Minecraft Data Packs / Adventure

Runechant A New World to Discover | Beta Release Ver. 0.4.4b [1.21] Advancement Tabs (1/11 Complete)

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Required Resource Pack
Kllooooyy's Avatar Kllooooyy
Level 43 : Master Architect

Current Data Pack Ver. 0.4.4b
Current Resource Pack Ver. 0.4.4

The main functions have now been ported over to 1.21. Please note that there is still several features to implement as well as overall balancing. Advancements are also visually broken due to a large transition of items. Speaking of which all items can be more easily accessed via a glossary loot table using commands for testing or exploring. The main focus is still fleshing out the pack and adding more QoL changes. Once that pack is ready for a proper release a full write up will be done for all features. This is a large pack that adds many new things and alters various normal survival content.

The Data Pack is currently a WIP, in terms of content the current feature are aimed toward Early-Mid Game with New End Game content currently being worked on.

This Data Pack is meant as a reimagining of Survival Minecraft adding in a multitude of features to enhance progression and existing content as well as create new content for a Survival Player to explore.

Heyya I'm Kllooooyy, for the better half of the year I have been working on this data pack to create the play experience I would like. With the support of all you wonderful people in community the pack has continued to grow and become an exciting endeavor. The pack is final in a state I'm happy to share, though there is still much I would like to add and I'm sure a lot of bugs and balancing to be down. To anyone wanting to give it a go none less thank you. But do be prepared that nothing tends to go perfectly so while I've done my best to make sure the features currently accessible work correctly there might still be a few hiccups. The pack will also be continuously updated as again this is not the finished product but just right starting point.

Now I know my job is kinda to sell it to you in a figurative sense but in all honesty I love leaving things to be discovered and surprised by. As such I will not be listing every single feature or change and leave it to you Runechanters to have fun discovering how your world has changed.

In terms of a theme the pack is focused on enchantment adding magic in it's own way to everything around you. The play experience is guided by advancements, serving as your best source of information of what to do and aim for. There is a heavy emphasis on experience and its additional uses so don't be surprised if you seem to be gaining levels quicker than Vanilla, there will be lots of ways to spend it. But for anyone who does want a better understanding of what's going on, here is a shameless plug https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLQxlT6elcFtSoePgZ2q1IvkMFabkTv-p8 this playlist is part of my Youtube channel where I have been working on the Pack as such all the features can be found there splayed out across different videos.
CompatibilityMinecraft 1.21

29 Update Logs

Update #29 : by Kllooooyy 07/11/2024 10:26:07 amtoday

-Advancement Porting/Reworking/Fixing commences, first tab done 10 to go

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07/10/2024 4:51 am
Level 1 : New Miner
eatnana's Avatar
This datapack is cool,I love it.Can I move the datapack to other platforms in China and use it on my server?I will mark your name and this datapack page link.
07/11/2024 10:40 am
Level 43 : Master Architect
Kllooooyy's Avatar
You're more than welcome to use the data pack on severs as for redistributing fair warning the pack is currently a work in progress and is receiving regular updates. But it has always been my sole desire for people play it so go nuts.
07/09/2024 9:53 am
He/Him • Level 1 : New System
Mailo037's Avatar
I found another problem, in this path glossary:shield/turtle_shell.json !!

In this dokument you can see a vanilla command (summon item...) through this the .json dokument can not funktion proberly.
I dont know if its intendet, but I thought it would be better to tell you.

Do you have dc? (I would love to try and help you wherever I can)
07/09/2024 9:24 pm
Level 43 : Master Architect
Kllooooyy's Avatar
Oh I absolutely do and would absolutely love that https://discord.gg/3Ntrh7sywT

As for the turtle shield that was from the old version of the pack where the items were from summon commands guess I forgot to port it over too 1.21 and left it in the loot table so I'd remember what attributes it should have. It's why it's just the Barbed Sabre data underneath.

Gotta say you're doing some serious digging cheers
07/08/2024 3:49 pm
He/Him • Level 1 : New System
Mailo037's Avatar
I have a question, should you be slowed with every armor / trimed armor ?
07/08/2024 7:40 pm
Level 43 : Master Architect
Kllooooyy's Avatar
So currently there is a player stat system tied to all equipment, so some equipment depending on the type iron/gold/diamond/netherite reduce a player "agility" due to heaviness. Stats can currently be trained through new enchantments. Balancing is still to be worked on but in the runechant:config/function/module_enablers file you can disable aspects of the pack by changing their values to 0
07/08/2024 3:47 pm
He/Him • Level 1 : New System
Mailo037's Avatar
It seems like you forgot a , at this path runechant:minecraft/tags/function/load.json

its this string

{"values": [
"runechant:load_scoreboards", (You forgot this (,)

Without this, the special abilitys for the armor trims and more arent working.
07/08/2024 7:25 pm
Level 43 : Master Architect
Kllooooyy's Avatar
Thank you that is a desperate fix that I would've never noticed cause stupidly I always mainly reload the function "runechant:load_scoreboards" whenever I modify the scoreboards
07/05/2024 8:06 am
Level 3 : Apprentice Miner
Modmanproductions's Avatar
i love this and i would like to play it further but please for the sake of my existance.
Add a admin menu or something somehere.

Thats all my complaints.
07/06/2024 11:40 pm
Level 43 : Master Architect
Kllooooyy's Avatar
Unfortunately can't say that is a priority as creative/commands already does it effective enough for testing. I do definitely need to write up useful commands and in general everything in the pack but this page is mainly for it as an open beta, while I continue making things and fleshing out the pack.
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