This Data Pack is an entry in the completed Datapack Jam 10.

Minecraft Data Packs / Challenge

Infection Overwritten

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  • check_circle Structures
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HAK0TA538's Avatar HAK0TA538
Level 45 : Master Guard

🔬 Infection Overwritten

This is my project and contribution for datapack jam 10 and my favorite project that i have made yet! This datapack will transform your world into a zombie apocalypse and force you to wander and find guns and items in structures.

The game comes with a built in guide in the form of advancements but it is still recommended to read this page for helpful information

this datapack is also highly customizable! With a working config containing many customization options along with presets


  • Play with keep inventory on or if not, play with a datapack such as Keep Some Inventory Since you will be very familiar with death when your experience is over

  • Play with friends! This game is meant to be multiplayer and although playable in single player, it is a lot more fun to rough through the zombie apocalyse with friends. There are also special config options for multiplayer such as difficulty scaling and friendly fire

  • DO NOT PUT THIS INTO YOUR SURVIVAL WORLD, when i say "Overwrite" im not kidding, this replaces vanilla gameplay

  • This datapack is HARD. I recommend playing on easy mode for your first playthrough

How to Play

When you first load into your world, you will notice you have obtained a tactical knife and the "Light in the dark" advancement,

All players that load into the world will be given a 1 minute grace period!

This can be customized in config located below:

While you have your grace period, you must run around and find structures! These can range from simple campsites to abandoned army bases to military supply crates. These will hold useful items you will use during your journey

While you explore you will also find strange green goop.

Do not step in this! It can get you infected. You will not know when you are infected so you must regularly check with an infection scanner found in structures. If you are infected, use an antidote to cure yourself before you turn into a zombie!

Defend secure buildings with guns you will find in these structures and survive the zombie apocalypse for as long as possible.

Customize your experience to something new, fresh, and even more difficult using config presets and config options that can be changed to fit your needs, Fight against your friends for survival! Or play Co - op and rough the apocalypse together!

Fight against hordes of smart zombies. And send your survived time into my discord server or PMC. I love to hear yor feedback and see how good you do!



Command: function overwrite:config/presets/(preset)


Baby - Makes everything way too easy

Easy - Recommended for beginners

Hard - Damn hard, you wont be able to do anything

Impossible - If you survive 100 days of this i will... Give you a virtual high five

Normal - The Default, pretty hard

NoZombies - Removes Zombie Spawning, in case you just want to gunfight with your friends.



/function overwrite:config/settings/(setting)/(value)

AnimalReplacement - Replaces most vanilla mobs with zombies

CustomZombieSpawning - Makes zombies spawn around players whos grace period ended

Difficulty Cap - Caps how many players in the server can spawn zombies at one time

Difficulty Scaling - Makes it so that the more players in the server the more zombies spawn

FriendlyFire - Determines if you can shoot other players with guns

Grace Period - Controls how much time you have before zombies will spawn around you

Vaccination - Determines if players are allowed to use vaccines

ZombieSpawnChance - Determines the percentage chance that a zombie will spawn around a player with an expired grace period every second.

Time Counter - Tells you how long you have survived for if true

Dread Sounds - Controls Custom Ambient Noises

function overwrite:config/reset - Resets everything back to default

function overwrite:config/explain - Explains all settings to you

General Info

Every zombie that spawns into the world will now be given a random set of tags and buffs! Meaning some zombies will be able to break blocks, spread infection quicker. Build up to you, etc.

This project is to be updated after the jam is finished. So i plan on adding many new features, like making the game a lot more replay-able and all that jazz. Thanks for playing my datapack!


Modeling and Programming - HAK0TA538 Backpack Texture and Beta Testing - Pixlent Other Testers - Techno, Chiknnugget

Online Tools:

MCStacker, Gamergeeks Generators,
CreditModeling and Programming - HAK0TA538, Backpack Texture and Beta Testing - Pixlent, Other Testers - Techno, Chiknnugget
CompatibilityMinecraft 1.20

4 Update Logs

Update #4 : by HAK0TA538 08/19/2023 1:35:48 pmAug 19th, 2023

Made Swimming Zombies better
Disabled zombies dropping rotten flesh

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• 06/25/2024 10:41 am
• Level 1 : New Miner
User5213559G's Avatar
how to turn off infection from zombies?
• 05/05/2024 2:34 am
He/Him • Level 48 : Master Sus uwu
ICanGamez's Avatar
I love the apocalyptical stuff on planet mc, this is just lovely!
• 08/21/2023 3:30 pm
• Level 1 : New Miner
User3756204G's Avatar
Mam taki problem że u mnie wszystko to wędki
• 08/19/2023 10:04 pm
He/Him • Level 61 : High Grandmaster Senpai Peacock
YokaiS's Avatar
it gave me a great first impression and i'm excited to see more of what will come to this datapack!

i eventually had to tone it down to easy preset cause i was being overwhelmed, but it didnt seem to help much; i couldn't find a single minute without a zombie barging into the structures and within a bit it'd be filled with zombies and i'd be dead.. i eventually came across that deepslate brick/ iron barred structure and felt rlly hopeful that i finally found a safe place until i hit the trap lmao. could I perhaps suggest structures that are more zombie-proof, or can last a little longer?

i think the loot tables could use some more work; I played for ~2 hours and only managed to come across one firearm, an M9, and found no crowbars

that being said, it gave a cool vibe with all the custom assets and sounds, and i think it was pretty creative, so overall great for a 1-week datapack!
• 08/26/2023 9:59 pm
• Level 45 : Master Guard
HAK0TA538's Avatar
I made the zombie spawn chance lower on easy and remastered the loot tables, If you do end up playing again please tell me if anything else is to improve!
• 08/27/2023 2:54 am
He/Him • Level 61 : High Grandmaster Senpai Peacock
YokaiS's Avatar
awesome! something i forgot to mention was that i liked that you made it so that zombies can't break iron bars. perhaps u could add more blocks to that list? maybe u would be able to make a base out of deepslate or some other block that's not too difficult or too easy to get
• 08/27/2023 12:19 pm
• Level 45 : Master Guard
HAK0TA538's Avatar
Maybe, ill see.
• 08/19/2023 10:49 pm
• Level 45 : Master Guard
HAK0TA538's Avatar
Thanks! I can test out easy difficulty again. Im pretty sure zombie spawn chance is set to like 5% and grace period is about 3-5 minutes. But i will test.

I think you might have gotten unlucky with the loot tables since in 2 hours of playing me and my friends tended to have atleast 3 guns and two or more crowbars, but i will still take a look for you. Thanks for the feedback!
• 08/18/2023 4:39 pm
• Level 1 : New Miner
JBoy888's Avatar
I love it! My only advice is to make some zombies able to swim better. It's really easy to survive out in the ocean
• 08/19/2023 12:09 am
• Level 45 : Master Guard
HAK0TA538's Avatar
I made the jumper zombies jump more often in water to imitate swimming if you want to you can redownload to get that
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