Minecraft Data Packs / Other

Transporter Core DataPack (End-Game Content)

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yosho27's Avatar yosho27
Level 58 : Grandmaster Programmer
Transporter Core DataPack for Minecraft 1.13
Version 0.1.3

A teleportation device made with nether stars and an awesome interface!

To make a Crafting Chest put a crafting table in the top-right corner of an empty chest.
(Learn more about Crafting Chests here redd.it/8md3he or make your own here mcdatapacks.com/altcrafting2.php)

Crafting recipes are shown in the images above.

Transporter Core
Place the core on the ground and place 16 buttons on a wall (lined up with the floating numbers).
Enter coordinates and press GO and it will transport you to those coordinates.

Secure Transporter Core
A "smart" transporter. Same as the normal Transporter Core, but it will automatically:
  ...move the destination point up or down to the nearest surface, ensuring that you don't fall or suffocate.
  ...give you fire resistance if the destination point is over/in lava. (11s in the overworld, 60s in the nether)
  ...(in the End) return you instantly if the destination point is just void
(There may be a 1 tick delay if transporting to an unloaded part of the world, resulting in up to 0.5 hearts of damage.)

Transporter Beacon Implant
Press shift+f while holding this (sneak while it's in your offhand) to permanently "implant" it.
Once implanted, press shift+f while holding a single redstone dust (or sneak while one is in your offhand) to trigger the device, instantly transporting you to the nearest transporter core (in the same dimension).

A "complete" system would therefore consist of one Secure Transporter Core for each dimension and one Transporter Beacon Implant (for each player).

To use, download the zip (don't unzip it), drop it in the world's "datapacks" folder, and run "/reload"

So far, everything works in multiplayer and you can have unlimited transporters in a world.
Feedback, bug reports, and suggestions are appreciated!

Check out this great review video from Ector Vynk!
CreditCrafting Chest made with mcdatapacks.com/altcrafting2.php (mine)
CompatibilityMinecraft 1.13

2 Update Logs

0.1.4 : by yosho27 11/23/2018 12:02:57 pmNov 23rd, 2018

Improved inter dimensional functionality
Added a vide

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12/21/2019 11:25 am
Level 29 : Expert Lego Builder
Dark5mile's Avatar
Please yosho27 Update this to 1.14+, 1.15 etc...
12/15/2019 4:56 pm
Level 24 : Expert Engineer
MagmaSlime_123's Avatar
Update or remove.
06/01/2019 6:13 am
Level 1 : New Miner
GoldenHashtag's Avatar
long distance teleportation is kinda broken in version 1.14.2, when attempting to teleport to an unloaded chunk it won't work. this wasn't an issue back in version 1.13.2.
06/01/2019 11:42 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
GoldenHashtag's Avatar
ok i've addressed this issue, it's a bug(or feature ?) in 1.14.2.

  • execute as @e[type=armor_stand,name=tpcr_core,tag=tpcr_go] at @s store result entity @e[type=minecraft:armor_stand,name=tpcr_target,limit=1] Pos[0] double 1 run scoreboard players get @s tpcr_ent_x

In 1.13.2 after changed position nbt the target chunk is automatically loaded (just like /spreadplayer), however in 1.14.2 the entity only gets teleported but target chunk won't load.
and sadly currently i have no workaround for it. /forceload won't work in function or command block. store result entity @p won't work either. since mojang hate creative and fun, i guess now i have enough reasons to switch back to modded 1.12.2
06/03/2019 12:41 am
Level 1 : New Miner
GoldenHashtag's Avatar
after further investigation i'v found out it's not an issue.
when an entity is teleported into an unloaded chunk the entity is still there inside that tick and get removed in second tick,
but in 1.14.2 any entity within unloaded chunks gets removed from memory instantly.

in 1.13.2 when teleport armor stand to target position and teleport player to armor stand are executed within the same tick, armor stand is ticking.
but in 1.14.2 after teleport armor stand to target position the armor stand is removed from memory therefore teleport player to armor stand throws an error saying can't find the entity.
so this is actually a patch, not an issue.
but sadly patching this issue is like removing quasi-connectivity in bedrock edition. although it may improve game performance it's definitely not a great signal for data pack creator.
06/08/2019 4:04 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Confused111111's Avatar
so does it work now? for does it not work anymore?
04/12/2019 8:29 am
Level 48 : Master Dinosaur
Sir_Craftypants's Avatar
Finally figured out what blocks those four corners were, it's End Stone. and Iron Blocks for Secure. Testing out your machine now.
04/12/2019 9:49 am
Level 48 : Master Dinosaur
Sir_Craftypants's Avatar
I can't thank you enough, you have made creating a world so much easier, best Datapack I've used to date, good job.
02/15/2019 6:02 pm
Level 83 : Elite Programmer
TheDiamondPlayables's Avatar
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10/29/2018 6:33 pm
Any/All • Level 67 : High Grandmaster Botanist Procrastinator
Hashs's Avatar
Really cool datapack! I messed around with it in creative some and it seems to have plenty of functionality.
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