Minecraft Data Packs / Other

Powder Snow Explodes in the Nether

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Yatsurask's Avatar Yatsurask
Level 57 : Grandmaster Birb
Placing a Powder Snow in the Nether Turns it into a bomb, kind of.

It will start to melt and send bits of it flying out, harming almost anything within 5 blocks of it.

Mobs that are immune: strays, Polar Bears, Snow Golems and Withers (+ any modded mob that's considered a "freeze_immune_entity_type") and also skeletons, who aren't technically immune, but get turned straight into strays, which are.

Mobs who take extra damage (5 damage instead of 2) are: magma cubes, blazes and striders, (+ any modded mob considered "feeze_hurts_extra_entity_types")
CompatibilityMinecraft 1.13
toMinecraft 1.20

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12/05/2023 5:28 am
He/Him • Level 33 : Artisan Nerd Creeper Hugger
Sul4ur's Avatar
How do you even detect for a block?
12/05/2023 7:11 am
Any/All • Level 57 : Grandmaster Birb
Yatsurask's Avatar
It's a really dumb system I made, I've got 5 markers each one block away from eachother in the direction I'm facing, then if the block ontop of one of the markers is powdersnow, then it runs the command.

In other words:
execute as @e at @s run scoreboard players add @s spawntimer 1
execute as @a at @s if score @s spawntimer matches 1 run tag @s add blockdetector
execute as @a at @s if score @s spawntimer matches 1 run summon marker ^1 ^ ^ {Tags:["blockdetector","bd1"]}
execute as @a at @s if score @s spawntimer matches 1 run summon marker ^2 ^ ^ {Tags:["blockdetector","bd2"]}
execute as @a at @s if score @s spawntimer matches 1 run summon marker ^3 ^ ^ {Tags:["blockdetector","bd3"]}
execute as @a at @s if score @s spawntimer matches 1 run summon marker ^4 ^ ^ {Tags:["blockdetector","bd4"]}
execute as @a at @s if score @s spawntimer matches 1 run summon marker ^5 ^ ^ {Tags:["blockdetector","bd5"]}
execute as @e[​tag=bd1] at @p anchored eyes run tp @s ^ ^1 ^1
execute as @e[​tag=bd2] at @p anchored eyes run tp @s ^ ^1 ^2
execute as @e[​tag=bd3] at @p anchored eyes run tp @s ^ ^1 ^3
execute as @e[​tag=bd4] at @p anchored eyes run tp @s ^ ^ ^4
execute as @e[​tag=bd4] at @p anchored eyes run tp @s ^ ^ ^5

execute as @e[​tag=blockdetector] at @s if dimension the_nether if block ~ ~ ~ powder_snow unless entity @e[​tag=snowbomb,distance=..0.9] run summon marker ~ ~ ~ {Tags:[​snowbomb]}
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