Minecraft Data Packs / Magic

ManaCraft V.3.03 (Over 35+ Spells!) (Multiplayer Friendly)

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Required Resource Pack
HeeyMonster's Avatar HeeyMonster
Level 14 : Journeyman Miner

Embrace an andventure to learn all Mana Paths, Fire, Water, Wind and Earth!. Learn to use the 9 spells in each path and become the best Mana User!

Every spell is unique and tries to add or enhance aspects of Minecraft Vanilla. There's exceptions, such as the Basic Wands, but every other spell has its use and its tricks.

Common Questions:

What does it adds?

ManaCraft Datapack adds 35+ spells, 11 custom mobs, a new rpg-like level system and more!

How to start?
ManaCraft will not modify minecraft vanilla worlds. Meaning, you will play Minecraft Vanilla until you find a Witch or a Evoker. From then, it should be easy to understand what to do next.

Is there a tutorial or something?
I'm currently working on a Youtube Video Tutorial, but there is also the Showcase Functions. If you write on the chat: "/function mana:sc/" you should see every file intended for showcase. It splits into four categories: Give, Cheats, Guide and Summon. In the Guide folder you can see a list of guides which can act as a big tutorial for ManaCraft.

Is it multiplayer compatible?
ManaCraft is 100% Multiplayer Compatible. (Or at least it is intended! :p)

Patch Notes (V3.03):


-Obsidian Shield now starts after a second. (Before it started after 6 seconds.)
-Bursting Haste now consumes 5 of Mana every 10 seconds.
-Take Off doesn't uses 130 mana in activation anymore. It will consume 20 of mana per charge. So Mana Usage is increased for players that go for 8 charges, and drastically reduced for all other players.
-Take Off Charge Speed Increased. (1.25s -> .75s per Phantom Membrane)
-Guided Missil Cooldown reduced. (45s -> 25s)
-Phoenix. (Damage: .5 Hearts -> 1.5 Hearts), Soul Form (Damage: 1.5 Hearts -> 3 Hearts) Phoenix really did felt weak.
-Life Fire Projectile (Damage:1 Hearts -> 2.5 Hearts), Soul Form (Damage: 2.5 Hearts -> 4 Heart)
-Sun Amplifier (Duration: 1.6 minutes -> 5 minutes, Range: 30 -> 50 blocks), Soul Form (Duration: 2.5 minutes -> 7 minutes, Range: 30 -> 70 blocks)


-Reworked Mana Usage Logics. Now the majority of casted spells will consume mana once you actually activate them.
-Increased the xp gathered from all spells. I used a ratio to balance all spells, this way you will not have to spam Fire Trail to get xp, because now every spell will give you the same xp/mana ratio.
-All spells now carry the tag ManaShow. (Reminder: You can Unmark them on Options Tab!)
-Path hints button showed the hints above the Stats Tab, meaning they didn't appeared directly on the chat, so it looked like the button didn't worked. Now the Hints will appear below.
-If you have the option of showing the Mana Bar while using the Mana, it will now stay when you are casting a Spell.
-You can now dissable Golem Xp Notifications.
-Reworked two secret spells.

-Spells tried to damage Creative Players.
-Gold Stone Zombie didn't spawn with his armor.
-Mana Per Regen Upgrade doesn't remove 10 level points.
-Nether Sprouts, Fire and Soul Fire were not considered Transpasable Blocks.
-Level Hints appeared one level late.
-Lapis Stone Zombie's Minions dropped a carrot on a stick when killed with the spell extractor.
-'Insufficient Mana' message appeared even if you had the right amount using the Efficient Catalyst Spell.
-Sun Amplifier having the wrong Level Mastery Requirement.
-Sun Amplifier only worked on the first day.
-Lost Wizards now have a 50/50 chance of spawning with one of the two basic spells (Before 25/75).
-Mana always surpassing the limit of Mana Capacity.

CompatibilityMinecraft 1.17
toMinecraft 1.18

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12/03/2021 1:11 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
narutowzumaki's Avatar
muito legal seu datapack
11/30/2021 11:32 am
Level 29 : Expert Engineer
robertelch's Avatar
hyped too see what you will add
11/29/2021 8:15 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Miner
emp112's Avatar
You should keep going since you make good datapack here ur first sub
11/30/2021 1:04 am
Level 14 : Journeyman Miner
HeeyMonster's Avatar
Aww Thank you very much! I appreciate it a lot! :D
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