This Data Pack is an entry in the completed Datapack Jam 10.

Minecraft Data Packs / Other

Infected Allies (Datapack Jam 10 Entry)

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Flyrr's Avatar Flyrr
Level 50 : Grandmaster Wizard
It was also made for Datapack Jam 10 so i only had 7 days which could result in some bugs occuring and me not updating this in the future that frequently

Have you ever wanted to be the person that saves the world from a deadly disease that would've otherwise killed everyone?
Well, now you can!

This datapack was created for Datapack Jam 10 in just 7 days and brings a deadly virus straight into your minecraft world.
If you don't want to be spoiled what expects you, just leave this page and join the game :D
However, if you want to know what exactly will happen once you install this pack, either because you are curious or need the information to better judge for the jam, just click the spoiler below :D

The spoiler in question :eyes:
Small Disclaimers that wouldn't exist if i would've had more than 7 days :P:
- Please don't try to teleport while being infected
- Ignore the horrible thumbnail, Silabear forced me to use that title generator i had no idea how to use :sob:

For Judges:
You can use "/function infected_allies:_commands/summon/infected_pig" to summon an infected pig, i would not recommend using the other commands as they might result in unwanted side effects if not used carefully :P

The Idea

A deadly disease is going around your minecraft world striving to eventually kill every entity there is, you can only stop it by making peace with one of the viruses themselves!

How to find infected entities
Every mob (execpt some, like for example Iron Golems and Skeletons which can't logically be infected :P) has a chance to spawn as an infected entity. You can identify an entity as infected by the virus floating right next to it!

Infected Allies (Datapack Jam 10 Entry) Minecraft Data Pack

Infected entities will also sneeze from time to time spreading the disease to even more entities. They also ocassionally take damage. Killing an infected entity will cause the virus floating next to them to explode infecting all entities nearby.

Getting Infected
Of course not only entities can be infected, players can too!
You can get infected yourself by either being sneezed at by another entity or getting caught in the explosion of the virus of a dying entity.
This will cause you to get weaker and also recieve additional temporary debuffs from time to time. You can also pet the virus by clicking on it if you feel like doing that (remembering this MIGHT be helpful for one of the virus tasks, if you end up getting that one).

Making peace with a virus
Like I already mentioned, you need to first get the trust of a virus to start curing other entities.
But how do I do this, you may ask.
Well from time to time the virus you infected yourself with will give you tasks you need to solve within a certain amount of time. Those will display on your actionbar. (Not all of the task name are really obivous, click the spoiler for a list on what you need to do for which task, so click the spoiler for a full list!

List of all virus tasks

Tier 1:

Take me to a bath - enter a block of water
Spread it - infect at least one other entity
I need a hug :3 - pet the virus 3 times

Tier 2:

Make it warmer - light a fire (you need to do this yourself)
I need it hot - enter a block of lava
Infect the children (previous known as "Electross reference" - infect at least one baby mob

Tier 3:

Spread me moreee - Infect at least 5 other entities

Faling at tasks will of course also punish you :P

After completing 3 of the randomly assigned tasks the Virus will be tamed, making the following things happen:
- All debuffs will be cleared from you
- You will never sneeze again (unless you die lol)
- Instead of getting negative effects, you get positive ones
- Instantly get regeneration for some time (this happens after each consecutive task, getting stronger the further you progress)
- You will no longer be damaged
- You can now interact with the virus using a slimeball to do new stuff :D

Slimeball fun (and curing entities)

Once you tamed a virus - and therefore cured yourself you can interact with it using a slimeball!
Shift+ Rightclick using a slimeball: Cause the virus to stay in one place and no longer follow you.
Rightclick using a slimeball: This allows you to cure other entities (except for players :P). After clicking the virus with a slimeball click wherever you want it to go (within a ~75 blocks radius). Once it arrives there it will cure all entities (except players) withing five blocks and then return to you!

Need a minecraft server?
Click the below image and use my promo code "Flynecraft" to get 25% off of minecraft servers hosted by Bisect Hosting!
Infected Allies (Datapack Jam 10 Entry) Minecraft Data Pack
CreditVicBlue for the base of the virus texture (
CompatibilityMinecraft 1.20

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