -
V1 (2021-07-07) : -
Patreon Versions
- in-game option menu to modify options
- credits in the project file patreons.txt
- awesome support for the creator ♥
Add your blocks to the Path System
You can add your blocks to the path-list in the file datapacks/Travelers/data/fktvl/tags/blocks/custom_path.json

1. Replace, add or duplicate the line "minecraft:dirt_path" by your desire block. Exemple : "minecraft:podzol"
2. Save the file, and use /reload in game.

If it no longer works :
- Make sure to use real block names (any mistake will break the datapack).
- Take care or the "," punctuation between lines, and not at the last line.
- Save again, reload again.
Issue / Bug
Dirth_path VS grass_block
When destroying a generated dirth_path, wait for fiew 10 seconds before placing a grass_block, otherwise it will be replaced by the dirth_path again.
Travelers [1.21] Speed Paths Minecraft Data Pack
By downloading this work, you automatically accept the license protecting it.

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International. An exception is made for video content which can be monetized under the condition of credits attribution according to the license. To view a copy of this license, visit

An exception is made for video, image, sound, blog, and any other media that would share the project. If the purpose of the content is sharing, the content creator may monetize the content. Content creators must simply give appropriate credit and provide a link to the original work.
Datapack by FunkyToc : https://funkytoc.fr
Visitors Stats
Travelers [1.21] Speed Paths Minecraft Data Pack

Travelers [1.21] Speed Paths Minecraft Data Pack

CompatibilityMinecraft 1.17
toMinecraft 1.21

13 Update Logs

1.21 Update : by FunkyToc 07/02/2024 5:03:00 amJul 2nd

Compatibility 1.21+

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06/27/2023 7:25 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Turncoat's Avatar
tested FREE version in 1.20.1
it seems datapack working opposite way. dirt path block turn to grass blcok when player step in 1~2 times.
06/27/2023 1:10 pm
Level 75 : Legendary Creator
FunkyToc's Avatar
Thanks for your feed back, this issue should be fixed now!

It was, indeed, the auto path generator detecting a path that has not been walked enougth, and so it reboot it as a grass path.
10/09/2022 7:41 am
Level 50 : Grandmaster Explorer
Eugene2000's Avatar
Does it works on other mobs? Like the villagers, would their steps generate the paths?
And will the original paths in villages renew into grass block?
10/09/2022 8:51 am
Level 75 : Legendary Creator
FunkyToc's Avatar
Hi Eugene2000,
Other entities do not produce paths, this features would be to heavy for servers.
Original paths are permanent and won't dispawn on walk.

(Note that, placing a dirt_path on a previous grass_block may update the block. To fix that, break the grass_block and wait 10s before placing the dirt_path)
10/09/2022 10:59 am
Level 50 : Grandmaster Explorer
Eugene2000's Avatar
Thank you for replying!!
What will happen when a block updates? The path_block I put will renew to a grass_block?

And I was going to ask that, what if I use shovel to turn the grass to path? Will it be permanent too?
10/09/2022 11:26 am
Level 75 : Legendary Creator
FunkyToc's Avatar
If you use a shovel, yes, the dirt path will be permanent. Like any other natural dirt path.

The logic start when a player walk on a grass block. This block is now under the datapack's control, counting the steps and updating the block if required. If you want to change this controled block, it's ok, the datapack will leave this block if it's not a dirt path or a grass block. The exception comes if you want to turn it back into grass block or dirt path: in this case the datapack won't understand it has to leave the block ^^

So, break the block, wait 10 seconds (max check loop duration), then place your block!
10/09/2022 11:39 am
Level 50 : Grandmaster Explorer
Eugene2000's Avatar
I see!
Thank you for your patience! Im definitely gonna enjoy your work and I’ll put it into my modpack and video, and you’ll be in credit and the description, FunkyToc the CREATOR!!
12/30/2021 4:49 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Wacko1's Avatar
seriously putting all your datapacks behind a paywall?
12/31/2021 3:53 am
Level 75 : Legendary Creator
FunkyToc's Avatar
Free versions are still available and contains +99% of the features.
Enhanced version get an extra option menu, who support my work, yes
12/09/2021 4:59 am
Level 16 : Journeyman Cookie
ACEolyeet's Avatar
i've seen this pack seems great
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