Minecraft Data Packs / Adventure

MEGABREAD: Act 3 -- MB3-Alpha III

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Required Resource Pack
The Boogieboyes's Avatar The Boogieboyes
Level 32 : Artisan Architect
Scattered across the land are the remains of empires past that have fallen: those of the mysterious Ancients, and those who sought to imitate them. Now, it's up to you -- will you succeed where they failed and solve the mystery of the Ancient civilization, or crumble just as the sinister MegaGreg Corporation did, just a decade ago?

This is the third edition of my extensive data pack MEGABREAD. Since the changes to data pack syntax/item format in Java Edition 1.20.5, I have had to effectively restart development. At first this frustrated me, but over time I have grown to realize that it was an excellent opportunity to go over old systems, functions, and features to see what should stay, what should go, and what should be re-made. Unlike MEGABREAD versions past, I plan on updating Act 3 much more regularly, in hopes of getting more feedback from players.

Info: MB3-Alpha III
After what feels like over a month of waiting, I'd like to present the third Alpha version of MEGABREAD: Act 3. This version adds stuff related to Music Discs, some new magic stuff, and re-implements the Buster Sword in a somewhat rudimentary state (fret not -- some cool new functionality is on its way, and you won't need to replace your Buster Sword to do it if you're able to update directly from Alpha III to IV).

This Alpha is intended for Java Edition 1.21. Attempting to use it in an earlier version will, guaranteed, have issues, and I cannot be sure it will continue to work in future versions.

This Alpha also introduces a few substantial changes from the previous one, and vanilla, which I would say could present some minor issues when upgrading from an earlier Alpha or vanilla. As such, upgrading is not recommended; you'd be better off making a new world for this, but it's up to you.

As always, the full changelog for this Alpha can be found on its Boogieboyes Wiki article.
CreditUses music created by C418 and Notch.
CompatibilityMinecraft 1.21

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