Minecraft Data Packs / Tool

Soul Bound Encahantment

  • check_circle Advancements
  • check_circle Functions
  • 531 views, 16 today
  • 33 downloads, 4 today
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Lawliet843's Avatar Lawliet843
Level 33 : Artisan Miner


  • Added Soul Bound enchantment allows the items to stay in inventory after death. It is mutually exlusive with the curse of vanishing. By default it can be applied to all items in game.
  • Added per player keep inventory game rule. If you want to enable that game rule for player just add keep_inv tag to the player.

For developers and server owners.

Notes for other developers

  • Yellow shulker box loot table modification
  • Shulker box at specific coods in every vanilla dimension
  • If you are adding more dimension please replicate the code for shulker boxes from load.mcfunction for your dimension so datapack still works in new dimension.

Idea by PlushToy
CompatibilityMinecraft 1.21

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