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The 4 Horsemen of The Apocalypse (Beta)

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UwUwater's Avatar UwUwater
Level 29 : Expert uwu
The Four Horsemen of Apocalypse (Beta)

Does minecraft’s late-game bore you? Do you think the game needs bosses harder than the Ender Dragon or the Wither? Then this data-pack is for you!

In the Bible, the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse are important characters of the last book of the New Testament, the Book of Revelations. Interpretations can vary, but for this datapack I’m considering the one which considers the white horse as Pestilence, the red horse as War, the black horse as Hunger and the green horse as Death.

Upon installing the datapack, these creatures from Christian mytology will become custom (and pretty op) bosses of your Minecraft World. In this beta, War is the only boss available, but I’ll release the other three horsemen in future updates.

Here’s a summary on how to summon War, his abilities, his weapon, and his emissaries:

War- Summoning Him

To summon War, you need to find the written book named “Revelations 6:3-4”. There are four possible ways to find this book:
  • Killing War’s Emissaries (see War’s Emissaries for more info)
  • End city chests (with 25% chance)
  • Bastion treasure chests (the ones with netherite, with 20% chance)
  • Stronghold library chests (with 15% chance)

Once you’ve found the book, you just need to open it with your main hand and click the word “Come” to summon War. The text on the book is just the traduction used by Wikipedia for chapter 3, verses 3-4 of the Book of Revelations.

Summoning War consumes one book always, despite your gamemode. If War already has been summoned, clicking “Come” on another book won’t do anything while War is alive.

When War is summoned, the book consumed will appear to fly slowly upwards in circles away from the player, creating a large number of particles. If there’s bedrock or other unbreakable blocks above the book, it will not fly upwards but it’ll still rotate. If there are any other kind of blocks above the book, it will break them and continue to fly upwards.

After 5 seconds, a large fireball will be pummeled into the ground causing an explosion as big as when summoning the Wither, and War will be summoned on the last place the flying book was.

To artificially summon War with commands, you just need to type “/functions horsemen:war/summon_war”

War- Bossfight

In summary, this boss is a skeleton with 666 health riding a horse, with a passive and an active. Both get stronger along the 6 phases the boss has, each phase being a segment of his bossbar. Sounds easy, right? No, it isn’t. I recommend a full netherite enchanted set, with some potions and golden apples, if you wish to fight this boss face-to-face. It’s a boss fight that can be long, with armor durability being relevant.

Firstly, War’s horse is invulnerable. Like, literally the Invulnerable NBT tag. It will only die with void damage or if it’s separated from War himself, which, unless you break the bossfight in some inexpected way, will only happen if War dies. This means he can deflect arrows and force you to jump so that you can properly hit War. I’m just encouraging you to aim properly and to do crits on War.

Fun fact: War’s Horse is always with the InLove tag on so that you don’t feed him accidentally golden apples, meaning he is always horny and can’t have sex (since War controls him) till he dies. Some people may feel identified with him.

Secondly, War displays a boss-bar visible from up to 128 blocks and if the player is in the same dimension as War. It has a follow range of 128, meaning that he’ll target you if you deal damage to him less than 128 blocks away from him. He attacks you without you hitting first at the same range than a normal skeleton.

Thirdly, War’s Passive consists of the following:

-First part: War gives mobs around him who are attacking other mobs Strength I, Speed I, and Resistance I. Players, zoglins, War and his emissaries aren’t affected. The range of this passive depends on the phase the boss is in, being 48/64/80/96/112/128 blocks for each of the 6 phases.

-Second part: For each mob buffed by the first part of the passive, up to 10 mobs, War gains 1 Attack Damage, 1.5 Armor and 0.5 Armor Toughness.

In fourth place, we have War’s Active:

War summons Ghost Weapons on a 10-block range around the player. If there are various players, War will target the closest one to him. War doesn’t use this active on players on Creative or Spectator Mode. Ghost Weapons wear swords or axes from wood to diamond, which can be enchanted with Sharpness, Knockback, Fire Aspect or Unbreaking.

Ghost Weapons can’t be burned by sunlight or other means, but they can take damage from being on fire blocks or lava. They also have a 128-block follow-range. Their only possible drop is the weapon they are wearing.

The range at which War can summon Ghost Weapons varies with the phase in the same way his passive does, 48/64/80/96/112/128 range in blocks for each phase. The cooldown also varies, being 37.5/35/32.5/30/27.5/25 seconds per phase. When unleashing his active, War will say his war cry, “Peace was never an option”, to all players in range. Moreover, the max number of Ghost Weapons summoned by his active is 3/4/5/6/7/8 depending on the phase.

However, what does make a fight like this worth it? (What makes life worth it? Wait, I don’t want other existential crisis so let’s focus on the drops) When killing War, he has a 100% chance of dropping his sword (see War’s Sword for more info). He also drops 0-2 Nether Stars (since netheras bones), and when War’s horse gets killed it drops an orb with 666 Xp points.

Finally, to avoid some bugs, as an insect repellant, War has special interactions:

-Any block that could threaten to suffocate him gets broken (excepting blocks like bedrock, command blocks, etc). Blocks broken this way drop its content as if they were mined with the appropriate non-Silk touch tool.

-Any unbreakable block that could threaten to suffocate him makes War to attempt to teleport randomly on a 16-block radius, with a height limit of approximately 16-blocks above him. If no available place is found, War will attempt to teleport again with a height limit of 128 blocks regardless his altitude. This will repeat until War successfully teleports.

-Water around War gets turned into low-level lava, which in contact with other water turns naturally into cobblestone.

-Lava around War gets turned into magma blocks. This includes the lava that doesn’t get turn instantly into cobblestone when War turns water into lava.

-If War happens to casually fall out of the world, he’ll attempt once to teleport randomly on a 16-block radius, with a 128-block height limit. If the attempt fails, War will keep falling to his death.

-Players who make towers to poke War with a bow will be surprised when War levitates its own way till them. War will levitate at a 2-block horizontal distance of a player that’s at least more than 3 blocks above him.

War- War's Sword

War’s Sword, despite its amazing enchantments (Sharpness X, Knockback IV, Fire Aspect IV) is cursed to have the first part of War’s Passive as his own Passive. This means that it gives Strength I, Speed I and Resistance I to all mobs fighting in a 48-block radius, excepting, like War’s Passive, four mobs: players, zoglins, War himself, and his emissaries. War’s Sword doesn’t give the second part of War’s Passive.

And since you are a player, you won’t get any of those buffs when holding the sword, but most of the mobs fighting you will. This is not stonks. On the other hand, this can prove useful to players who plan to use big armies of wolves or iron golems for some reason. Any mob holding this sword will trigger its passive, including zombies and skeletons who could pick it.

War- War's Emissaries

Some Creepers (1% of them to be precise) have decided to create a cult following War’s path. These are known as War’s Emissaries. War has empowered them, making them charged so that they blow up better on his name (as opposed to Creepers who blow up in Allah’s name). They carry War’s Banner, have a 128-block follow radius and upon death (either by being killed or by exploding) they summon Ghost Weapons.

The max number of Ghost Weapons summoned when War is not on the world is always 3, however, if War is alive, the max number will match War’s (which depends on the phase he’s in)

War’s Emissaries drop more gunpowder than ordinary creepers (2-5 gunpowder, with 1 more gunpowder per level of looting) and have a 5% chance to drop the book needed to summon War (increased by 1.5% per level of looting)
CompatibilityMinecraft 1.17
toMinecraft 1.18

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09/13/2021 5:10 am
Level 29 : Expert uwu
UwUwater's Avatar
Hi, I announce that I'm going to take a break from PMC due to personal reasons (university goes brr) and I'll probably won't be able to work on big projects like this till next summer. I might keep doing datapacks on my free time, but don't expect much. Farewell for now, PMC.
09/05/2021 11:28 pm
Level 58 : Grandmaster Cyborg Theorist
Chimerabot's Avatar
Post-testing: A great bossfight overall. For some reason, the particles were glitching out (that's just my computer) but overall, just as difficult- no, more difficult- than expected. Great endgame boss, and with a really cool bonus drop too.
09/06/2021 3:34 am
Level 29 : Expert uwu
UwUwater's Avatar
Ha ha yes. He's intended to make the wither and the ender dragon look weak. The only problem I see with it is that end-game bosses don't get many downloads beacuse few people want to reach endgame xD.
09/06/2021 11:09 am
Level 58 : Grandmaster Cyborg Theorist
Chimerabot's Avatar
True, true. It literally broke my set of Unbreaking III, Prot III netherite armor ._.
09/06/2021 2:55 pm
Level 29 : Expert uwu
UwUwater's Avatar
It's serious when it breaks netherite armor haha... I was surprised too the first time it happened to me, I thought only ender crystals could break armor that fast xD. Maybe the ghost weapons deal too much damage, but if they didn't they wouldn't be a threat to somebody on netherite...
08/30/2021 6:23 pm
Level 29 : Expert uwu
UwUwater's Avatar
Note that, as a beta this datapack is, anything is subject to change. Comment anything you want, from bugs to possible ideas.
08/30/2021 7:15 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Miner
notnew12345's Avatar
Well one of them is famine or scarcity of food which is were having less food in our county area since the lockdowns.
The ExiIed FeIIow
09/01/2021 7:36 am
Level 61 : High Grandmaster Imposter
The ExiIed FeIIow's Avatar
Another would be death which is pretty self-explanatory
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