Minecraft Data Packs / Magic

Nova: Datapack

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globgor's Avatar globgor
Level 55 : Grandmaster Cow
Make sure to do /reload for the pack to work properly.

Use /function minecraft:givehelmet to receive a Nova Corps helmet.

To be able to utilize the Nova Force, you have to equip the Nova Corps helmet; this will grant you:
- Increased strength, speed, jump boost, resistance, water breathing, and a slower descent.
- Use your ninth slot to fire concussive energy blasts.
- You will receive an item called Flight, which allows you to control your movement in the air; put it in your offhand to fly forwards at fast speeds, or in your eighth slot to float in midair.
- You also get a Nova Corps uniform.

To relinquish these abilities, just remove the Nova Corps helmet.
CompatibilityMinecraft 1.18

1 Update Logs

Nova Force : by globgor 01/30/2022 3:42:46 pmJan 30th, 2022

- You now have a bar letting you know how much Nova Force you have available; flying will drain it over time, while using your concussive blast will take 1/10 of your Nova Force. Try not to run out, as you won't be able to use your abilities during that time.

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