Minecraft Data Packs / World Generation

Dungeons And Taverns 1.21

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Nova_Wostra's Avatar Nova_Wostra
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Witch
This datapacks adds (hopefully) vanilla like structures that are supposed to blend in with the rest of the game and feel like they belong there. going from environmental additions like fire watch towers and taverns to dungeons like badland minder outpost and illager hideout

the current structure list is:

firewatch tower (all 7 overworld wood types)

conduit ruins (it's function is to teach player how to build conduits)

mangrove witch hut (3 versions with slighlty better loot)

ruin town (a zombie infested ruin)

tavern (a villager tavern to stumble upon during your travels)

underground house (terraria reference)

badland miner outpost (an illager outpost in the badlands for their mining operations)

illager hideout (a hidden dungeon underground)

illager camp (small camps made by illager on their travels)

wild ruins (a collection of different single structure ruins like a house, ruins of a house or a dead redstone golem)

wells (for jungle, birch biomes, forrest and plains biomes, taiga biomes, savana. basically the desert well but for other biomes)

lost bunkers (small structures with a small underground bunker)

if you have trouble to find dungeons, type "/locate nova_structures:[​same name as the list above but with "_" instead of a space]"

I want to add more in the future but this is the first wave,

I hope you enjoy and check out Walls who made all the loot tables for dungeons and structures

My Discord Server
CompatibilityMinecraft 1.21

18 Update Logs

Update #18 Dungeons and Taverns v4 : by Nova_Wostra 06/30/2024 6:19:13 amJun 30th

- **Added 10 new Enchantments:**
- Antidote
- Negates all damage from poison and deals it to the chestplate
- Items: Chestplate
- Max level: 1
- Incompatible with: Protection enchantments
- Found in: Toxic Lair
- Curse of conductivity
- Gives a chance to get struck by lightning during a thunderstorm
- Items: Any
- Max level: 1
- Found in: Random loot
- Ghasted
- Shoot a fire arrow which explodes upon landing, destroying the arrow in the process.
- Items: Crossbow
- Max level: 3
- Incompatible with: Piercing, Multishot and Gravity
- Found in: Nether keep
- Gravity
- Shoot an arrow which pulls all mobs around it upon landing, destroying the arrow in the process
- Items: Crossbow
- Max level: 3
- Incompatible with: Piercing, Multishot and Ghasted
- Found in: End Castle
- Illagers bane
- Deal extra damage to Illagers, Vexes, Witches and Ravagers
- Items: Weapon
- Max level: 5
- Incompatible with: Sharpness, Smite, Bane of Arthropods
- Found in: Illager structures
- Outreach
- Raises the block interaction range
- Items: Chest
- Max level: 4
- Found in: Desert Ruins
- Photosynthesis
- Repairs the item when is in direct view of the sun
- Items: Any
- Max level: 1
- Incompatible with: Mending
- Found in: Jungle Ruins
- Traveler
- Faster sprinting speed and step up full blocks
- Items: boots
- Max level: 3
- Incompatible with: Soul speed
- Found in: Shrines, Graves
- Wax wings
- Negates durability damage from slow gliding but raises by 50% the durability damage from gliding fast
- Items: Elytra
- Max level: 1
- Incompatible with: Unbreaking
- Found in: End castle
- Wither coated
- Deals wither upon hitting the target and doubles the durability damage
- Items: Sword and axe
- Max level: 1
- Incompatible with: Fire aspect
- Found in: Wither skeleton swords and Nether keep vaults
- **Added 31 new structures total**
- 23 of them are Remnant Structures.
- those structures spawn in the same structure set and are x1.5 times rarer than woodland mansions. you will barely see them and probably not find all of them
- those structures are simulair to wild ruins, just alot more rare
- the miners house has been removed from Wild ruins and is now part of the Remnants set
List of the new remnant structures:
- Bee Keeper, an ruined house with some honey and a bee hive
- Big Remnant 1, left over stone walls suggesting the shape of a structure
- Big Remnant 2, left over stone walls suggesting the shape of a structures
- Big Remnant 3, another type of Big Remnant 1 but with an 2x2 Oak tree
- Birch Forest Graveyard, Recreation of the house from Pumkin Pastures church at the end of the level in minecraft dungeon with some graves in a graveyard
- Bridge Remnant, One of the 2 Remnant structures that kicked this entire set of with permission of u/Chris_The_Aligator [Reddit Post with Remnant Suggestion](www.reddit.com/r/minecraftsuggestions/comments/k3bzk6/remnants_a_new_type_of_ambient_structures_with/)
- Bunny Base, small tower with 2 rooms and a backyard containing Bunnies
- Desert remnant, the 2nd structure added with permission from the Reddit Suggestion Post, Includes archeology stuff from the Desert Ruins
- Forest Smith, small abandoned house with workstations of all smithing types for villager
- Frog Ranch, Mangrove swamp structure out of packed mud with an frog yard
- Graveyard, Graveyard.
- Medium Remnant 1, left over stone walls suggesting the shape of a structure
- Medium Remnant 2, left over stone walls suggesting the shape of a structure
- Mud Brick Constructor, abandoned Mangrove swamp structure out of packed mud with workspaces suggesting that packed mud was creatred here.
- Ominous Shop, recreation of the mysterious shop from Minecraft Dungeon containing a pot with an ominous potion
- Ruin Farmer, ruined farmhouse inspired by the camp from Minecraft Dungeon
- Ruin smith, ruin inspired by the smithing shop from minecraft Dungeons
- Sawmill, abandoned Sawmill with some logs
- School Remnants, left over stonewalls and bookshelves suggesting structures
- Taiga Castle, Cobblestone castle in decay
- Miners Hut, previous wild ruin structure, small cobblestone hut with an hole in the ground. inspired from the mining houses as found on the Apterra map by Sabbas Apterrus
- Woodland Hut, Dark Oak Forest structure that is just an abandoned hut.
- Zombie Horse Ranch, small structure with an Zombie Horse and an Zombified Villager who trades you horsegear against material and emeralds or buys horsegear for an fair price.
- Added Birch Villages
- Added Trident Trial Monument.
- Structure contains trial spawner and vaults
- You can obtain the trident from here guranteed!
- Added Toxic Lair.
- Spawns in Swamp biomes.
- Has archeology content on the surface and Trial Spawners underground.
- You can obtain bows enchanted with Piercing or Multishot!
- You can also find the Antitoxin Enchantment here
- Added Lone Citadel.
- Spawns in cold biomes.
- Breezes and Strays can be found here.
- You can obtain crossbows enchanted with Power and Infinity!
- Added Shrines.
- Leads to an underground part where you fight through themed rooms with Trial Spawners!
- Has a vault at the end that can only be opened by Shrine Keys.
- Has Rooms that get progressively more difficult.
- Difficulty 5 rooms have ominous vaults that can only be opened by Ominous Shrine Keys.
- Added End Ships.
- Has Vaults that can only be opened by End Ship Keys.
- These vaults can reward elytras.
- Added End Lighthouse.
- Has Trial Spawners that spawn Shulkers, making them renewable without the need of a shulker farm.
- Has a vault that rewards a map leading to the End Castle.
- End Ship Keys can be obtained here.
- Added End Castle.
- This structure is located at the same coordinates as the strongholds in the overworld.
- Eyes of ender can be thrown to lead here.
- Has at least one end ship of various sizes.
- Has vaults with elytras that need End Ship Keys to open.
- Has Trial Spawners that spawn Shulkers which will reward End Castle Keys for vaults only found in this structure or End Ship Keys when ominous
- You can obtain the Gravity or Wax Wing Enchantments from here.
- **Added Mod Suport to all loot tables.**
- **Updated 16 Structures**
- Updated Taverns
- Taverns no longer Spawn with Tavenr Quest Chests anymore
- Taverns spawn now instead with Tavern Quest Trader instead
- to unlock map trades from them, trade once with them
- Updated Illager Manor.
- New Fixed layout for the garden/backyard of the Illager Manor.
- Paintings now spawn, but are still affected by vanilla bugs.
- Rebalanced loot tables.
- Illagers Bane Can be found here
- Updated Ruined Town.
- Varied size.
- New part with a copper dog statue added.
- Central parts will no longer connect to each other.
- Updated Creeping Crypt.
- Now spawns with Trial spawners.
- Do note that this structure is mostly about archelogoy. so this change was more made to repaly the dungeoncrawl aspect ofit
- Trial Spawners can drop Creeping Crypt Keys used to unlock vaults only found here.
- Rebalanced loot tables.
- Updated Desert Ruins.
- Small Temples will no longer connect to each other.
- Added Outreach Enchantment to the Loottables
- Overhauled Archeology Loottables
- Increased Suspicious Sand Amound
- Less Trash
- More Sherds
- Relic Disc can be found here
- Outreach Enchanting books too
- Updated Jungle Ruins.
- Bogged Naturally spawn here
- Bogged, Cave Spiders and Zombies Prespawn here with armour
- Added Photosynthesis Enchantment to the Loottables
- Overhauled Archeology Loottables
- Increased Suspicious Gravel Amound
- Less Trash
- More Sherds
- Photosynthesis Enchanting books too
- Buffed Chests Tressure loot
- Temples use now Default Jungle Temples loot tables
- Houses have now additional Jungle Items
- Updated Undead Crypt.
- Increased Mob Prespawns
- Overhauled the entire grave loot tables to contain not anymore just emeralds but instead random crafting materials like iron, gold, redstone, diamonds, emderalds and lapis lazuli
- New Rooms resembeling the classic monster room have been added
- Updated Nether Keep.
- Overhauled the entire bridge system.
- Spawners in the Bridges are now replaced with Trial Spawners.
- Trial Spawners can drop Nether Keep Keys used to unlock vaults only found here.
- Added Bridge Houses with more Trial Spawners inside.
- Vaults only generate inside the main Keep Tower.
- Added Bridge Towers.
- Keep Can no longer generate through the bedrock ceiling or inside lava oceans.
- Updated Bunker.
- Generates way closer to the surface.
- Erodes when in contact with air.
- Added most of the vanilla stronghold rooms.
- Added 1 more room.
- Added Enderpearls to pot loot tables.
- Updated Piglin Donjon.
- Now has a Colloseum with Trial Spawners on top.
- Trial Spawners can drop Piglin Donjon Keys used to unlock vaults only found here.
- Has vaults in the entire structure.
- Piglin Brutes Spawned here can drop Piglin Donjon Keys used to unlock vaults only found here.
- Loot has been rebalanced to have less netherite in normal chests but overall more netherite through vaults.
- Instead of Nether Gold Ore other blocks can spawn instead
- Ancient debris 1%
- Iron block 1%
- Gold block 1%
- Raw gold block 5%
- Gilded blackstone 20%
- Nether quatz ore 30%.
- Updated Piglin Outstation.
- Now has Trial Spawners that drop Piglin Outsation Keys.
- Vaults here reward a map leading to the Piglin Donjon.
- Piglins Brutes spawned here can drop Piglin Outstation Keys.
- Updated Hamlet.
- Now has Trial Spawners that drop Piglin Outsation Keys.
- Vaults here reward a map leading to the Piglin Donjon.
- Piglins Brutes spawned here can drop Piglin Outstation Keys.
- Vaults contain maps to: Bastion Remnant, Piglin Outstation.
- Updated Piglin/Skeleton/Illager Camps.
- llager camps now have maps that lead to: Pillager Outpost.
- The Piglin Camps now have maps that lead to Piglin Hamlet.
- Nether Skeleton camps now have maps that lead to Nether Skeleton Towers.
- Updated Nether Skeleton Towers.
- Now contains maps for Nether Port or Nether Keep.
- Fixed Waterlogging in all structures
- Rebalance of loot tables.
- Added 1 new behavior with allays.
- Allays turn into a Vex when they hold a echo shard and are hit by lighting

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07/12/2024 3:00 pm
Level 58 : Grandmaster Ranger
Peppe73's Avatar
Hi, do you have time to fix the reported problem? Thank you
07/09/2024 5:37 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
KenyerBoss's Avatar
Absolutely gorgeous work.
07/08/2024 4:52 pm
Level 58 : Grandmaster Ranger
Peppe73's Avatar
hi, the package gives me this error as soon as I start the server, how do I resolve it? what is it due to? version MC 1.21 DP v4.3

[​22:50:28 ERROR]: Couldn't load advancements: [​nova_structures:adventure/find_shrine, minecraft:wander_add_map, minecraft:give_quest_trader_trade]
07/05/2024 6:48 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Hcicen's Avatar
Hello there, I've been looking around for these new advancements but I can't see where the tavern's quest map is ?
06/15/2024 5:09 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
fteasdale1064's Avatar
Hey do you have a discord server which announces the update? Also is there a version coming out for 1.21, sorry for the hassle
06/16/2024 7:55 pm
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Witch
Nova_Wostra's Avatar
yes. here is the link to my discord

Update is comming out on june 30th, we still have to fix some kinks with trial spawner.
06/19/2024 7:23 am
Level 1 : New Miner
LilOfTheWhiteFields's Avatar
Awesome! I love the ruined villages and miss them in playthroughs on worlds where I don't include this. Looking forward to adding it back in.
06/14/2024 2:07 pm
Level 9 : Apprentice Explorer
RedWay's Avatar
Hi, is there an update to 1.21 cooking or do I need to make it myself ?
Also this datapack seems to overwrite loot tables of some entities, is there a particular reason ?
Very nice datapack by the way, I want to play with it in 1.21
06/16/2024 7:54 pm
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Witch
Nova_Wostra's Avatar
there is an update comming on june 30th with updates to existing structures, balance changes to loot tables, removal of the entitiy loot tables that irrelevant and new structures and fix of waterlogging issues with structures right now we run into an issue regarding trial spawner which might be a vanilla bug.

Do NOT update the pack yourself to 1.21 and do NOT share my work without permission

if you want to try out the curent latest version of the 1.21 update, can you go here : My Patreon
06/15/2024 7:24 am
Level 1 : New System
Travonoski's Avatar
It's on patreon for now and will be public on the 30th, just be patient
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