Minecraft Data Packs / Quality of Life

Lootery - Loot Table Overhaul

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kohara_'s Avatar kohara_
Level 63 : High Grandmaster Dragonborn
Lootery is a datapack which makes various changes to vanilla loot tables in order to either rebalance them, make them more interesting or make them actually worth looting. Or just simply make sense.

Loot table changes


Lootery changes chest loot in different ways for different reasons:
  1. Rebalancing. Buried Treasures, Shipwrecks... The loot was far too great for the point of the game you can find these structures.
  2. Immersion. Extra Obsidian in Ruined Portals to help you rebuild what's broken, Kelp and Seagrass in Ocean Ruins, Torches and food in Villages. Changes like these are made to most chest loot tables in Lootery.
  3. Incentive. Rarer structures now have far greater loot to make up for their scarceness. Uncommon structures like Woodland Mansions, Pillager Outposts and Jungle Temples loot has been massively buffed to promote finding them.
  4. Ease. The primary change in this category is increasing the odds of finding Smithing Templates in chests. For example, Silence Smithing Template now has a 10% chance to generate in chests instead of a measly 1.2%, while Trims found in rarer structures have a 100% chance to be found there.


  • Ghasts drop more Ghast Tears, up to 4 at once, because Ghasts are far too rare to only drop 1.
  • Blazes have a chance to drop additional Blaze Powder or Glowstone Dust.
  • Shulkers may drop both of their Shulker Shells, instead of one of them mysteriously vanishing.
  • Drowneds may drop Prismarine Shards.
  • Husks may drop Sand.
  • Withers drop a lot of extra Coal, Soul Sand and Soul Soil.
  • Piglins may drop Gold Nuggets and Gold Ingots at the same odds as Zombified Piglins.
  • Wandering Traders drop 2 - 6 Emeralds on death.
  • Villagers and Zombie Villagers sometimes drop Sticks, Wheat Seeds or rarely Emeralds on death.


  • Tamed Cats are more likely to bring Phantom Membranes in the morning.
  • Sniffers have a 50% chance to dig up extra seeds.
  • Piglins have slightly expanded selection of items for bartering. (they can now also give Ribs and Netherite Upgrade Smithing Templates) 


Big thanks to my supporters!
CSS_Scripter, TaintendTofu, theammir, DrakenStrike, TheNeonFish, GWDdoS, QuantumEmpress, Kier, Cokenpizza
CompatibilityMinecraft 1.20

1 Update Logs

V2 : by kohara_ 07/06/2023 11:00:19 amJul 6th, 2023

Tweaked Desert Pyramid loot table
    Removed Iron and Emeralds from generation, increased the amount of Gold
    Removed Saddles and every Horse Armor (except for the Gold one)
    Added Paper to the junk table.
    Reduced the amount of rolls for the junk table.
    Removed Strings, Bones and Rotten Flesh from the junk table.
    Dune Armor Trim chance per chest increased (25% - 33%)

Beached Shipwrecks no longer generate Kelp and/or Seagrass in chests, being replaced with Sand

Improved Guardian loot table increased amount of Prismarine Crystals dropped, removed Cod from drops. Now has a 1% chance to drop Tide Smithing Template
    Similair applies to Elder Guardians - Tide Smithing Template drop chance increased (20% - > 33%), increased Prismarine yields and removed Cod from drops.

Nerfed End City loot a tiny bit

Added some failed alchemical stuff to the Igloo chest

Slight tweaks to Pillager Outpost loot table
    Arrows now always generate in the chest
    Up to 2 Crossbows generate per chest
    Decreased the amount of junk and food, increased the amount of Emeralds

Increased the amount of Obsidian which generates in Ruined Portal chest by exactly 1

Slightly changed Monster Box (AKA Dungeon/Monster Spawner) chest loot
    Decreased the max amount of Ores per roll by 1
    Added Spider Eyes to junk pool

Changed Stronghold Loot tables

Tweaked archaelogy loot tables to actually make some sense
    This does not apply to Trail Ruins table

Cave Spiders drop less stuff compared to regular Spiders

Bedrock parity for entity drops
    Entities affected: Panda, Pillager

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06/27/2024 8:56 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
SaltB0mb's Avatar
I tested this datapack pack in 1.21 to see if it still works and it kinda does if you rename the "functions" folder to just "function". One thing i noticed while trying the datapack is that some mobs doesn't drop the new loot or no loot at all such as blazes dropping nothing but xp. cool datapack btw

tldr please update the datapack to 1.21 lol.
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