Minecraft Data Packs / Other

The End Update

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Required Resource Pack
mariosbear's Avatar mariosbear
Level 24 : Expert Pokemon
NOTICE: The Downloads are just the most recent release.
Finally. An ender update. The end update has been long awaited, and now, it's being worked on.
This datapack adds these:
A new ore: Ender Gems
5 Biomes, including 2 forests
The Dome Structure
A new ender food source
And even more...
So far I have only gotten the Ender Gem Cluster and Ender Gem in, Here is a command to test it:
give @p item_frame{display:{Name:'{"text":"Ender Gem Cluster"}'},CustomModelData:777778,EntityTag:{Silent:1b,Tags:["endergemcluster"],Item:{id:"minecraft:item_frame",Count:1b,tag:{CustomModelData:777778}},Invulnerable:1b,Invisible:1b,Fixed:1b}} 1
execute unless entity @s[​tag=silk] run summon item ~ ~0.5 ~ {Item:{id:"minecraft:command_block",Count:1b,tag:{endergem:1b,display:{Name:'{"text":"Ender Gem"}'},CustomModelData:777777}}}
Change Log:
Beta 1: Added Ender Gem Cluster and Ender Gem
Beta 2: Attempt to fix texture pack
Beta 3: Fix Texture pack
Beta 4: Development plans:
Add Ender Gem Block
Fix colors
Fix Unbreakable Ender Gem Cluster + Cobblestone drop
CompatibilityMinecraft 1.16
toMinecraft 1.18
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