Minecraft Data Packs / Other

System Plasma Enchantments and Items (1.21)

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    Required Resource Pack
    GetSirius55's Avatar GetSirius55
    Level 49 : Master System Engineer
    Here it is everyone a long time in the making I'm back with a new datapack and this is for 1.21! Woo!

    I now introduce SPEnchantments!

    This datapack add loads of new enchantments to the game as well as lots of custom items that pull together a lot of my old datapacks. This hopefully is going to be my new "master" datapack moving forward. That way all the updates and everything will be in one place.

    An almost complete list of the enchantments added are provided in the game. Craft 3 Lapis Lazuli and a Book together to get an "List of Enchantments" guide book. All recipes for items will be locked behind progression. As soon as you obtain a certain item(s) the recipe will given to you.

    Items now display their name when dropped on the ground. (Sadly can't figure out how to show stack size in name yet)

      To disable run /schedule clear sp_enchantments:item_name_display

    Custom Items / Custom "Systems"

    Place a glass pane in any item frame to make it invisible

    Place glow berries in any item frame to make it glow when players are near

    Breaking Invisible/Glowing item frames made in this manner will undo the effects

    Healing Scroll - 100% Instant Health 2, 25% Absorption 2 for 2 minutes

    Hopper Enhancement Gear removes hopper cooldown

    Furnace Enchantment Gear makes smelter fuel half as efficient, but cooks twice as fast

    Lost Books give a random enchantment some may be from the pack others may be vanilla enchants

    Compression scrolls, some items can be crafted into "compressed" versions for easy storage. (Obtain a Crafter to view all those recipes)

    Teleport Scrolls let you save a location you want to go back to - - one time use

    Magic Mirror teleports you back to spawn, 5 minute cooldown, infinite uses

    Dark Magic Mirror teleports you back to your last death point, 5 minute cooldown(same cool down as Magic Mirror, linked CD) , infinite uses

    Magic Gems when crafted can be placed in item frames to give AOE of the crystal's type.

    Night Crystal give 2 minutes of night vision when consumed

    Invisibility Charm gives invisibility when the item is in your inventory

    List of Enchantments - Google Doc

    With the exception of the "Warp" Enchantment, which as of right now is slightly broken as of 1.21, all other functions and items will be enabled by default. You can enable the "Warp" enchantment by running /function sp_enchantments:warp in game.

    If the pack is too much to handle all at once I suggest disabling a few things like the Smelter Enhancement Gear with

    /schedule clear sp_enchantments:enchanted_furnace


    /schedule clear sp_enchantments:enchanted_hopper

    If any other system is causing you trouble or you don't want it in use, just use a /schedule clear to get rid of it. Oh and it will turn back on on reboot unless you comment it out in the load.json file by putting a "#" in front of the line.

    For admin there are "give" commands for most if not all of the items. They are provided in /trigger commands and should be named so they are self explanatory. The exception is "WIB", that stands for "Wind in a Bottle".


    Please use

    /function sp_enchantments:uninstall

    before removing the datapack from your world. This will delete all armor stands generated, fix all item frames that were changed and remove all 108 scoreboards.


    To access Admin /trigger commands run /tag @s add SystemPlasmaOP
    CompatibilityMinecraft 1.21

    5 Update Logs

    Loot Tables Patched : by GetSirius55 07/10/2024 11:30:40 pmtoday

    Fixed some item chances in loot tables and compatibility issues. Also there was a missing item from End City Chests, that has been fixed.

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    07/11/2024 10:30 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Asmorelefloof's Avatar
    Does this work for 1.20? Or is there a version that does?
    07/11/2024 11:19 pm
    Level 49 : Master System Engineer
    GetSirius55's Avatar
    I do recommend using SPGear or SPGear(1.20.2) with SPLootTables(1.20) or SPLootTables (1.20.2)

    It's not exactly a fix, but it's as close to getting all the effects as I can give you. These were sort of the originals and the Enchantments going forward are going to replace most of what I've already made.
    07/12/2024 11:10 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Asmorelefloof's Avatar
    Alright. Thank you.
    07/11/2024 11:15 pm
    Level 49 : Master System Engineer
    GetSirius55's Avatar
    Unfortunately no, as 1.21 was the first update to allow custom enchantments.
    07/01/2024 2:36 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    BloxBlex's Avatar
    looks nice :)
    07/01/2024 6:06 pm
    Level 49 : Master System Engineer
    GetSirius55's Avatar
    Glad you like it. Let me know if there needs to be any changes, fixes or add-ons. I’ll see what I can do
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