Minecraft Data Packs / Block

Stone and Wood Ladder (No Resource Pack Required)

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Jayfin's Avatar Jayfin
Level 21 : Expert Procrastinator
This pack does not work properly in Minecraft 1.17 and above, due to the way I made it. I could update it to work properly again, but I'm not particularly motivated to, so this pack will only work in versions up to 1.16.

This pack adds a new block, the Stone and Wood Ladder, without using a resource pack! It can be crafted, placed, destroyed, and climbed. The crafting recipe is like a normal ladder, but with cobblestone on the sides instead of sticks (See the image above). Like a vanilla ladder, it cannot be placed on certain blocks, and cannot be placed on the floor or ceiling. This is for consistency with vanilla mechanics. Creative mode players can give it to themselves with the give function (/function stone_and_wood_ladder:give) .Unfortunately, it cannot be waterlogged. Also, the item in your inventory looks like an item frame, as there are limits to what you can do without a resource pack.

1. When uninstalling the pack, do not simply delete it from the datapacks folder or run /datapack disable, as this will leave behind entities that are no longer doing anything, and you won't be able to place blocks somewhere where there was a ladder before you removed the pack. Instead, run the uninstall function (/function stone_and_wood_ladder:uninstall), which will remove all ladders, and remove all ladder items in player's inventories. Then disable the datapack. However, on a server this will not remove them from offline players so you might want to manually remove them from player's inventories if that will cause issues. You can then delete it from your datapacks folder, if it hasn't been automatically deleted already.

2. Do not run any of the functions with /function except for the uninstall function and the give function for creative mode. The others are internal functions which make the pack work but aren't mean to be ran by a player, and could cause serious issues in your world or server if they are.

3. This pack is compatible with any version between 1.14 and 1.17. It may give you an incompatibility warning if you're not on 1.16.5, but ignore this, it's fine.

If you like this pack, I'd very much appreciate a diamond, it'd really help out. Thanks, and enjoy the pack!
CompatibilityMinecraft 1.14
toMinecraft 1.16

2 Update Logs

Update #2 - Fixes Small Issue with Uninstalling : by Jayfin 01/31/2021 8:33:35 amJan 31st, 2021

Sometimes, the uninstall function would not disable the pack. There's no way to be certain that this will work, but I've made it more likely that it will.

Thanks for 1000 views! If I have time, I might do one last bugfix update to celebrate.

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08/23/2021 3:17 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Sobako's Avatar
it blink a lot
10/10/2021 3:56 pm
Level 21 : Expert Procrastinator
Jayfin's Avatar
What do you mean exactly?

EDIT: Ah I see, the pack doesn't work in 1.17 plus.
02/04/2021 7:52 am
Level 34 : Artisan Toast
BettingPants69's Avatar
wow suits so much different builds and you dont need to waste storage on an unnecessary texture pack! i wish there would be more ladder variants for the different wood types and mining materials in the main game
02/05/2021 10:22 am
Level 21 : Expert Procrastinator
Jayfin's Avatar
Thanks! The resource pack isn't usually unnecessary, it is needed to add the model and texture of the custom block, but I was able to do it without one in this particular situation (brief explanation in the comment below), so you can add it to a server without players needing to install anything. I'm glad you found it useful for building!
EDIT: I didn't notice at the time, you're the guy who made light saber pack! I found that quite fun to use, very nice.
02/06/2021 7:26 am
Level 34 : Artisan Toast
BettingPants69's Avatar
i meant the resource packs are unnecessary for this creation because you found a smart way where its not needed
01/11/2021 5:50 am
Level 30 : Artisan Miner
BossTNT's Avatar
aMaZiNg PlEaSe GeT iN mY wHiTe VaN
01/11/2021 8:34 am
Level 21 : Expert Procrastinator
Jayfin's Avatar
I mean.. thanks for the comment I guess....
01/10/2021 10:24 am
Level 58 : Grandmaster Cyborg Theorist
Chimerabot's Avatar
This would be really good for mine aesthetics. Your use of the falling bell entity is also pretty cool!
01/10/2021 12:11 pm
Level 21 : Expert Procrastinator
Jayfin's Avatar
Thanks! That's what I thought as well. If it was a real block, I could imagine it being in abandoned mineshaft.
01/10/2021 1:08 am
Level 30 : Artisan Blacksmith
JohThePro's Avatar
Wow, this is amazing! Did you use item frames in armor stands for the texture or something else? I'd love to know.
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