Minecraft Data Packs / Game Mechanic

SignShops Data Pack

  • check_circle Functions
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Pinyateh's Avatar Pinyateh
Level 18 : Journeyman Crafter


This data pack aims to provide features similar to that of the SignShop bukkit plugin.


  • Locking chests with a written book
  • Creating SignShops with 2 locked chests, a hopper, and an oak sign
  • Shop owners set price of shop item in emeralds, receiving that amount of emeralds per slot of chest inventory sold
  • Automatically cleans up SignShop resources when destroyed
  • Prevents erroneous activity: cannot purchase when the shop it busy, out of stock, or without sufficient funds


  1. Place two single chests next to each other.
  2. Throw a signed written book on top of each chest. The title of this book becomes the lock of the chest. To open the chest, right click on it with an item that has been renamed to the same name as that of the book. Locks do not protect chests from breaking, just from access.
  3. Place a hopper on top of one chests to that items will fill the chest.
  4. Place an oak sign on the other chest, on the side furthest away from the hopper. Write the following onto the sign:
  5. Drop any stick onto the oak sign, this creates the shop.
  6. Using the shop key, stock the chest that the sign is placed on. The shop will sell each slot of the chest, so if you want to sell 32 planks, put 32 planks in each slot. Putting 64 planks in the first slot would sell all 64 no matter the circumstance.
  7. While looking directly onto the shop and standing in the block of the oak sign, sneak-right click on the shop sign with a Carrot on a Stick to attempt to purchase from the SignShop.
  8. Use the shop keys to access the chest under the hopper to get the emeralds from payments.


  • Only works with oak signs, more signs can be added but at the cost of many more commands (800+). May be added but might cause lag.
  • Cannot open the stock chest by right clicking above the center of the sign, the invisible armor stands blocks this operation.
  • Should work in other major versions of the game but is untested.
  • The bottom 2 lines of the sign can be anything, they don't have to match the contents of the shop, which can lead to a dishonest salesman.
CompatibilityMinecraft 1.16

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04/08/2020 4:37 am
Level 1 : New Miner
claudio_dias008's Avatar
how do you change it so you can buy with other

things like diamonds or gold?
04/11/2020 3:02 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Crafter
Pinyateh's Avatar
04/05/2020 6:33 am
Level 45 : Master Steve
KapceRBLX's Avatar
The stick is not working
04/05/2020 6:30 am
Level 1 : New Miner
BlueSteelAU's Avatar
How Does a player know whats for sale ???
04/05/2020 10:24 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Crafter
Pinyateh's Avatar
The last 2 lines of the sign are able to contain anything, preferably the content of the shop, theres no enforcement of the sign to match the chest however
04/05/2020 6:29 am
Level 45 : Master Steve
KapceRBLX's Avatar
Can you make a video tutorial?
04/05/2020 10:23 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Crafter
Pinyateh's Avatar
The video linked in the post shows how the pack works
04/01/2020 2:32 am
Level 45 : Master Steve
KapceRBLX's Avatar
What do we get for selling?
04/01/2020 3:13 am
Level 18 : Journeyman Crafter
Pinyateh's Avatar
I updated the description, you set a price of an amount of emeralds to receive per slot of the shop.
04/01/2020 3:18 am
Level 45 : Master Steve
KapceRBLX's Avatar
Can you add ability to change emeralds to anything like diamonds or netherite?
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