Minecraft Data Packs / Other

Oo Solosis - Pixelmon Mod 1.16.5 Datapack

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    Required Resource Pack
    wujichen158's Avatar wujichen158
    Level 27 : Expert Miner

    Solosis oo Form

    This Datapack adds a new form to Solosis named oo form, which themed after a cute slime Vtuber: oo.

    Users can set it's obtaining method yourself!

    This Vtuber holds her live stream on bilibili. Who could say no to a little cute grass type slime?

    Oo's personal page link:


    Oo's room link:


    Make sure to download both the Data Pack and the Resource Pack!

    • Oo uses an original model made by myself, including textures & sprites(refer to the model of Reuniclus).
    • Oo is the relative of Solosis.
    • Oo cannot evolve or breed.
    • Oo is discovered in areas covered in lush green vegetation, so it's Grass type.
    • Oo has a grass-theme moveset, with several pychic type moves.
    • Shiny oo is in an orange style, which looks delicious(lol).
    • Oo is considered as a galarian pixelmon, yet it only has gen8 tm & tr movesets.
    • Oo has higher stats than Solosis.
    • Oo's defense & special defense is kind of higher than it's relatives.
    • Oo weights 6.0 kg and has larger size than Solosis.

    For Pixelmon Reforged 9.0.1+

    You'll need both the Datapack and Resource Pack for it to work properly!

    We've built a wiki for all custom pixelmon logged in Pixelmon official discord channel! Here's the details & stats of this oo Solosis:

    CreditCredits to the vtuber: oo and myself. Thanks Pixelmon team for providing us such wonderful features.
    CompatibilityMinecraft 1.16

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    10/21/2022 11:23 pm
    Level 29 : Expert Sus
    snowyfox666's Avatar
    did oo solosis have evolution?
    11/07/2022 7:39 am
    Level 27 : Expert Miner
    wujichen158's Avatar
    No for now, but there may be one in future. This vtuber may introduce her new profile in future, then I'll make one. :)
    10/11/2022 10:45 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Julia152's Avatar
    Hi is there a possibility that you could give a guide to how to create a custom form? Maybe per Discord or smth?
    10/13/2022 5:27 am
    Level 27 : Expert Miner
    wujichen158's Avatar
    Sure! To create the custom forms, u can refer the official pokemon files in Pixelmon such as Pink form Butterfree and Alter form Hydreigon. In fact, u can download my datapack or other packs from Pixelmon Discord, unzip it, then refer the format inside to create ur pokemons. What's more, make sure to learn sth about .json files before creating. Feel free to comment if there're any problems. :)
    10/15/2022 7:55 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Julia152's Avatar
    Yeah already downloadet your pack and tried to recreate it :D I'm just curious where the path "texture":pixelmon:pokemon/151_mew/all/base/shiny/texture.png" is because I need to edit the 3D Model to get a new color etc. and then add it there but I can't find where I can add it
    11/07/2022 7:45 am
    Level 27 : Expert Miner
    wujichen158's Avatar
    Ah, sry for my late reply cuz of academical reasons. This image is in assets/pixelmon/textures/pokemon/151_mew/all/base/shiny/ directory, which u may need to open ur reforged mod jar file with an unzip software like winRAR etc. to find it out. What's more, static assets things can also be found via the searching function in most unzip softwares, so u can have a try if u need other resources. :)
    07/03/2022 12:07 pm
    She/They • Level 56 : Grandmaster Sweetheart
    Spongie's Avatar
    cute omg
    07/02/2022 7:45 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    User4219446G's Avatar
    IS it a virus?
    07/08/2022 4:48 am
    Level 27 : Expert Miner
    wujichen158's Avatar
    U mean the pack or the creature? The pack of course is a normal .zip file, not pc virus(lol). The creature is the relative of Solosis, which is more like a unicellular creature.
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