Minecraft Data Packs / Game Mechanic

Jurassic Volcano -WIP 35% done

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Jexadox's Avatar Jexadox
Level 34 : Artisan Crafter
Work in Progress! NOT fully functional as of yet.
pack may have bugs or features may not function fully. I am looking for people willing to test it out though! If you would like to, download it and use it in the Jurassic Paradise Island Map I made and comment below what you find! Please leave comment with any errors, undesired effects, or things you really liked!

Jurassic Paradise Island:
Imagine finally finding an amazing island to settle your tribe. It is overgrown and wild. It is in your power to tame it! You settle on the outskirts for the time being with your fellow wanderers. One of them warns you that he believes this is indeed a volcano. Do you risk building on this majestic island and risk it exploding? You have no idea how long before it explodes.

This is a functional datapack that is calibrated for the volcano specifically in the map: Jurassic Paradise Island to erupt.

warnings: can be destructive to buildings by explosions and fire.
Will make changes to the terrain of the map.
may kill players near the explosion sites.

Datapack Commands
/trigger volcanohelp
lists all the trigger commands included in this datapack
(be prepared for a wall of chat right now- will fix this last, in case i add more commands/settings)

/trigger volcversion
To display what version of the datapack is installed.

/trigger volcoptions
list all currently set options (for this datapack)

/trigger failsafe
delays eruptions if players might die

/trigger volcreset
deletes saved data from this pack and reloads all datapacks.

/trigger shorttime
shortens the volcanic timetable (full timetable in about 100-200d)
Times not tested to be accurate

/trigger longtime
lengthens the volcanic timetable (full timetable in about 600-1k days)
Times not tested to be accurate

/trigger timereset
resets the volcanic timetable to default (full timetable in about 200-400d)
Times not tested to be accurate

/trigger longvolcano
disable volcano longevity (repeat eruptions forever) default-ON.
not fully implemented

/trigger volcnow
incraments the volcano timetable to immedately trigger the next event

/trigger pause
puts the volcano into dormancy. Essentially pauses the volcano timetable where it was. Can be turned on/off at will. Turning it back off will not immediately activate the volcano unless paused immediately before an explosion.

Event commands:
If failsafe is on, and a player might die, event will not trigger until the next day
make a backup of your map before testing these commands, they cannot be undone.
manually trigger any of these specific events. In order of default timetable:
(triggering will set timetable on that point:)

/trigger event_warn1
/trigger event_smflow
/trigger event_flow1
/trigger event_warn2
/trigger event_flow2
/trigger event_smerupt
/trigger event_erupt1
/trigger event_erupt2
/trigger event_after

Manually set the volcano location:
/trigger posx set *
/trigger posy set *
/trigger posz set *
(recommend testing manually triggering the explosion on a duplicate copy of the map before playing as this can have unpredictable results.) If this datapack is loaded on a map other than Jurassic Island it automatically pauses, allowing you infinate time to update the location and unpause it.

Admin commands: (these commands are not yet implemented)

[] -add/remove players from admin "whitelist". players on whitelist will have full access to commands. players without access cannot view or change volcano settings or timing. Any player online when the datapack is first installed are automaticly added to whitelist, and must be removed if needed. This can be done from a server console or in-game with admin status.

Jurassic Paradise Island Set
Jurassic Paradise Island (map)
The Map does not have any dependency on any mods, and can be played completely in vanilla as is.

a welcome book (datapack)
Jurassic Book

Jurassic Volcano (datapack)
-WIP: animates the volcano, compatible in solo or multiplayer mode-
General Terms of use
Free use for anyone who wishes to play, build, or change this map. Do no upload anywhere without my consent.

Feel free to use in videos or streaming content, including for profit. credit is appreciated but not required.
Support the Author

I am a small time content creator who does this as a complete hobby. I do not expect or ask for donations, but you can support me here:


Go forth minecrafters!
CompatibilityMinecraft 1.18
toMinecraft 1.19

12 Update Logs

beta v0.14 : by Jexadox 02/09/2023 11:51:06 pmFeb 9th, 2023

changed locations and explosion markers. Most changes are minimal and behind the scenes.
changed map verification to function properly as intended. minor bug fixes.

changed "dormant" to "pause" to help with confusion.
added "volcversion" command to display datapack version

known issues:
Volcano explosion is disabled
/trigger volcanohelp prints a wall of text

future progress:
There may be a delay or skip in updates for a time as i work on the actual explosion. I don't want to release a partial explosion. Next update will probably include damage to the map features.

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