Minecraft Data Packs / Other

Instantly travel between villages

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Endernice61's Avatar Endernice61
Level 72 : Legendary Engineer
This datapack allows you to fast travel between villages.

When you get to a village, you will discover it, and a notification in the top right corner of the screen will appear. This datapack recognizes a village when there is a villager and a bell. You can create your own villages.

Villages are kept track in four different places, one for each dimension and one for a custom dimension. This means that it works in other dimensions unless there are 2 custom dimensions with discovered villages in them in which case you can teleport to a village's location from the wrong dimension (you stay in the wrong dimension as well).

To travel between villages, ring the bell and a traveling trader will spawn. Interact with it and select the desired village. You can name villages by ringing the bell with a renamed nametag in your hand. You can also disable villages by ringing the bell with a lever in hand, this will also remove duplicate villages in case a village was discovered twice.

Traveling traders will disappear after a minute (or instantly if you use them) and throwing the option selector will get rid of it.

This datapack is great for adventurers who want to travel distances that they have already traveled instantly.

By default, discovered villages are individual, meaning that one player cannot discover a village for another player. There are 4 overlays that can make village discovery universal.
Steps to enable the overlay:
Step 1a: Move the contents of the zip into another folder. This allows you to modify the files. This is the new datapack.

Step 1b: Alternate method that keeps the zip as the datapack. The step is found near the bottom.

Step 2: Open pack.mcmeta and scroll down to the bottom.

Step 3: Remove the word "DISABLED" in all caps in all four places. What you have just removed are parts of the name of overlays which do not exist. Now that you have removed those parts, it enables overlays that do exist.

Step 4: Save and close the file.

Step 5a: Copy the folder (the new datapack) into your datapacks folder.

Alternative method:

Step 1b: Open the zip and copy pack.mcmeta and paste it somewhere.

Do steps 2-4

Step 5b: In the zip, delete pack.mcmeta then copy the other pack.mcmeta and paste it into the zip.
CompatibilityMinecraft 1.20

3 Update Logs

Update #3 : by Endernice61 04/30/2024 3:26:39 pmApr 30th

Updated to 1.20.6
Ringing the bell with a lever in hand will disable the village and remove duplicates of it

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Brostick Gamer
05/06/2024 5:42 am
Level 10 : Journeyman Miner
Brostick Gamer's Avatar
i dont know in my case taveller trader dosent spawn anywere
05/06/2024 2:03 pm
Level 72 : Legendary Engineer
Endernice61's Avatar
Do /datapack list and make sure that it is enabled
If it is, I do not know what is going on since it works for me
Brostick Gamer
05/08/2024 4:34 am
Level 10 : Journeyman Miner
Brostick Gamer's Avatar
yeah did this too but its enabled
04/30/2024 11:26 am
Level 1 : New Miner
ThaGamer24788's Avatar
Nice datapack! But how do I delete waypoints?
04/30/2024 3:29 pm
Level 72 : Legendary Engineer
Endernice61's Avatar
I just updated it so you can now use a lever to disable them. It also removes duplicates in case you discovered the same village twice.
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