Minecraft Data Packs / Adventure

Skyblock Dimension by Tiefflieger

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Tiefflieger's Avatar Tiefflieger
Level 5 : Apprentice System
Welcome to the Planet Minecraft Download page of my datapack.

This is one of the first datapacks that I coded myself, so if you encounter any bugs or want to suggest new features/changes, let me know in the comments below or contact me.

Skyblock Dimension by Tiefflieger Minecraft Data Pack
Image of the starter island


This datapack creates a fourth minecraft dimension which is the so-called skyblock dimension. It can be entered using „/trigger skyblock“. This allows you to add a skyblock gamemode to your already existing minecraft server/world, and players can easily switch between the vanilla survival world and the skyblock dimension and play entirely different gamemodes, all while being on the same server.

The skyblock experience itself is also slightly different from the vanilla skyblock experience, as I added several new crafting recipes and loot tables with the goal of making some time consuming tasks easier (like waiting for a wandering trader) and also making every item available in skyblock that would normally be available in vanilla survival.

Installation and Usage:

Install the datapack like you would install any other datapack, by dropping the zip file into the datapacks folder of your minecraft world. For servers, the path is ./world/datapacks/. You can find a detailed tutorial here. After that, you need to restart your world by closing and opening your world (singleplayer) or restarting the server (multiplayer).

To teleport from the overworld to the skyblock dimension and vice versa, use the /trigger skyblock command.

Supported game versions:

Due to huge changes to datapacks in version 1.20.5+, this datapack officially supports only the following versions:

– 1.20.1
– 1.20.4

Untested versions (Please report any errors that may occur here):

– 1.20 and 1.20.2 (use 1.20.1 version)
– 1.20.3 (use 1.20.4 version)
CompatibilityMinecraft 1.20

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06/22/2024 12:55 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
xJEWCEx's Avatar
hello, fun skyblock datapack. seems it only makes one island tho. possible to make it where you can have multiple islands? or rather everyone gets there own i mean.
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