Minecraft Data Packs / Mob

Illusioner Awakener

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SAMEER_99's Avatar SAMEER_99
Level 52 : Grandmaster Programmer


Illusioner is a raider mob which exists in minecraft game files but never actually spawns in minecraft. This datapack aims to add illusioner mob back to minecraft with some interesting features. It supports minecraft versions from 1.16.2 to 1.21.

In addition, this datapack also adds 1 to 2 arrows to Pillager's Death loot. This feature can be disabled too (see Admin Commands).


Illusioner mob has a small chance to spawn in minecraft wherever pillager spawns, like, for example, outposts. During raids, Illusioner has higher chance to spawn.

Illusioner has some extra features:
  • Bow Enchantments:
    • Power I (30% chance)
    • Power II (20% chance)
    • Punch I (20% chance)
    • Infinity (5% chance)
  • A 10% chance to spawn as Patrol Leader.
  • A 5% chance to spawn riding a ravager (only in raids).
  • Illusioner(Rider) cannot turn invisible and, hence cannot create clones. This feature was added exclusively for making the raids, less complicated and less harder than it was supposed to be.
  • Death Loot Table:
    • 1 or 2 Arrows
    • 1 Potion of Invisibility (no looting enchantment) (only for non-rider)

Admin Commands:

  • /function summon:illusionerSummons Illusioner.
  • /function summon:illusioner/riderSummons Illusioner Rider.
  • /function give:spawn_egg/illusionerGives Illusioner Spawn Egg.
  • /function toggles:illusioner_awakenerUsing this, you can toggle datapack specific features. They are:
    • Illusioner's Blindness : When Enabled, Illusioners will blind the player in Hard difficulty.
    • Illusioner Clone Removal when neutral : When Enabled, Illusioners will delete their clones when they are not attacking any entity.
    • Modify Pillager's Death Loot : When Enabled, Pillagers will drop 1 or 2 arrows upon death.
    • Illusioner's Speed : Toggles Illusioner's movement speed.
  • /function uninstall:illusioner_awakenerUninstalls Illusioner Awakener Datapack removing all features.

My Socials:

  1. PlanetMinecraft Page
  2. Modrinth Page
  3. Discord Server
  4. Paypal Account


Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

Conditions that apply:
  1. You must give appropriate credit to the creator if you publicly showcase this work.
  2. You may not use this work for commercial/business purposes. (this does not include having the datapack installed in your server)
  3. You may modify this work, but may not distribute the modified work.


Open your .minecraft directory. Put the datapack into the saves/world_name/datapacks directory.
CompatibilityMinecraft 1.16
toMinecraft 1.21

4 Update Logs

Update #1.6 : by SAMEER_99 07/06/2024 2:37:10 pmJul 6th

- Now compatible with 1.20.5, 1.20.6, and 1.21.
- Illusioner's raid spawn is now independent of pillagers or ravagers. It is now 100% non-deducable. (Non-raid spawn is still dependent).
- Per each wave of illager raid, maximum illusioners' spawn limit is set to 3. (max 3 will spawn)
- Per each wave of illager raid, maximum illusioner riders' spawn limit is set to 1. (max 1 will spawn)

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King Allay
02/22/2024 3:49 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
King Allay's Avatar
Wouldn't it be better if Illusioners had better loot like Totem of Undying? It's true that in this case you have to remove them from Pillager's patrols, but it's worth it... I also have one more suggestion: Illusioners should also spawn in Woodland Mansion. (anything strange in this comment is the fault of Google Translate)
02/23/2024 8:32 am
Level 52 : Grandmaster Programmer
SAMEER_99's Avatar
The idea you told is kind of complicated, and I have 2 things to say:

1. I am kinda not down with the Totem of Undying one because even tho illusioner is a magician, the totem of undying is supposed to be Evoker's loot drop because it matches evoker jacket border color and its eye color with the totem color.

2. Illusioner is an archer mob. I don't think it should stay in mansion relaxing. It should go to the outpost for camping just like how pillagers do. It even makes sense + pillagers will not feel lonely.

What do you think about both of my opinions? Let me know.
King Allay
03/23/2024 8:43 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
King Allay's Avatar
OK, your point makes sense
02/23/2024 8:33 am
Level 52 : Grandmaster Programmer
SAMEER_99's Avatar
I know that the current state of illusioner awakener datapack is kinda not worth it, I will work on that.

Edit: I have added Invisibility potion to illusioner's death loot.
King Allay
03/23/2024 8:45 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
King Allay's Avatar
In my opinion, make more than one potion drop after every Illusioner kill, Illusioners are really annoying creatures and they must have good loot, Also, they only have a 5% chance to spawn, so they are not very OP
03/23/2024 3:41 pm
Level 52 : Grandmaster Programmer
SAMEER_99's Avatar
Actually 5% applies for every pillager that spawns. Since pillagers are super common in raids, you have got a higher chance to see illusioners in the raids. You can even see illusioners in the pillager outpost. Also, potion of Invisibility is barely used in Minecraft by the players, so, I don't think it will matter that much.

I think, a better idea would be to leave it like that. I hope you will agree with me.
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