Minecraft Data Packs / Other

Server Pronouns Pack [V1.1.0]

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The8BitMonkey's Avatar The8BitMonkey
Level 56 : Grandmaster Procrastinator
A pack to display what pronouns you use next to your name πŸ‘

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- How to use

To use the pack you just need to run one trigger command
/trigger pronoun

When you use the trigger a list of pronouns will appear in the chat for you to select from!

This was a pack requested by a member of the community and the list of pronouns were chosen by them, I may be able to add more but with the addition of each pronoun it adds several issues due to the integration with the Creative Status datapack

Server Pronouns Pack [V1.1.0] Minecraft Data Pack

The pronoun will display in the chat, above your name and in the tab menu.

Pronoun List Options:
- None
- He/Him
- She/Her
- They/Them
- He/They
- She/They
- It/Its
- She/It
- They/It
- He/She/They
- All
- Neo

- Uninstall Command
You can uninstall 1 of 2 ways
1: During install (or world reload) if you're in Creative you will get a "pack installed" message, if you click [​INFO] there is an uninstall button at the bottom
2: type /function 8bm:uninstall.server_pronouns and press enter

- Reset "Advancement Triggers"
If for some reason something working as you feel it's meant to, you can try resetting the "triggers" that are used to do the action in the pack by type /function 8bm:reset this will reset the triggers for players currently in the world and should NOT affect any of your advancements

CompatibilityMinecraft 1.18
toMinecraft 1.20

3 Update Logs

Version 1.1.0 : by The8BitMonkey 06/29/2023 3:39:23 pmJun 29th, 2023

- Updated pack to 1.20.X

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β€’ 12/17/2023 5:39 am
β€’ Level 1 : New Miner
Skxrlxt's Avatar
Hey. We use this data pack on our server but every time someone selects He/She/They-- It uses 'All' in it's place. Is there a fix to this? Not a huge deal but just wanted to ask as I couldn't find a fix.
β€’ 07/20/2023 8:15 pm
β€’ Level 16 : Journeyman Engineer
Ins0mn1a's Avatar
Thank you for maintaining this data pack! My server loves this datapack.
β€’ 07/16/2023 11:01 am
β€’ Level 1 : New Miner
Pellbois's Avatar
Point less just tell the person what you want to be called don't need to emphisize it. GROW UP
06/30/2023 4:58 pm
This reply was removed by the poster or a moderator.
β€’ 07/01/2023 6:06 pm
β€’ Level 38 : Artisan Crafter
Oligo's Avatar
Grow up
Trash Mammal
β€’ 03/14/2023 4:15 pm
β€’ Level 19 : Journeyman Artist
Trash Mammal's Avatar
Loving this datapack but I did notice a bug where when I set my pronouns it also sets my dog, cat and parrots to the same pronouns too. I'd love a fix please. keep up the good work x
β€’ 01/03/2023 5:36 pm
β€’ Level 1 : New Explorer
oxygenPls's Avatar

absolutely love the pack as does everyone on my server. im just wondering, how do you activate the streaming/recording thing? it doesnt show up when you do /trigger pronoun and i can find anything about it in the txt files
β€’ 01/04/2023 1:01 am
β€’ Level 56 : Grandmaster Procrastinator
The8BitMonkey's Avatar
Hi, glad you and your server like the pack ☺️

The streaming/recording feature comes from my other pack called Creative Status: https://www.planetminecraft.com/data-pack/creative-status/

When that pack is also installed it will show the trigger commands for streaming/recording/stop and will retain the selected pronoun so that both show up on the players name
β€’ 01/04/2023 6:06 am
β€’ Level 1 : New Explorer
oxygenPls's Avatar
yes thank you i found it! their selected pronouns didnt stay after doing the /trigger stop command tho.

i also have another question

for some people on my server, always the same people, the pronouns glitch. they are able to choose a set but when you hold tab the pronouns appear/disappear constantly making the player jump up and down the tab list. this also affects the chat and their nametag in game.
is this a known glitch or is there something up with my server specifically?
β€’ 01/04/2023 6:53 am
β€’ Level 56 : Grandmaster Procrastinator
The8BitMonkey's Avatar
Hmm seems like a bug I'd now found before, I did test the /trigger stop and it worked fine for me, I'll do some more tests when I have a day off work πŸ‘

As for the pronouns disappearing that's isn't something I've ever found, would you mind if I join the server (you can DM me the IP to keep it private) and I'll have a look to see what the cause might be....also what type of server are you using (bukkit, PaperMC, Spigot, Fabric, etc) and do you have any mods/plugins installed?
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