Minecraft Data Packs / Simple

Iron Ingot Duplication (And More Duplication Recipes)!

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MC_JediKnight's Avatar MC_JediKnight
Level 49 : Master Architect
Bone meal is used to duplicate some plants and crops, so why not other items, too? Well, now you can combine certain amounts of bone meal in the crafting table with another item to make twice of that item! For example: 2 bone meal+1 iron ingot = 2 iron ingots. 2 iron ingots + 4 bone meal = 4 iron ingots and so on. The current items you can duplicate and their bone meal amounts are:
  • Iron ingot: 2 bone meal
  • Granite: 4 bone meal
  • Diorite: 4 bone meal
  • Andesite: 4 bone meal
  • Grass Block: 1 bone meal
  • Dirt: 1 bone meal
  • Coarse Dirt: 1 bone meal
  • Podzol: 2 bone meal
  • Cobblestone: 8 bone meal (this is so expensive because you could just make a cobblestone generator instead)
  • Oak/spruce/birch/jungle/acacia/dark oak logs: 8 bone meal (also expensive because you can just grow trees)
  • Sand: 2 bone meal
  • Red sand: 3 bone meal
  • Gravel: 2 bone meal
  • Coal ore: 2 bone meal
  • Gold ingot: 3 bone meal
  • Lapis Lazuli ore: 4 bone meal
  • Redstone ore: 4 bone meal
  • Diamond ore: 8 bone blocks (read this carefully!)
  • Emerald ore: 8 bone meal
  • Nether quartz ore: 8 bone meal
  • Cobweb: 4 bone meal
  • End stone: 8 bone meal
  • Glowstone dust: 3 bone meal
  • Gunpowder: 2 bone meal
  • Ice: 6 bone meal
  • Nether bricks (the block): 8 bone meal
  • Netherrack: 8 bone meal
  • Obsidian: 4 bone block (read carefully again)
  • Prismarine Shard: 3 bone meal
  • Pumpkin: 4 bone meal
  • Purpur block: 8 bone meal
  • Shulker shell: 4 bone meal
  • Slime block: 4 bone meal
  • Snowball: 2 bone meal
  • Soul sand: 4 bone meal
  • Sponge: 2 bone meal
  • String: 2 bone meal
  • Terracotta: 4 bone meal
  • TNT: 3 bone meal
  • Torch: 5 bone meal
  • White wool: 3 bone meal
  • Clay block: 3 bone meal
P.S. This pack works best if you have a lot of bone meal.
P.P.S. There are no recipes for any of the items that you can already bone meal in vanilla Minecraft (saplings, crops, etc.)
CreditThis datapack was made with https://crafting.thedestruc7i0n.ca/
CompatibilityMinecraft 1.13
toMinecraft 1.17

2 Update Logs

10/29/2020 Update : by MC_JediKnight 10/29/2020 11:52:46 amOct 29th, 2020

Added duplication recipes for the sponge, clay block, cobweb, end stone, glowstone dust, gunpowder, ice, nether brick (block), netherrack, obsidian, prismarine shard, pumpkin, purpur block, shulker shell, slime block, snowball, soul sand, string, terracotta, TNT, torch, white wool

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11/05/2020 12:54 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Jerkmine's Avatar
it doesnt work for me... :( Maybe Im just stupid.
The Adextons
10/28/2020 5:35 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
The Adextons's Avatar
this seems to op lol
10/29/2020 11:50 am
Level 49 : Master Architect
MC_JediKnight's Avatar
Not unless you have a lot of bone meal; and face it: there are two good ways to get it: a skeleton farm or by mining lots of fossils.
Planet Minecraft


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