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Level 14 : Journeyman Toast


This datapack adds a molotov cocktail to the game. The datapack is survival friendly. It works both for singleplayer and multiplayer. It should not have incompatibilities with other datapacks, but this is not guaranteed.

Obtaining a
Survival: You can obtain a molotov by crafting it. The molotov's crafting recipe is a shapeless recipe that requires 1 lingering potion of any type (Can be lingering water, or if you're rich, an actual potion), 2 gunpowder, magma cream and 3 blaze powder. Crafting grants 1 molotov

Creative: There are 2 ways to obtain a molotov in creative, other than crafting. You can run the command "function wcm:tools/give_molotov" to get 1 molotov. You can also set the scoreboard "wcm_Player.Molotovs" for a player to a value between 1 and 127 to give that player the respective amount of molotovs, for example "scoreboard players set @s wcm_Player.Molotovs 3" to receive 3 molotovs.

Usage of the
The molotov is a lingering potion; it is used just like a normal throwable potion. When the molotov hits a block and breaks, it ignites only the block that it hit. It won't set the entity it hit on fire due to datapack limitations. However, it also creates a random number of flames, which fly in a random direction. Once the flames land on a block, they ignite it. Both the molotov and flames are capable of destroying a lot of easily flammable blocks, such as carpets, grass, flowers, strings and more, so be careful!

Extinguishing: The molotov and its flames can also be extinguished by touching water, making it useless. Due to my incompetence in datapack creation, a bug exists where they may not get extinguished in shallow water.

An extinguished molotov can get reignited by coming in contact with fire or fire-emitting blocks, turning back into the same molotov it was before it got extinguished.

Explosion strength: You are able to change the amount of flames that molotovs emit upon breaking. This is controlled by a scoreboard called "wcm_World.Setting.Molotov.Strength.Cur". There are 6 possible values for the molotov's strength. The default value is 1. This value controls how many flames the molotov creates. A value of 6 will always create the maximum amount, while on lower values the amount can vary. A strength value of 6 is very likely to cause framerate lag, possibly even server lag.

To change the strength, set the score "wcm_World.Setting.Molotov.Strength.Cur" to a number from 1 to 6 for any player. For example: "scoreboard players set PlayerNameHere wcm_World.Setting.Molotov.Strength.Cur 4" for an explosion strength of 4.

Emitted visual particles: Since the flames emit a lot of aesthetic visual particles, they can cause a drop in framerate. To counter this, there is a setting to change the amount of visual particles that are emitted by this datapack. This setting is individual for each player, meaning that your particle settings won't affect what other players see.

To change the emitted particles, use the "trigger" command to trigger the scoreboard objective "wcm_Player.Setting.Particles.Level.Trigger". Valid values for the scoreboard objective are between 1 and 3. A value of 3 will show all particles (Default), a value of 2 will show reduced amount of particles, and a value of 1 will show no particles.

For example: "trigger wcm_Player.Setting.Particles.Level.Trigger set 2" for partial particles.

Removing the datapack
To remove the datapack, make sure to run the command "function wcm:tools/delete_datapack". This will do some cleanup and automatically disable the datapack. Afterwards, you can manually delete the datapack from your world's folder.
CompatibilityMinecraft 1.19

2 Update Logs

Update 1.2.1 : by WOODEN CHEST 06/29/2022 7:14:52 amJun 29th, 2022

Update for some small fixes and additions
  • Fixed an issue where extinguished molotovs would still create fire and flames if they weren't in water anymore
  • Fixed an issue where seagrass and kelp wouldn't extinguish molotovs
  • Added candles to the list of blocks that can ignite an extinguished molotov
  • Improved the datapack's support for updates

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Some Random Kid
05/01/2021 12:15 pm
Level 26 : Expert Blacksmith
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