Minecraft Data Packs / Minecraft, but

Minecraft, but you can only walk in a straight line!

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camocat9's Avatar camocat9
Level 39 : Artisan Llama
Version 1.1.0

Minecraft, but you can only walk in a straight line! When activated, this datapack confines the player to the X=0, only allowing them to move along the Z-axis! While you can still interact with the world outside the line, players can not move outside it, or they will be teleported back to their previous position! How long can you survive when you're confined to a single line?

Important Notices:
It may not be possible for you to beat the game with this datapack. Considering a stronghold's portal room would have to spawn so you could access the portal from X=0, the chances of such are unlikely.

The datapack works best when confined to the overworld. While travel to the nether is possible, the overworld - nether block translation means that as soon as you enter the nether, you may be teleported back to X=0, meaning there's a chance you will be teleported into a wall or over a pit of lava. You also may not be able to access your portal, so if you do go there, be sure to bring enough obsidian to build a new one.

This datapack has not been tested in multiplayer, though the commands used target only one person at a time, so it may be possible.
CreditCredit to N0de on the MinecraftCommands discord server for helping with the teleportation command! Credit to WadZee (Youtube) for the idea!
CompatibilityMinecraft 1.18

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04/19/2024 11:51 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
User5106962G's Avatar
hi is it alright if i update your pack to 1.20.4 and add structure blocks to it?
05/05/2024 5:10 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Llama
camocat9's Avatar
Sure! I'm fine with people building off this pack and making their own additions to it.
04/22/2023 2:23 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
UWULOLZ's Avatar
04/22/2023 2:23 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
UWULOLZ's Avatar
02/02/2022 12:03 pm
Level 16 : Journeyman Warrior
The_Mysterious_Knight's Avatar
wait if i get this with the Teraria datapack...IT'S TERARIA 2.0 EVERYONE
02/10/2022 4:15 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Llama
camocat9's Avatar
Get the full straight-line experience with a Terraria datapack!
01/31/2022 12:16 pm
Level 42 : Master Nerd
Kefaku's Avatar
This is an interesting concept and I really like it.

This would be even better, if you added some sort of mechanic that generates 1 or 2 stronghold portal rooms at x=0 and random y/z coordinates, so it would always be possible to beat the game. I think that would make the challenge even more interesting to play.

Anyways, great work, well done!
02/01/2022 1:53 am
Level 39 : Artisan Llama
camocat9's Avatar
Thank you! I saw a Youtuber named WadZee doing this challenge and only relying on himself to keep himself on the one line, so I automated it!

And I've never actually worked with structure blocks before, so I may look into it but no guarantees! I would also have to come up with a reliable solution to the nether problem as well
02/01/2022 2:10 am
Level 42 : Master Nerd
Kefaku's Avatar
Well than you should certainly take a look into structure blocks. They are really powerful and not that hard to understand.
If you don't manage to do it with structure blocks, you could also just generate some random numbers (=> coordinates) using scoreboards and just use command blocks to spawn that specific structure, whenever the player gets close to those coordinates.
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