Minecraft Data Packs / Other

Ratbeing Origin - Origins (Fabric)

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Overgrown's Avatar Overgrown
Level 75 : Legendary Botanist
Hello! So, this Datapack is part of a trilogy which I've dubbed "The Rodent Trilogy" and its basically just 3 Origins based on the theme of rodents, understand, mice, rat, and a ratbeing. I just thought it would be a fun thing to do and have had the idea of a Trilogy for a while but I finally got around to it lol. Anyway, I hope you enjoy!

Ratbeing datapack is made for the fabric mod, Origins. You must have it for this pack to work. This datapack also uses the Pehkui mod which you must have to get the designed player height. The datapack also requires Rat's Mischief for the items and some of the powers.

This Pack Adds:
- Custom Origin

Origin Detail:

Icon: Rat Mask
Impact: remove_circleremove_circleremove_circle
Description: You are the Ratbeing, an entity that commands and is part of the Rat Family.

Positive check_circle:

- Family: Near rats, you grow stronger and are able to see in the dark.
- Disease Covered: Applies a random negative effect on your opponent for a short period of time after hitting them, on a cooldown.
- Rat Staff: You get a random Rat Staff every day.
- Master Rat Tamer: Rats are instantly tamed in your presence.
- Rodent Speed: Because of your nature, you are naturally faster than most.

Neutral pause_circle_filled:

- Elytrat: You can equip the Elytrat, but it has very low durability. [​Primary]
- Large: You are naturally three blocks tall.
- Rodent Resistance: You take less damage from Poison and Wither effects but you lose 2 hunger for every damage tick.

Negative remove_circle:

- Rat-Like: Because of your lineage, you have seven hearts.
CreditOvergrown (Developer)
CompatibilityMinecraft 1.16
toMinecraft 1.18

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06/26/2023 10:11 am
He/Him • Level 8 : Apprentice Dolphin
JsabasakaPA's Avatar
Yep Imma play as a rat now
06/26/2023 3:14 pm
Level 75 : Legendary Botanist
Overgrown's Avatar
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