Minecraft Data Packs / Magic

WASD Magical Bows [Data Pack]

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Eastonium's Avatar Eastonium
Level 88 : Elite Deity

Magical Bows V3.3
For Minecraft 1.14.4-1.15.2!

The Zelda Magical Bows Data Pack adds five custom magical bows to Minecraft. The bows are obtainable with custom crafting recipes. Bows shoot magical arrows with custom particle trails and effects.

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WASD Magical Bows [Data Pack] Minecraft Data Pack

So, how does this pack work?

Zelda Magical Bows works by checking for when a bow has been shot and then changes the arrow shot to a magical one depending on the bow that is currently being held by the player. This arrow then has particles displayed at its location. When the arrow hits a block, the effect occurs, such as placing fire or striking lightning. The arrow also carries a potion of luck effect with it, which is transferred to any mobs hit by the arrow. This allows for the custom effects (such as explosions or lightning) to occur when an entity is hit. The pack was also coded in a way to have a minimal performance impact by ensuring only the code that is relevant gets called. This pack also comes with three custom “effects” for mobs to have; Frozen and Electrically Stunned and Disintegrating. A mob hit by an Ice Arrow will be frozen for 10 seconds. During this time the mob cannot do anything at all. Electrically Stunned happens when a mob is struck by lightning from a lightning arrow and keeps the mob from doing any action for 1.5 seconds. Disintegrating occurs when the mob is hit by a light arrow. The mob will slowly fade out of existence until it explodes in a flash of light. This is an instant kill on hit, however, mobs will not drop any loot. Also, players will not instantly die when hit but will take a large amount of damage.

To install, follow the instructions contained in the “instructions.txt” file included in the download. If you are still having issues installing or want help knowing how to do something with the pack, ask for help on our discord.
Fully Multiplayer compatible!
This Data Pack is contained inside our Custom Map Zelda Battle Arena. It was adapted to be survival friendly and to have some extra features. Check out ZBA here!

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WASD Magical Bows [Data Pack] Minecraft Data Pack
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WASD Magical Bows [Data Pack] Minecraft Data Pack
CompatibilityMinecraft 1.14
toMinecraft 1.15

9 Update Logs

Update V3.3 : by Eastonium 02/23/2020 9:37:30 pmFeb 23rd, 2020

-Changed the item names to not be italicized.

-Made the enchantments hidden.

-Reworked the item alignment system for the crafting of the bows for much-improved performance.

-Changed the ice placed by the ice bow to be frosted ice, which means it will melt fairly fast.

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08/17/2020 10:15 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Jijueja's Avatar
Suddenly there are bombs exploding within my exact location, I added multiple datapacks, either way, it seems is this one, when I die it says "Name was blown up by A BOMB", is this normal? or how i am supossed to avoid it? I truly love your work here and I would love to use these with some friends
08/17/2020 11:59 pm
Level 88 : Elite Deity
Eastonium's Avatar
This pack hasn't been updated to 1.16 yet, I would suggest using our Moar Bows pack instead.
08/22/2020 11:07 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Jijueja's Avatar
Thanks for the response! I will. Either way I'll wait to see the new version, what I was able to use from the pack was really cool, and im eager to see the final product keep up the great work!
06/02/2020 12:44 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Obiwannokebi's Avatar
Could you do a crossbow pack?
06/02/2020 4:26 pm
Level 88 : Elite Deity
Eastonium's Avatar
I've gotten some requests for that so I'll probably do it at some point.
05/29/2020 1:00 am
Level 1 : New Miner
TBNRDragonMaster's Avatar
why doesn't the recipes work
05/29/2020 1:54 pm
Level 88 : Elite Deity
Eastonium's Avatar
Probably because you didn't install it right, or they might not work in 1.16 if you are trying it in that version.
04/26/2020 10:57 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
jojolion's Avatar
JEI support for recipies?
04/26/2020 11:45 pm
Level 88 : Elite Deity
Eastonium's Avatar
Very much no. These recipes need to be dropped onto a fletching table. I wouldn't call them crafting recipes at all.
09/26/2019 9:58 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Redstoner050's Avatar
Awesome datapack. But, could you add magic crossbows too?
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