This Data Pack is an entry in the completed Vanilla-like structures.

Minecraft Data Packs / Tool

Swapper sword V4.1 with a structure

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mc_mr_ii's Avatar mc_mr_ii
Level 19 : Journeyman Miner
Also watch the video for more context (might contain spoilers)
if you want to learn more about the functionallaty of the 2 weapons watch this video (not recommended though)

crafting recipes are in the image gallery or below or in the video above

also I might have not said that but the swapper bow and swapper sword are all multiplayer compatable
and you dont actually need to install terralith they structure can just spawn there but u dont need to install it there.
and one more thing there is a mistake in the video the swapper house will spawn in the plains/dark forest even if you have terralith installed
The video above is probobly not updated so therefore the loot isnide isnt very accurate

why am i uploading updates very slowly
I am just new to datapacks so it takes me a while to figure out how to do stuff
the structure: (doesnt realy contain spoilers its just tells you about it shortly)
the structure or as I like to call it the "swapper house" is basicly a house with a basement
explore the abandoned house of a fallen adventure becareful though the will be gaurds gaurding the house as you seek knowlage of 2 weapons with a special ability that were lost to history (and good loot ofc) just know that one of the gaurds has something special (so you should kill those gaurds instead of running away)
a pic of the house idk how to upload pics here

the structure can spawn in the plains and dark forst biomes in minecraft naturally but it if you have terralith installed in the same world it can also spawn in the forested_highlands and temperate_highlands and it can only spawn in unloaded chunks so u might want to add this datapack to ur world before u generate the world and it wont generate naturally if you dont have "spawn structure" on

also the structure is designed for mid game-late game players

if you dont want to search the structure and still loot it you can do /locate structure swapper_sword:swapper_house1 to locate this structure or /place structure swapper_sword:swapper_house1 if you want to spawn exactly where you are

How do I find this structure
If you have terralith try to look for the temperate_highlands and forested_highlands and plains and dark forest biomes if you dont have terralith installed just try to find the plains and dark oak forest
but if you have creative you can do /locate structure swapper_sword:swapper_house1 (to locate the structure) or /place structure swapper_sword:swapper_house1 (if you want to spawn exactly where you are)
also ik i just wrote this already in the structure list I just want to be clearer

How to update the datapack
in ur world/server remove remove the already existing datapack and put in the new and it should work

how do i toggle the "swap arrows" show particles feature? (the swap arrows are the arrows that u shoot from the swapper bow)
to turn it on: /scoreboard players set .set swap_arrows_show_particles 1

to turn it off: /scoreboard players set .set swap_arrows_show_particles 0 (or any number that isnt 1)

Why did i make this datapack?
well first off minecraft is missing a weapon with special abilities like ye you can like make mobs take more dammage from your sword/bow or light them on fire but it is kinda boring so i decided to make the swapper sword and swapper bow so you will need to play it strategically in order to make your enemies take more dammage (you can fall off a cliff and swap with your enemy in order to make that enemy take alot of dammage)

and secondly new structure like cmon man we need more structures with enemies and special abilities for those enemies.

Tips (contain spoilers):
the vindicator in the basement can only throw the axes when you're in the same Y axis as him and the axes cant move up or down so jumping in the basement is recommended and behind him there is also a room with the best loot you can find in this structure so you should realy go for that loot.
and in the house there is an anvil so you can combine the enchanted book that you get with your gear in that anvil and one more thing in the basement there is a lectern so it is realy recommended that you should realy try to find it there and get the crafting recipes for the 2 new weapons this datapack adds.

crafting recipes for my weapons:
crafting recipe for the "swapper bow"

crafting recipe for the "swapper sword"

Credit (i copied this design of a sword for the swapper sword) and bob_the_demon for the swapper bow
CompatibilityMinecraft 1.20

6 Update Logs

Update #6 : by mc_mr_ii 10/30/2023 2:13:14 pmOct 30th, 2023

updated the "swapper sword" to look more like the "swapper bow"

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09/22/2023 3:48 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Nugo's Avatar
This is art man, it's not super big, but it contains everything it needs to. for being a new creator i think you have done an astonishing job! cool new structure, but you have also made sure to not use rare blocks as decoration, which i see a lot of the bigger structure packs tend to do. You do a great job at balancing, and the magical items dont have different modes and do very complicated things that dont feel like minecraft. Your pack is comparable to whimzee's packs, good job!!
09/23/2023 4:16 am
Level 19 : Journeyman Miner
mc_mr_ii's Avatar
Oh thank you, I realy am trying to make this datapack as perfect as I can, and your kind of comments realy motivates me to keep going,
I am planning to make a new structure which is going to be a village structure but with pillagers so if you have any suggestions for it I would very much appreciate it and not just for that new project you can also add suggestions for this structure so just lmk.
also i am planning the village but with pillagers structure to be on a diffrent datapack which ill make and i was wondering if to add this datapack (the swapper sword datapack) to the "village but with pillagers" datapack and also ill need a good name for upcoming datapack
09/05/2023 10:01 pm
Level 1 : New System
Zoidfrfr's Avatar
I think you should make it so when a person hits one thing and then hits another they will swap (unless its dead). Idk if you can make it
09/08/2023 7:57 am
Level 19 : Journeyman Miner
mc_mr_ii's Avatar
well i can make it but i am not sure if to make it another sword type that will swap the last 2 entities or change the already existing sword that swap the attacker with that entity and when an entity dies it automaticly reset the swap thingy also i am not sure how it will work if you would it to not swap those 2 entities
09/01/2023 10:11 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
lunarwolf2008's Avatar
this is great, you should add a swapper bow too
09/02/2023 5:41 am
Level 19 : Journeyman Miner
mc_mr_ii's Avatar
That's actually a great idea, thx man ill write it down
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