Minecraft Data Packs / Adventure

Paincraft; The Ruin and Relaxation Update

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Netheferious's Avatar Netheferious
Level 28 : Expert Miner

  Paincraft is an ultra-difficult Minecraft challenge designed for the ultimate Minecraft tryhard. With Paincraft installed, the mobs are OP, the recipes are harder, and the progression is absurdly tedious. This is not a pack for the faint of heart or the lacking in skill. You will rage, you will seethe, and there will be pain.

  If it wasn't obvious, this pack is sort of meant to be a parody of all the low-effort cringe I find around here lmao. Also this was way too much fun to make and I'm gonna keep updating it so feel free to make suggestions.

  There is something to be said for playing this without knowing what the hell you're gonna experience, but I have decided to make that part optional by including a list of features. If you get stuck or don't want to figure stuff yourself, refer to this.

Gameplay & Progression
- You now have to drink water often or you'll die of thirst.
- Player has permanent Mining Fatigue to make tools more important. This effect can only be removed by an active beacon. I know that's annoying but it's a critical feature.
- All tools require a binding material to craft. Grass for wood and stone, string for iron and gold, leads for diamond.
- Grass and ferns have a chance of dropping when you break them with your fist.
- Stone has to be smelted before it can be crafted into tools.
- Stone and Clay can be smelted in Campfires. It will take 3 minutes tho.
- Campfires are easier to craft.
- Iron takes 3 minutes to smelt in a furnace.
- Diamond ore needs to be smelted in a Blast Furnace now and it takes, you guessed it, 3 minutes.
- Furnace and Blast Furnace are a lot harder to craft now lol.
- Ancient Debris can now only be smelted my throwing it in lava for a few minutes. The more lava around it the faster it'll go.
- Difficulty is locked on hard and the pack will sent you condescending messages if you try to change it.
- Villages have been made extremely rare because they undermined the progression system. You can still get Villagers from Igloos or Zombies.
- Nerfed Desert Temple and Shipwreck loot.
- Added a custom achievement system. It should help you figure stuff out so do check it when you get achievements.
- Lots of other recipe changes that I can't be bothered to list. Check the recipe book often.

- All meat animals except Rabbits have received a health buff.
- Cows have an extra heath buff on top of that.
- Pigs gain super speed when damaged.
- Chickens A S C E N D when damaged.
- Sheep do not drop wool when killed. Use Shears.
- Lmao you're gonna be so tilted when you see the shears recipe.
- Sheep have a chance to spawn with a.. self defense mechanism.
- You already know what I did to 30% of the Rabbit population.
- Wolves and Polar Bears are aggressive by default.
- Villagers have random disabilities. Enter villages with extreme caution.
- Nitwits can infect children and gullible adults with their stupid. 


- Creepers have a chance to spawn charged at all times.
- Creepers also have a chance to have either increased speed, knockback resistance, follow range, the silent tag, invisibility (it wears off if they get too close), reduced fuse timer, an hour of persistence, or to be slow and invulnerable.
- Zombies and Husks have a chance to spawn with weapons.
- Zombies have a chance to spawn in packs of 10.
- Husks will suck the water out of you if you get too close.
- Special Spawner Zombies can spawn.
- Skeletons have a chance to spawn wielding stone swords instead of bows.
- Skeletons have a chance to spawn with random effect arrows. They do not drop these.
- Spiders, especially Cave Spiders, have an additional chance to have random status effects.
- Zombies, Husks, Skeletons, Wither Skeletons and Strays have a chance to spawn riding horses. Very fast horses. Like faster than you think is possible. These horses are bound to their master and will die when they do.
- Drowned spawn all the time and are likely to spawn with tridents. Don't trust the ocean.
- Phantoms no longer spawn when you fail to sleep. Instead they just spawn above Witches and Endermen occasionally.
- Size 8 Slimes have a small chance to spawn.
- Wandering Traders have a chance to be an Illager Assassin in disguise.
- Wither has 1024 health instead of 300.
- Vindicators and Pillagers can spawn with various better equipment.
- Players will spawn a Player Zombie when killed by undead.

The Nether
- Zombie Piglins are always angry. Yea good luck dealing with that lol.
- Wither Skeletons have a chance to spawn wielding bows instead of stone swords.
- Hoglins have extra health.
- Blazes fly away if you get too close.

The End
- Phantoms spawn here frequently.
- Shulkers multiply when they spawn, doubling the number in each city.
CompatibilityMinecraft 1.21

5 Update Logs

1.4.0 : by Netheferious 06/22/2024 10:51:05 pmJun 22nd

- Pack updated to 1.21

- Added 7 new curses:
  • - Curse of Decay (Anything): Causes items to loose durability over time while held or worn
  • - Curse of Enraging (Weapons): Gives Strength to enemies you attack
  • - Curse of Uselessness (Tools): Untools your tools
  • - Curse of Potato Famine (Hoes): Potatoes you harvest will give you poisonous potatoes instead of normal potatoes more often
  • - Curse of Creeping (Anything): Creepers will occasionally spawn behind players holding or wearing this
  • - Curse of Psychokinesis (Helmets): Items nearby a player wearing this will have no gravity
  • - Triskaidekaphobia (Anything): Players will die instantly if their health or hunger ever reach exactly 13

- Curses are now Non-Treasure enchantments and can therefore be applied by Enchanting Tables.

- Breezes will occasionally spawn with a blaze companion and blazes will occasionally spawn with a breeze companion.

- Breezes will occasionally undergo mitosis after spawning.

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Lentejas Con Marichuelas
08/20/2023 10:25 am
Level 5 : Apprentice Miner
Lentejas Con Marichuelas's Avatar
Can some features of this datapack be removed? Is there a way?
06/14/2023 7:07 am
He/Him • Level 8 : Apprentice Dolphin
JsabasakaPA's Avatar
This is just getting "better". I wonder how this is gonna go
11/30/2022 3:12 pm
Level 46 : Master Technomancer
Souldras's Avatar
This is beautiful. This is literally my favorite datapack ever made
11/19/2022 1:13 am
Level 65 : High Grandmaster Technomancer
Hoponopono's Avatar
funny pack
11/19/2022 11:26 am
He/Him • Level 28 : Expert Miner
Netheferious's Avatar
You won't find it so funny when you try and beat the ender dragon [:
09/23/2022 9:30 am
Level 6 : Apprentice Miner
StepanKo101's Avatar
Good stuff, but I find the thirst feature redundant and annoying. No offense.
UPD: Can I turn it of somehow?
UPD 2: Managed to turn it off by deleting thirst.mcfunction. Now I enjoy this way more, thank you for your work!
12/09/2021 7:53 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
Mario_LC's Avatar
bouta die of pain
11/23/2021 8:54 pm
Level 17 : Journeyman Crafter
DynamitePig's Avatar
11/13/2021 6:03 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Lannce's Avatar
havent played it yet but how does one drink water other than empty bottles
11/13/2021 7:09 pm
He/Him • Level 28 : Expert Miner
Netheferious's Avatar
You jump in water. Legit just bring a water bucket with you for infinite water.
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