Minecraft Data Packs / Game Mechanic

Entity Constructions

  • check_circle Functions
  • check_circle Predicates
  • check_circle Recipes
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lim_minecraft's Avatar lim_minecraft
Level 12 : Journeyman Crafter
The datapack is currently under development and testing.
The above datapack is for version 1.19 only.

Download all versions here --> Entity Constructions
(as well as see the full description and high quality images)

You can also switch to the Russian version

The Entity Construction datapack adds the ability to construct buildings that are entities using special summoning eggs. Buildings can be located both under the hip and above the maximum height of the world. They can also be conveniently teleported.

Each block of this building consists of a falling block (visual part) and a shulker (prevents the player from passing through the block). Shulkers can be visible if the falling block does not completely hide them. Both the shulkers and the full blocks can be conveniently removed with the help of special tools.

The resourcepack only facilitates the creation of entity-buildings and does not affect the final result.

Items and crafts
Name tag

Just rename the name tag using the anvil on block transformator. Next, you need to throw out the block with this tag. She will turn it into the corresponding summoning egg. If the block has several states, then you will get all possible ones. All blocks are implemented, even the barrier! (well, almost, more details below)

Blocks need to be thrown out one at a time.

Block remover

Hover the cursor consisting of fire particles on the desired block. These particles must be inside the selected block. Next, click on the right mouse button to delete this block. Removes both the shulker and the falling block. Craft is formless.Use nether star and blaze rod.

Shulker remover

Hover the cursor consisting of composter particles on the desired block. These particles must be inside the selected block. Next, click on the right mouse button to remove the shulker.
[_H_]     View in pictures HERE
N - nether star, H - shulker shell, S - stick

Area remover

Click on the right mouse button to remove all falling blocks and shulkers within a radius of 15 blocks.

N - nether star, B - blaze rod

Summon platform

Throw this snowball. When it falls (not necessarily on the floor), it will spawn a convenient platform made of smooth stone to create a building. Craft is formless. Use snowball and nether star.

Teleporting paper

Change the name of this piece of paper in the anvil, using a special format, and click on the right mouse button to teleport all falling blocks and shulkers in a given radius (Radius). This item is not spent in the creative.
[PEP] --> 8 teleporting paper
P - paper, E - ender pearl


Name format: "AxisDelta Radius", where Axis is the axis along which the blocks will be teleported (x, y, z). Delta - sets how much the blocks will be teleported (from -100 to +100, with a sign). Radius - (5, 10, 50, 100), leave it empty to teleport all blocks in the current dimension.

To open the menu, click on the chat message about activating the datapack or enter the command /function enco:menu

To give yourself special items, we recommend clicking on the label "Give items", you can also give yourself crafting ingredients to create the necessary items yourself.

All three settings are active by default. They can be disabled individually to improve performance.

This datapack can be used in survival. You can also add it to your server.

Some we failed to implement (for example, what is in the screenshot). There are also blocks, most of the variations of which are also not implemented (for example, glass panels, fences, walls, vines, candles).
This is due to the limited settings of the falling blocks themselves.

Some blocks emit particles.

In crafting, you can use a chest or fire powder. In the first case, you will receive a minecart with a chest, which will also be teleported using special paper. Using fire powder, you can craft fire. It also emits particles.

If you click on a workbench, anvil, chest, etc., holding a special object in your hands (for example, teleporting paper or block remover), then it is a special object that will be used. Don't accidentally lose the teleporting paper!

If the special item does not work when you right-click, then stop and repeat the action. Often this can be on the server, in a single world it should work well. Also, an armor rack may appear on the server for a moment (this is a visual bug, depends on the server itself and its core, the armor stand is initially called invisible).
CompatibilityMinecraft 1.17
toMinecraft 1.19

2 Update Logs

v0.6 : by lim_minecraft 07/30/2022 5:19:51 pmJul 30th, 2022

  • Added a resource pack that replaces the textures of all summoning egg.
  • Changed the principle of right-click recognition for some items for optimization.
  • Exactly all possible block states have already been added.

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07/12/2022 3:43 pm
Level 12 : Journeyman Crafter
lim_minecraft's Avatar
How do you like the datapack? Feel free to comment! If you find a bug or a spelling mistake, then tell me.
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