• check_circle Functions
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Jaydin09's Avatar Jaydin09
Level 29 : Expert Warrior
This my star wars datapack the recipes are in the gallery but there are some mobs that can only spawn with functions

/function jedi:jedi
/function jedi:resistance_army
/function jedi:x-wing
The jedi units HAVE to spawn in the nether
/function sith:sith_warrior
/function sith:sith_army
/function sith:tiefighter

And the force abilitys spawn in desert pyramids
CreditShout out to velvoxel raptor who also i borrow some of the designs from him
CompatibilityMinecraft 1.16
toMinecraft 1.17

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08/04/2020 3:42 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Todrager's Avatar
The pack isn't showing up on the list of datapacks. Is there something I could've done wrong or is there a cap on how many data packs you can have?
08/04/2020 3:52 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Todrager's Avatar
nvm it kind of works but the weapons don't do damage and are named "so and so dye"
Lord Thor
08/03/2020 7:32 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Lord Thor's Avatar
Perhaps you could throw in force abilities? When you craft a lightsaber, text appears in the chat. Pick between Jedi and Sith to choose your abilities. When you click on your option, you can spend gold and experience levels to learn powers appropriate for the chosen title. You can access these powers by going over to the ninth inventory slot (must be empty). shift to scroll through the abilities and right click to use them. Force abilities could be: choke, lightning, force storm, heal, drain, push, leap, rage, enhance, freeze, cloak, and midichlorian manipulation. Which of these abilities you can use would depend on whether you became Jedi or Sith. For instance, a Jedi could use heal, but a Sith could not. Alternatively, a Sith could use Force Storm, but a Jedi could not.

What do you think?
08/03/2020 6:26 pm
Level 29 : Expert Warrior
Jaydin09's Avatar
Hey i did go to a desert pyramid to get the abilitys
And also do you think makeing that would be easy
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