Minecraft Data Packs / World Generation

Sengoku Minecraft Datapack (Japanese World Generation, Structures, etc) 1.20.1-1.20.4

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QwikSand's Avatar QwikSand
Level 41 : Master Goblin
1.20.4 Version Here!

Old Version Download (1.20.1)
Old Version Download (1.20.4)

Sengoku Minecraft is a data pack that overhauls vanilla Minecraft to a fully immersive Samurai experience with a side of Japanese Mythology to fulfill your weeb ronin fantasies for your roleplay server!

With this data pack and resource pack (Optifine required) combined the following features are included:

  Completely Overhauled Biomes:



Sengoku Minecraft Datapack (Japanese World Generation, Structures, etc) 1.20.1-1.20.4 Minecraft Data Pack

Silver Grass Plains (Sunflower Plains)

Sengoku Minecraft Datapack (Japanese World Generation, Structures, etc) 1.20.1-1.20.4 Minecraft Data Pack

Shibazakura Plains (Sparse Jungle)

Sengoku Minecraft Datapack (Japanese World Generation, Structures, etc) 1.20.1-1.20.4 Minecraft Data Pack


Pampas Fields (Savanna)

Snowy Plains

Burnt Plains (Desert)



Dark Forest

Flower Forest

Golden Forest (Old Growth Birch Forest)

Maple Oak Forest (Savanna Plateau)

Bloodgood Forest (Wooded Badlands)

Maple Oak Hills (Windswept Savanna)

Sakura Grove (Cherry Grove)

Birch Forest

Sanguine Forest (Badlands)

Cold Forests


Old Growth Pine Taiga

Old Growth Spruce Taiga

Snowy Taiga

Windswept Hills

Windswept Forest

Bamboo Grove (Ice Spikes)


Humid Forests and Marshlands

Rainforest (Jungle)

Bamboo Forest (Bamboo Jungle)


Mangrove Swamp


Snowy Slopes

Volcanic Peaks (Stony Peaks)

Frozen Peaks

Jagged Peaks


Hot Springs (Eroded Badlands)

Lavender Isle (Mushroom Fields)

Yomi (The Nether)

Yomi Wastes (Nether Wastes)

Soul of Kagutsuchi (Basalt Deltas)

Wisteria Grove (Crimson Forest)

Weeping Forest (Warped Forest)

Ryūgū-jō (The End)

  Revamped Vanilla Structures:


Swamp Hut

Bastion Remnant

Ancient City

Desert Temple (Replaced with Destroyed Pagoda)

Jungle Temple

Woodland Mansion (Replaced with Warlord Castle)

Stronghold (Replaced with Entrance to Ryūgū-jō)

End City (Replaced with Ryūgū-jō Palace)

Ocean Monument

Igloo (Replaced with Snow Hut)

Pillager Outpost (Replaced with Bandit Outpost)

Sunken Ships

  New Structures:

Outskirt Villagers and Inns

Abandoned Manors

Castle Ruins

Stone Lanterns

Shinto Shrines


Tori Gates

Buried Palace

Yomi Houses



Buddah Statues

Inari Shrines

Kaeru Shrines

Castles (Plains)

Castles (Winter)



Swamp Villages

Bamboo Villages

  New Mobs:

  • Kodama (Allay)
  • Ubagabi (Blaze)
  • Tsuchigumo (Cave Spider)
  • Kodama Nezumi (Creepers)
  • Kappa (Drowned)
  • Umibōzu (Elder Guardian)
  • Ryūgū no tsukai (Elder Guardian)
  • Ryūjin (Ender Dragon)
  • Kuchisake Onna (Enderman)
  • Yurei (Enderman)
  • Funayurei (Enderman)
  • Tsuchinoko (Endermite)
  • Ōkubi (Ghast)
  • Gashadokuro (Giant)
  • Umiotoko (Guardian)
  • Kamiike hime (Guardian)
  • Otoroshi (Hoglin)
  • Nuppeppō (Husk)
  • Daimajin (Iron Golem)
  • Tsurubebi (Magma Cube)
  • Kudan (Mooshroom)
  • Kanashibari (Phantom)
  • Buzuki (Piglins)
  • Gozuki (Piglin Brute)
  • Ushi Oni (Ravager)
  • Kaichigo (Shulker)
  • Tsutsugamushi (Silverfish)
  • Skeleton (yours truly)
  • Tsurube otoshi (Slime)
  • Hakutaku (Sniffer)
  • Oshiroi Babā (Snow Golem)
  • Jorogumo (Spider)
  • Tsurara-Onna (Stray)
  • Yuki-Onna (Stray)
  • Hitotsume kozō (Strider)
  • Tengu (Vex)
  • Ōzatō (Warden)
  • Yamauba (Witch)
  • Maikubi (Wither)
  • Shinigami (Wither Skeleton)
  • Waira (Zoglin)
  • Oni (Zombies)
  • Mezuki (Zombie Horse)
  • Dorotabō (Zombie Villager)
  • Shikome (Zombified Piglin)

  • Ōsanshōuo (Axolotl)
  • Deer (Llama)
  • Yamamayaa (Ocelot)
  • Tanuki (Panda)
  • Crow (Parrot)
  • Boar (Pig)
  • Black Bear (Polar Bear)
  • Carp (Salmon)
  • Koi Fish (Tropical Fish)
  • Minor texture changes to the rest of the mobs to fit their theme.

  • Samurai Bandits (Vindicators)
  • Bandit Cheif (Evoker)
  • Ashigaru Bandits (Pillagers)
  • Shinobi (Illusioners)
  • Villagers (You guessed it)
  • Wandering Merchant (You get the idea)

  Updated Textures:

Updated Blocks
  • Oak Wood
  • Spruce Wood (Now Black Pine)
  • Birch Wood
  • Jungle Wood (Now Kiso Cypress
  • Acacia Wood (Now Keyaki)
  • Dark Oak Wood (Now Dark Cedar)
  • Cherry Wood (Now Sakura)
  • Bamboo Wood
  • Mangrove Wood
  • Crimson Wood (Now Bloodgood Maple)
  • Warped Wood (Now Weeping Willow)
  • These wood changes apply to planks, logs, doors, trapdoor, fences, signs, boats, etc.
  • Deepslate Tiles (Now Deepslate Shingles)
  • Deepslate Bricks
  • Polished Deepslate
  • Stone Bricks
  • Chiseled Stone Bricks
  • Mossy Stone Bricks
  • Cobblestone
  • Mossy Cobblestone
  • Sandstone
  • Cut Sandstone
  • Smooth Sandstone
  • Blackstone Bricks (Now Blackstone Shingles)
  • End Stone (Now Coral Stone)
  • End Stone Bricks (Now Coral Stone Bricks)
  • Quartz Bricks
  • Quartz Block
  • Chiseled Quartz
  • Smooth Quartz
  • Quartz Pillar
  • Bricks (Now Shingles)
  • Sea Lantern
  • Prismarine
  • Prismarine Bricks
  • Dark Prismarine
  • Netherrack (Now Ash)
  • Nether Brick (Yomi Brick)
  • Red Nether Brick (Red Yomi Brick)
  • Purpur Blocks
  • Purpur Pillars
  • Gold Block
  • Iron Block
  • Diamond Block
  • Emerald Block (Jade Block)
  • Redstone Block
  • Crimson Nylium (Bloodgood Nylium)
  • Warped Nylium (Weeping Nylium)
  • Nether Wart Block (Bloodgood Leaves)
  • Warped Wart Block (Weeping Willow Leaves)
  • Brown Mushroom Block
  • Red Mushroom Block
  • Packed Ice
  • Magma Block (Changes colors in Yomi)
  • Calcite
  • Polished Diorite
  • Glowstone
  • Mangrove Roots
  • Shroomlight
  • Red Sandstone
  • Red Sand
  • Hay Block
  • Ochre Froglight
  • Verdant Froglight
  • Pearlescent Froglight
  • Gravel
  • Sand

Functional Blocks
  • Crafting Table
  • Barrel
  • Bookshelves
  • Chiseled Bookshelves
  • Lanterns
  • Soul Lanterns
  • Torches
  • Furnace
  • Smoker
  • Blast Furnace (Now a Tatara Furnace)
  • Composter
  • Enchanting Table (Now Charm Altar)
  • Chest
  • Ender Chest (Now Azure Chest)
  • Flower Pot
  • Suspicious Sand
  • Suspicious Gravel
  • Glass (Now Shoji Frame)
  • Tinted Glass (Now Tinted Shoji)
  • White Stained Glass (White Stained Shoji)
  • Brown Stained Glass (Covered Shoji)
  • Light Gray Stained Glass (Lightly Damaged Shoji)
  • Gray Stained Glass (Damaged Shoji)
  • Black Stained Glass (Empty Shoji)
  • Red Stained Glass (Red Stained Shoji)
  • Blue Stained Glass (Blue Stained Shoji)
  • Purple Stained Glass (Purple Stained Shoji)
  • Green Stained Glass (Green Stained Shoji)
  • Yellow Stained Glass (Yellow Stained Shoji)
  • Orange Stained Glass (Damaged Yellow Stained Shoji)
  • Lime Stained Glass (Solid Yellow Stained Shoji)
  • Pink Stained Glass (Sakura Stained Shoji)
  • Magenta Stained Glass (Blank Sakura Stained Shoji)
  • Light Blue Stained Glass (Golden Stained Shoji RIGHT)
  • Cyan Stained Glass (Golden Stained Shoji LEFT)
  • All Carpets
  • All Wool (Now Silk)
  • All Shulker Boxes (Now Kaichigo Boxes)
  • TNT (Now Black Powder Keg)
  • Iron Door
  • Iron Trapdoor
  • Torches
  • Soul Torches
  • Redstone Torches
  • Decorated Pots (Now Porcelain Vases)
  • Piston
  • Sticky Piston
  • Beacon (Now Sun Goddess Shrine)
  • Bell

  • Grass
  • Tall Grass
  • Fern
  • Large Fern
  • Bamboo
  • Lilac (Now Pampa Grass)
  • Peony (Now Chinese Silver Grass)
  • Rose Bush (Now Wisteria Bush)
  • Poppy (Now Flowering Quince)
  • Dandelion (Now Kerria)
  • Allium (Now Iris Shobu)
  • Azure Bluet (Now Japanese Anemone)
  • Red Tulip (Now Red Spider Lily)
  • Orange Tulip (Now Sanguine Lily)
  • White Tulip (Now Ajisai)
  • Pink Tulip (Now Shibazakura)
  • Oxeye Daisy (Now White Oriental Lily)
  • Cornflower (Now Nemophila)
  • Pitcher Plant (Now Ginkgo Bonsai)
  • Torchflower (Now Chrysantheum)
  • Crimson Roots (Now Bloodgood Bush)
  • Lily Pads
  • Wither Rose (Now Fruit of Yomi)
  • Chorus Plant (Now Dragon Stem)
  • Chorus Flower (Now Dragon Flower)
  • Crimson Fungus (Now Bloodgood Sapling)
  • Warped Fungus (Now Weeping Willow Sapling)
  • Oak Sapling
  • Birch Sapling
  • Spruce Sapling (Now Black Pine Sapling)
  • Dark Oak Sapling (Now Dark Cedar Sapling)
  • Jungle Sapling (Now Kiso Cypress Sapling)
  • Acacia Sapling (Now Keyaki Sapling)
  • Mangrove Sapling (Potted)
  • Pumpkins
  • Carved Pumpking
  • Jack-o-Lantern

  • Beetroot (Now Soybeans)
  • Pumpkin Pie (Now Kaboocha)
  • Melons (Now Yubari King)
  • Carrots (Now Kintoki Ninjin)
  • Chorus Fruit (Now Dragon Fruit)
  • Potatoes (Now Rice)
  • Baked Potatoes (Now Rice Ball)
  • Beetroot Soup (Now Miso Soup)
  • Cookies
  • Cake
  • Potions (Now Sake)
  • Ender Pearl (Now Jade Pearl)
  • Eye of Ender (Now Tide Pearl)

  • All Wooden Tools
  • All Stone Tools
  • All Iron Tools
  • All Golden Tools
  • All Diamond Tools
  • All Netherite Tools
  • Wooden Sword (Now Bokken)
  • Stone Sword (Now Kanobo)
  • Iron Sword (Now Iron Katana)
  • Golden Sword (Now Golden Katana)
  • Diamond Sword (Now Diamond Katana)
  • Netherite Sword (Now Netherite Katana)
  • Trident (Now Yari)
  • Crossbow (Now Tanegashima)
  • Spectral Arrows (Now Musket Balls)
  • Shields (Now Sheathed Parry Swords)
  • Bow
  • Arrows
  • Tipped Arrows (Kunai)
  • Leather Armor
  • Chainmail Armor (Now Shinobi Gear)
  • All Helmets
  • All Chestplates (Now Dō)
  • All Leggings (Now Haidate)
  • All Boots (Now Plateskirts)
  • Elytra (Wings of Tengu)
  • Name Tags
  • Totem of Undying (Now Charm of Undying)
  • Enchanted Books (Now Charms)
  • Turtle Helmet (Now Mask of Genbu)

Miscellaneous Items
  • Emeralds (Now Jade)
  • Scute (Now Scales of the Black Tortoise)
  • Firework Rocket
  • Nether Star (Now Omamori of Amaterasu)
  • Wither Skeleton Skull (Severed Warlord Head)
  • Rabbits Foot (Now Shides)
  • Slime Ball (Now Flesh Tissue)
  • Nether Brick (Now Yomi Brick)
  • All Pottery Shards
  • All Paintings

With the Resource Pack, expect the names for all replaced items/blocks/mobs/biomes in game along with their changes.


"Why can't I craft X?":

  Some Crafting Recipes have been changed to better fit the theme or just for QoL purposes. Here are the changes:

  • Lime Stained-Glass
  • Trident
  • Spectral Arrow
  • Shield
  • Saddle
  • Rabbit's Foot
  • Lantern
  • Gunpowder
  • Glass Bottle
  • Glass
  • Eye of Ender
  • Brown Stained Glass
  • Pumpkin Pie
  • Cookies
  • Cyan Stained Glass
  • Light Blue Stained Glass
  • Green Dye
  • Soul Lantern
  • Vertical Tatami Mat
Sorry if there is any confusion!

"Why are creepers mice now? They're so small I can barely see them! >:( are you stupid?":

  The Kodama Nezumi is a type of yokai that is described as a regular ball mouse that swells up and explodes upon contact. The only yokai I could think of that could be equivalent to the Creeper. Their hitboxes remain the same, however it is now easier for them to sneak up on you due to the dramatic grass textures and their size. To counter this I made it so this mob has the lowest base HP of any mob so you can quickly defuse them when caught. I also lowered their spawn chances to make it less annoying. For you gunpowder farmers, I have made gunpowder a craft able item in response.

      Source: yokai.com

"Biome changes have made X block unobtainable":

  With Changes to "western" biomes. Blocks like Terracotta and Cactuses no longer spawn naturally. However I did make changes which make up for it.

  • Terracotta can be purchased in large numbers from Tinsmith Villagers
  • Cocoa Beans and Cactuses can be found in chests in some village.
  • Note: Green dye is now made from yellow+blue dye instead of smelting cactuses.
  • All Purpur Blocks can be found in chests in Ryūgū-jō (End City) structures.
  • Red Sand can be found in chests of Burnt Plains Villages

"Why should I have Optifine installed for the resource pack":

  Many features like customized entity models and items, colors, skybox, connected textures will not compute without Optifine. For Sodium users they're mods that add these features but if you want it all in one I really recommend Optifine. You can also use Optifabric if youre on Fabric.

"Why should I use the resource pack at all?":

  This project was a resource pack first. It became a data pack when I got to the point where vanilla Minecraft wasn't cutting it for the resource pack anymore. So I made this data pack to utilize the resource pack to fullest. Even if you refute Optifine, I would still really want you to use the resource pack regardless. Playing this datapack without the resource pack would be like watching a movie with a blindfold on. It's over half the experience.

Those who don't use the resource pack are condemned with an eternity of negative wisdom and itchy foreheads >:(
CreditStardust Labs, Tectonic (terrain noise), William Wythers, pipebomb, FreedomMC,
CompatibilityMinecraft 1.20

2 Update Logs

Update #2 : by QwikSand 07/01/2024 7:11:12 pmJul 1st

Huge update to the data pack and resource pack

CAUTION: I revamped the entire terrain generation so migrating the new version in worlds with the old version will cause sudden and unnatural chunk transitions between old and new chunks. So I recommend starting a new world to avoid this.


  • As said before, the terrain generation has been revamped to be more smooth and consistent.
  • The pathways that spawn in Pampas Fields and Silver Grass Fields are now included in almost all biomes now.
  • The Plains, Snowy Plains, Pampas Field and Burnt Plains Biome now have a chance to spawn a small patch of trees to make it feel less barren.
  • The Desert (Now Burnt Plains) no longer spawns sand or red sand and has now become more ashen like.
  • NEW BIOME: Sanguine Forest (To replace the Badlands)
  • NEW BIOME: Bamboo Grove (To replace Ice Spikes)
  • Colors of the Birch Forest have been reverted back to green.
  • Major Rework to the Rainforest Biome, which now has 3 different variants.
  • Major Rework of the Bloodgood Forest, which now has two different variants.
  • Major Rework to the Golden Forest Biome
  • Major Rework to the Maple Oak Forest.
  • Major Rework to the Flower Forest
  • Minor Rework to the Swamp.
  • Minor Rework to the Mangrove Swamp.
  • Minor Rework to the Volcanic Peaks.
  • Windswept Hills and Windswept Forest are now two different biomes.
  • Hot Spring biome now has autumn colors to match it's neighboring biomes.
  • Wisteria Grove now lives more up to the name.
  • Trees in Yomi now vary between normal leaves and "wart block" leaves. So you can collect Bloodgood/Weeping wood without worrying about eye sore floating leaves that don't decay.
  • Pampas Field now has more Pampas
  • Shibazakura Plains now has more Shibazakura
  • Pampas Grass and Chinese Silver Grass now works like Tall Grass where breaking it by hand will just drop wheat seeds sometimes so you don't get your inventory full by making your way through the field. However you can use shears to properly collect them.
  • Tall Grass no longer spawns in Yomi.

  • NEW STRUCTURE: Swamp Villages (Spawn in Swamps and Mangrove Swamps)
  • NEW STRUCTURE: Bamboo Villages (Spawn in Bamboo Forest, Rainforest, Bloodgood Forest, Bamboo Grove, and Lavender Isle)
  • NEW STRUCTURE: Inari Shrines (Fox Sanctuaries)
  • NEW STRUCTURE: Kaeru Shrines (Frog Sanctuaries)
  • NEW STRUCTURE: Lesser Castle Outposts. Small versions of the Warlord Castle (Woodland Mansion)
  • NEW STRUCTURE: Winter Castle. (Larger than Lesser Castles but Smaller than the Warlord Castle. Spawns in Snowy Biomes)
  • NEW STRUCTURE: Lighthouse
  • NEW STRUCTURE: Farmstead
  • Structures such as shrines, outskirt villagers and castles now have pathways leading from a tori gate.
  • Reworked the Vanilla Structure Sunken Ships and Beached Sunken Ships.
  • Structures that spawn in the Burnt Plains (Desert) have been changed to fit the biome's rework.
  • New Houses added to the Taiga Village.
  • Farms in the Plains biome have been reworked.
  • Shops in Market Villages (Savanna Villages) now spawn randomized so no two villages will be the same.
  • New Varieties of the Market Village.
  • Bandit Outpost (Pillager Outpost) has been reworked.
  • New Shinto Shrines
  • New Pagodas, including a new boss; The Shinobi.
  • Bandits and Samurai no longer spawn infinitely in Outposts and Castles so you can now truly capture them for yourself.
  • New Outskirt Villages.
  • Ryūgū-jō now includes various decor.
  • Major polishing work done.
  • Baby Oni (Baby Zombies) are a thing of the past. REST IN PISS.
  • Kaichigo (Shulkers) spawn in different colors.
  • Vertical Tatami Mat recipe has been changed (3 Birch Planks upwards).
  • Shinobi Armor Drop has been fixed.
  • Added a chest in one of the Market Villages that has unobtainable blocks and items such as cactus, sunflower, and cocoa beans.
  • Red sand can now be found in Burnt Plains Village chests.

  • New Ryūgū-jō Skybox!
  • Apples are now Peaches
  • Bread Texture Changed
  • Shoji Frames and Panels' wooden textures has been changed to match the actual wood better.
  • New Pampas Grass Texture
  • New Chinese Silver Grass Texture
  • Bandit Chief renamed to Bandit Monk.
  • Cows renamed to Oxen
  • New Samurai textures.
  • New Buzuki textures.
  • New Oxen textures.
  • New Villager Features
  • Monks now have distinct clothes based on gender.
  • New Vine CTM
  • Vines appear as Wisteria Vines in Yomi biomes and the Lavender Isle.
  • Leaves are coated in snow in colder biomes.
  • Fallen Leaves cover the ground in the Sakura Grove, Birch Forest, Golden Forest, Maple Oak Forest, Sanguine Forest, and Flower Forest biomes.
  • Ash paints the ground on numerous blocks in the Burnt Plains and Volcanic Peaks
  • Villagers are quieter.
  • Villagers, Samurai, Ashigaru and Bandit Monk have a larger range of idle voice lines.
  • Changes to the Kiso Cypress log textures (Jungle Wood)
  • You can turn your sword into a Yari or Naginata by renaming them.
  • Yuki-Onna now wields an icicle diamond sword.
  • Bamboo biome based colors changed.
  • Bloodgood Log has an updated texture.
  • Damjin (Iron Golems) Spawn in different colors depending on biome. (This could already be a feature I honestly don't remember)
  • Tsurube otoshi (Slimes) have been reworked and can spawn in multiple varieties.
  • Kodama Nezumi come in new varieties. 
  • Kodama Nezumi glow in the dark so you can see them better.
  • Updated animations for Samurai, Ashigaru, Monk Bandits, Shinobi and Kuchisake Onna
  • New model for Gashadokuro (Giant Boss)
  • Tsurubebi models have been reworked and appear more smokey and fiery (Datapack only)
  • New music!

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07/11/2024 1:07 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
lowresskyline's Avatar
Phenomenal pack! I was wondering what shaderpack did you use in screenshots posted on here and curseforge?
07/11/2024 4:21 pm
Level 41 : Master Goblin
QwikSand's Avatar
Thank you!

I used BSL for both Overworld and Nether. I used the dirty lens to add more style and played around in the settings overall. I didn't use shaders in the end because they added the lighting and sky from the original end (dark and purple) which clashed with the theme.
07/08/2024 7:52 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
User5242853D's Avatar
I'm using the version at the link titled "1.20.4 Version Here!"and I've noticed that I can't make the vertical tatami -- is this the right link to use?
07/10/2024 2:52 pm
Level 41 : Master Goblin
QwikSand's Avatar
Looks like I forgot to update the link. My bad. You were using the old version

However I wouldn't merge the updated data pack into your current one because I did massive changes to the terrarin generation and it would create chunk errors.
07/11/2024 10:17 am
Level 1 : New Miner
User5242853D's Avatar
:( that really sucks
07/11/2024 4:18 pm
Level 41 : Master Goblin
QwikSand's Avatar
Sorry. I've been planning on making a version with the old terrain so people from older versions can merge.

However even then a lot of trees would be trimmed in the new chunks because of changes I made.
07/08/2024 1:31 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
User5066117G's Avatar
Hey, i've been playing with this datapack and it's amazing, but i've noticed that saplings in plains biome turn the dirt/grass block they were on to stone, is there any way to edit the datapack to make that not happen ?
07/07/2024 7:56 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
TheFrogFather01's Avatar
Does sodium work with this using it with mods optifine crashes it
07/10/2024 4:35 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
RiuAlex's Avatar
A mi también me ocurre, sin embargo he visto otra gente capaz de usarlo con mods así que no se que puede estar ocurriendo.
07/05/2024 5:10 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
TheFrogFather01's Avatar
For some reason I cant download it off of mediafire
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