Minecraft Data Packs / Tool

Tools - Rezepte [1.1]

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Luki2811's Avatar Luki2811
Level 46 : Master Professor

Tools - Rezepte [​1.1]

v. Luki2811

Minecraft Java Version: 1.14.4+
Für Einzel- und Mehrspieler geeignet

Für Vanilla-MC gemacht. Es werden keine Modifikationen oder Plugins benötigt !

Mehr Infos und Download

Bei Fragen oder Fehlermeldungen:
E-Mail-Adresse: luki2811@hotmail.com (Betreff: Tools)
Discord: Luki2811#5933
oder in die Kommentare

Datenpacket einfach in den "datapacks"-Ordner und dann Welt starten (oder mit /reload).
CompatibilityMinecraft 1.13
toMinecraft 1.15

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by Luki2811 09/22/2019 12:24:51 pmSep 22nd, 2019

Es wurden weitere Rezepte hinzugefügt. Später mehr Infos auf https://www.luki2811.de
Neuer Name: Rezepte [1.1]
Version: 1.1

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Energy Master
08/25/2019 3:54 pm
Level 23 : Expert Procrastinator
Energy Master's Avatar
08/26/2019 5:21 am
Level 46 : Master Professor
Luki2811's Avatar
Hi Energy Master

When you want to install it, just download it in the German part of https://www.luki2811.de/tools and than unpack the .zip-File and put it in your worldfolder under datapcks and it works.
Sorry if my english isn't correct. ;-)
08/26/2019 10:38 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
TylerBravo's Avatar
This is a really neat mod. Not sure why this guy needs it to be in english. You showed pictures, and it's very clear what the mod does, he is just being dumb. Don't worry about him.
Thank you for mod!
Energy Master
09/20/2019 12:10 pm
Level 23 : Expert Procrastinator
Energy Master's Avatar
Gotta love being dumb though, and I never said it wasn’t a good mod, I even diamond it.
10/06/2019 11:28 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
TylerBravo's Avatar
I never said that you said it was bad. But the way you typed "English?..." most people would perceive to be rude. Luki is not an English speaker and wrote it in his native language. You can use google translate to translate it, or not use the mod. It seemed you were being ungrateful but perhaps I misunderstood.
09/20/2019 12:09 am
Level 1 : New Miner
NPC_Zakai's Avatar
It doesn't need to be English but some people prefer English don't call people dumb just cause they prefer English mate.
10/06/2019 11:30 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
TylerBravo's Avatar
I completely agree, there is no reason to hate on someone because they prefer for something to be in their native language. There is also no reason to rudely type out "English?..." and expect a modification to a game to be made in the English language, when it is not the mod developers' native language. I have no problem with him to request it to be made in english, but for him to expect it to be in English and type it so rudely, yes, I have a problem with that.
08/27/2019 4:32 am
Level 46 : Master Professor
Luki2811's Avatar
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