Minecraft Data Packs / Simple

spectral arrows now blow up! (tnt arrows, exploding arrows)

  • check_circle Functions
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pluto_null's Avatar pluto_null
Level 12 : Journeyman Miner
is this a datapack? nope
its a "only one command thing"
but wait? what does it do??
it makes spectral arrows explode in a GIANT explosion
its also laggy

just paste this into a command block and power that command block:

summon falling_block ~ ~1 ~ {Time:1,BlockState:{Name:redstone_block},Passengers:[
{id:command_block_minecart,Command:'gamerule commandBlockOutput false'},
{id:command_block_minecart,Command:'data merge block ~ ~-2 ~ {auto:0}'},

{id:command_block_minecart,Command:"setblock ~ ~-2 ~3 minecraft:repeating_command_block[​facing=north]{Command:\"execute at @e[​type=minecraft:spectral_arrow,nbt={inGround:1b}] run summon minecraft:creeper ~ ~ ~ {ExplosionRadius:127,Fuse:0,ignited:1}\",auto:1} replace"},
{id:command_block_minecart,Command:"setblock ~ ~-2 ~2 minecraft:chain_command_block[​conditional=true,facing=north]{Command:\"kill @e[​type=minecraft:spectral_arrow,nbt={inGround:1b}]\",auto:1} replace"},
{id:command_block_minecart,Command:'setblock ~ ~1 ~ command_block{auto:1,Command:"fill ~ ~ ~ ~ ~-3 ~ air"}'},
{id:command_block_minecart,Command:'kill @e[​type=command_block_minecart,distance=..1]'}]}]}]}

also this is my first thing, hope you like it!
Creditminecraft.gampedia.com for the basic only one command command
CompatibilityMinecraft 1.13
toMinecraft 1.16

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05/01/2020 9:55 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
28wesros's Avatar
dont put it in the data pack area if it isnt a datapack
Planet Minecraft


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